December 18 –


As expected, the review board's report to Congress on the Benghazi murders states that while security measures there were “grossly inadequate,” it was nobody's fault. Such bureaucratic BS should lead to liars going to prison. Won't happen, of course. Government hacks always find a way to cover each other.

    Hillary, who's been using every evasive maneuver imaginable to dodge any questions about what is, after all, her ultimate responsibility as head of the department, continues to do so. However, cynics suggest her primary motivation for the reported "concussion" is to get workers' compensation.
In her campaign for the 2008 Democratic nomination, Hillary warned us about response to that “3AM phone call.” Now we know how she'd respond: Fake a fall and concussion (without going to a hospital!) and refuse to answer it.

    And Democrats want this lying phony to run for president! It's a habit they can't break: falling in love with self-glorifying demagogues who are all “show” and no substance.

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“The IMF calculates that to maintain present spending trend the United States will have to nearly double (88 percent increase) all federal taxes to maintain theoretical solvency.” – John Hawkins, Townhall.com

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Jimmy Fallon --
     "It's rumored that John Boehner and President Obama are considering a partial deal to avoid the fiscal cliff at the end of the year.  Yeah, it's RUMORED that a PARTIAL deal is being CONSIDERED -- or to put that in layman's terms:  We're going off this cliff."

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“When in danger, when in doubt … run in circles, scream and shout!” That seems to be the operative philosophy of posturing politicians and media cretins in response to the Connecticut school shooting. Thus the rush to pass more “gun control” legislation, despite the fact that Connecticut already has stringent laws that obviously failed to deter a crazed murderer. And, as usual, overlooking the fact that criminals and homicidal maniacs will always get guns (or knives or axes or poison or …) while such laws, carried to the extreme, leave the law-abiding citizen defenseless.
    It's all so predictable: Fools wringing their hands and blaming the weapon instead of the crazy SOB who pulled the trigger.

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Again: There were NO legally-defined “assault” weapons used in the Connecticut massacres. Politicians and the hysterical media mental defectives are simply lying. And that state already has very restrictive firearm laws. So what would a renewed ban on “assault weapons” really accomplish? It's all bull-bleep.

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Those who encourage anti-gun action by presidential “executive order” had better be careful what they wish for. That way lies dictatorship.

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Just wondering …
    Are those foolish enough to encourage “gun-free” zones – schools, shopping malls, etc. – also dumb enough to place a sign at their own places of residence announcing to any passing criminal that “This is a a gun-free zone,” or do they even realize such silliness announces, “I am ready to be your victim?”

    My own sign would say, “I have a weapon, loaded, handy and prepared to make large holes in you.”

    I remember helpful (but doubtless illegal) advice given me by a police officer in Coral Gables, Florida. A burglar had attempted entry thru a bedroom window, realized the place was inhabited and hastily departed. I called the police. The officer told me, as expected, they had little success in catching burglars.

    He also said, “He probably won't come back. If he does, try to wait until he's inside before you shoot him. If that seems risky, shoot him as soon as he sticks his head inside … call me … and I'll help you drag the body inside so there'll be no legal problems for you.”

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“Criminals obey gun laws in the same manner politicians follow their oaths of office.” – The Patriot Post

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Thomas Sowell has a reality-check for the anti-gun mob …
    “Must every tragic mass shooting bring out the shrill ignorance of "gun control" advocates?
    “The key fallacy of so-called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available.
    “If gun control zealots had any respect for facts, they would have discovered this long ago, because there have been too many factual studies over the years to leave any serious doubt about gun control laws being not merely futile but counterproductive.
    “Places and times with the strongest gun control laws have often been places and times with high murder rates. Washington, D.C., is a classic example, but just one among many.”
… and there's the cultural factor …
    “In the middle of the 20th century, you could buy a shotgun in London with no questions asked. New York, which at that time had had the stringent Sullivan Law restricting gun ownership since 1911, still had several times the gun murder rate of London, as well as several times the London murder rate with other weapons.
    “Neither guns nor gun control was not the reason for the difference in murder rates. People were the difference.
    “Yet many of the most zealous advocates of gun control laws, on both sides of the Atlantic, have also been advocates of leniency toward criminals.'

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Useful reminder in times of panicky grasping for answers ...
“For every problem there is a solution which is simple, clean – and wrong.” – H. L. Mencken

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Economics Professor Walter Williams, who is black, faces some unpleasant realities ...
     "JoAnn Watson, Detroit city council member, said, "Our people in an overwhelming way supported the re-election of this president, and there ought to be a quid pro quo." In other words, President Obama should send the nearly bankrupted city of Detroit millions in taxpayer bailout money. But there's a painful lesson to be learned from decades of political hustling and counsel by intellectuals and urban experts.
     "In 1960, Detroit's population was 1.6 million. Blacks were 29 percent, and whites were 70 percent. Today, Detroit's population has fallen precipitously to 707,000, of which blacks are 84 percent and whites 8 percent. Much of the city's decline began with the election of Coleman Young, Detroit's first black mayor and mayor for five terms, who engaged in political favoritism to blacks and tax policies against higher income mostly white people.
     "Policies that ran whites and other more affluent people out of Detroit might have been Young's and his successors' strategy. After all, why not get rid of people who aren't going to vote for you anyway? The problem is that getting rid of these people left Detroit with a lower tax base, fewer jobs and fewer consumers.
      "Fewer whites might be good for the careers of black politicians, but it's not in the best interests of ordinary blacks.
     "Detroit topped Forbes magazine's 2010 list of America's Most Dangerous Cities. That year there were 345 homicides, but that's going to be topped with this year's 365 homicides so far.
     "Most homicide victims in Detroit and elsewhere are black, and 95 percent of the time their murderers are black. But far more important to black leaders and white liberals than blacks murdering blacks are charges of police misconduct and racial profiling.
Detroit's predominantly black public schools are close to being the worst in the nation, perhaps with the exception of those of Washington, D.C.
     "Detroit's social pathology is seen in other cities with large black populations such as Philadelphia, Newark, Baltimore and Chicago. These are cities where blacks have for years dominated the political machinery in the forms of mayors, police chiefs, superintendents of schools and city councilmen, plus they've been Democrats."
    Ed. note: Perhaps you've seen the internet photos contrasting Detroit with Hiroshima, Japan, the city reduced to ashes by the first atomic bomb used in World War II. I've visited Hiroshima twice in the last dozen years and seen the recovery miracle first-hand. It is a monument to perseverance and intelligent planning. Detroit, on the other hand, is a monument to … what?

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If you can do this, I'm impressed.
    Chen Siyuan of Handan, China, can write with both hands at the same time. In different languages. While she writes in Mandarin Chinese with one hand, she writes in English with the other.

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Insanity is not limited to U.S. courts and judges …
    An Australian woman on a business trip engaged in some extracurricular mattress-bouncing in a motel so enthusiastically that the shaking bed caused an overhanging lamp to fall on her face. She suffered not only a short-circuited orgasm but injuries to her nose and mouth.

    The entire event, she claimed, caused her to suffer from depression and thus unable to continue in her government job.

    The court agreed and has awarded her worker's compensation benefits.

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Argus Hamilton –

    “Egypt banned the playing of love songs on radio and TV this past week. Also banned were jokes about Egypt's president. The White House characterized Egypt's ban on love songs as inartistic and the ban on jokes about the president as something to consider.”

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Craig Ferguson –
    "A list of the world's best cities came out.  The highest-ranking American city is Honolulu at number 28.  They got points taken off for bad public transportation, but apparently it's a great place to get fake birth certificates."
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."