Wednesday, January 23 –


Cut thru the pap and cliches, and down where the gritty is truly nitty lies the essence of Obama's inaugural address: In his own words, “Fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges, that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.”
    Say what?! Clearly, his real message was, “I am a Marxist at heart and class warfare is my goal.”
    Any other interpretation is delusional nonsense.

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Totally appropriate to the occasion. Beyonce faking (i.e., lip-syncing) the National Anthem at Obama's fake inauguration Monday (the real thing took place Sunday).

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The craziness just grows and grows …
    Obama's choice to be director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and FIREARMS -- the ATF -- is former Minnesota U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones. Mr. Jones was one of the planners of the insane "Fast and Furious" gun-smuggling operation that delivered weapons the Mexican drug cartels.

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In the event ill fortune should befall me before the completion of Obama's second term, file away this piece of ancient wisdom:         “Go to bed with snakes and eventually you will get bitten.”

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From the e-mail …
    “Your constant attacks on the President make clear your contempt for millions of American voters.”

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Wondering out loud …
    How long before Obama makes May Day an official U.S. holiday?

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Who teaches the teachers who "teach" your children? Take note of this ...
    The Association of Teacher Educators, associated with the teachers' union and involved in the accreditation of teachers and schools, has a membership that includes representing 650 colleges and universities, upward of 500 major school districts and most state departments of education.
    Next month they are holding their annual convention.
    The keynote speaker will be Bill Ayers, friend of Obama, a terrorist who hid out after his involvement in the bombing of the New York police department, the U.S. capitol building and the Pentagon.
    Naturally, when he came out of hiding, he was warmly embraced by the academic community.

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The erudite Victor Davis Hanson looks to root causes of the great plague of today's world ...
    "Why exactly does radical Islam hate us? Mostly because of the age-old wages of insecurity, envy, and a sense of inferiority.
    "In a globalized world, Muslims see daily that everyone from South Koreans to North Americans are better off. Why? In their view, not because of market economies, meritocracies, gender equality, religious pluralism, consensual government, and the Western menu of personal freedom. To draw that conclusion would mean to reject tribalism, gender apartheid, religious intolerance, anti-Semitism, statism, authoritarianism, and conspiracy theory — and to admit indigenous rather than foreign causation.
    "Instead, it is far easier to blame “them” for turning the majestic Islamic empire of old into the chaos of modern Islam — as well as to fault Arab secularists whose lack of religious zealotry allowed the West to move ahead." -- (PJ Media)

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Also in education news ...
    Gabrielle Jackson is thirteen years old. She's a sixth-grader in North St. Louis County, Missouri. She is, let us say, well-developed for her age. She has been teased mercilessly and bullied because of it.
    When her mother complained and asked for aid from the school administrators, they advised -- believe it or not -- that she have breast-reduction surgery. At age thirteen.
    Your "education community" in action.

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Heartbreaking e-mail from reader Mark…
    “Monday morning I went to the supermarket and bought a quart of milk. When I got home I put it in the refrigerator and turned on the radio. The newscaster was talking about Obama's inauguration.
    “I'm sure it was coincidence, but when I put the milk on my cereal, it had already soured.”

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Jim Eason points out a little oddity Obama hopes you don't notice …
    “Obama wants states to share info on guns with Feds... But forbids sharing of illegal alien info between any agencies.”

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Nicolas Sarkozy was president of France. He was replaced last year by the socialist Francois Hollande, who immediately pushed thru a tax increase with a top rate of 75%.
Now Sarkozy is emulating several other prominent upper-income French. He is preparing to move to England.


The sports page ...
    Now that great Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis is going to have the opportunity to end his football career in a blaze of glory, the question is being asked, "Now that he's making a public display of his religion, why is he not being hassled about it by the same sports reporters -- and others -- who ridiculed Tim Tebow?"
    Perhaps it's for the same reason that black churches and ministers are given no grief when they illegally use churches for political purposes. Condescending reverse-racism.
    Another hidden factor that may be involved in sports media people's reluctance to annoy Ray Lewis may be a trace of fear, doubtless unjustified, that a large, violent man who's been a colossus in a violent sport just might beat hell out of them. Which nobody would ever expect from Tim Tebow.

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Pro basketball fans: Now that the Sacramento Kings are moving to Seattle, we learn that they're changing the name back to the one used by the former NBA Seattle franchise, the Sonics (short for the full name "Supersonics," chosen because the area is home to Boeing.
    Of course, the new owners could have kept the "Kings" name, especially since Seattle is in King County, Washington, and the King name is worked into many institutions. For example, KING Radio and KING-TV.
    The former Sonics are now the Oklahoma City Thunder.
    Of course, some pro sports franchises have retained the same name after moving to another city. Like the Oakland-Los Angeles-Oakland Raiders. And the Chicago-St. Louis-Arizona Cardinals.
    And I'm getting a headache ...

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Argus Hamilton --
    "Notre Dame stood by Manti Te'o after his dead girlfriend turned out to be imaginary. He's a legend now. Last night in the locker room Notre Dame's basketball coach told the team to go out there and win one for the girl whose picture came with their wallet.
    "Lindsay Lohan was arraigned in Beverly Hills court for the twentieth time over her car wreck on Pacific Coast Highway last fall. It's for running over and killing Manti's imaginary girlfriend."

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Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lacy live in California.
They have adopted seven children. Admirable.
Or so it seemed until they were arrested.
For running an illegal bar featuring strippers in their basement.

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Mad Mike, in the blatantly sexist tradition of Henny Youngman, presents these gems from the “Take my wife, please” file …
    “I installed strobe lights in the bedroom. It makes my wife look like she's moving during sex.”
    I woke up this morning at 8, and could smell something was wrong. I got downstairs and found the wife face down on the kitchen floor, not breathing! I panicked. I didn’t know what to do. Then I remembered: McDonald’s serves breakfast until 11:30.”
    “My wife packed my bags, and as I walked out the front door, she screamed, "I wish you a slow and painful death, you bastard!"
    "Oh," I replied, "so now you want me to stay?!”

Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."