October 3 --


The two most important words that should be in the forefront of Romney's mind in tonight's debate: Mitt ... HITT! Hard!
     Be too gentlemanly, like McCain four years ago, and you will assuredly suffer the same fate. Play the Casper Milquetoast role and you're dead before the second debate even begins.

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Nobody who paid any attention to the reality that Jeremiah Wright, the screaming racist Chicago preacher, was Barack Obama's pastor for twenty years, should be surprised by the videotape revealed by The Daily Caller showing the president echoing the same demagoguery in a 2007 speech. He is what he's always been -- a race-monger who's played the white-guilt game more successfully than any politician in our history while selling hatred of whites to his black audiences.
     Only the willingly foolish fail to recognize that this guy is Louis Farrakhan with a smile.
     The video is available all over the internet. Here's the face Obama doesn't show white America ...

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I live a half-hour from the Arizona-Mexico border, west of where Mexican gangsters crossed the boundary and shot and killed one Border Patrol agent, wounded another. What do people hereabout think Obama and his stupid stooge "Homeland Security" director, Napolitano to do about it? Not a damned thing! At least, nothing of any long-term consequence.
     They are far more concerned with spending more of your tax money on their program persuading the Mexican government to widely publicize the food stamps and other government goodies available to Mexicans who illegally enter the United States.
We truly do live in a land run by lunatics.
     It remains to be determined whether this latest band of border-crossing murderers were armed by Eric Holder's "Fast & Furious" gun-smuggling operation.

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CNS news uncovered this interesting statistic from the U. S. Treasury Department ...
      From fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2011, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government increased spending on foreign aid by 80 percent and, in fiscal 2011, spent 76 percent more on foreign aid than it did securing the  borders of the United States.
     And how surprised are you?

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John Hinderaker of Powerline has a warning that most people are reluctant to even consider ...
     "The U.S. has dabbled in National Socialism before; elements of Roosevelt’s New Deal emulated Mussolini’s policies, and were implemented by men who made no secret of their admiration for Il Duce. But it has been a long time since anyone has seriously tried to turn the United States in a National Socialist direction.
     "Which is what Barack Obama seems to be doing. Consider his 983 executive orders, compared with George W. Bush’s 63. Or his extra-constitutional czars; or his illegal cramdown of bondholders in auto bankruptcies; or the explosion in warrantless wiretaps and the even greater explosion in federal regulations; or his 'green energy' scams to distort the economy and enrich political cronies; or the recent revelation that the Obama family costs U.S. taxpayers something like twenty times what the British Royal Family costs its subjects. Or, more important, consider Obamacare, a classic top-down National Socialist program.
     "And then there is the matter of style. The cult of personality is central to National Socialism, and Obama is part of that tradition to a degree that is, frankly, creepy."

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"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." -- Thomas Sowell

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The ignorant and simple-minded will never question why some -- many, actually -- rich folk support Obama because he promises to raise their taxes.  A thoughtful few may wonder, but not understand. Those who really know understand this: Most of those really rich know very well that loopholes and tax-sheltered investments will still be available to them, especially those wealthy supporters who contribute to Obama's campaign.
     Reduced to essentials, his soak-the-rich pitch is fodder for the gullible dopes.

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Even some media liberals are recognizing that the Benghazi, Libya, attack on our ambassador and consulate was that 3AM phone call Hillary warned about in her campaign for the nomination 4 1/2 years ago.

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I would not presume to give investment advice. I would, however, refer you to the words of longtime CNBC financial reporter Maria Bartiromo ...
     "For the last three months, investors have been ignoring the weak economic backdrop and plowing money into stocks because of the cheap money swirling from central banks around the world. Investors are searching for yield in an environment of rock bottom rates.
     "But judgment day is coming."

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Thinking people will think about these words from Andrew McCarthy (National Review Online); Obama voters won't even understand what they mean ...
     "Put aside ... two fallacies — people cannot always resolve their differences peacefully; when war is necessary, because what it is fought over is worse, diplomacy is not an effective and just substitute. Where all this goes off the rails is in the notion that we live in an 'interdependent world.' We don’t. Americans live in a world where there is interaction of our own choosing. We engage the world as a volitional act, and we should do it in pursuit of our interests.
     "Much political bloviating is so leaden and mind-numbing, we stop thinking critically about it. It starts to sink in and distort our perception of reality. Obama hardly has the market cornered in this regard. It was equally delusional and counterproductive for President Bush to claim, in the second inaugural, that “the survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands.” That’s absurd. We can be free and can flourish even if people were and
are enslaved in those very different cultures. Our liberty does not depend on their changing their ways.
     "If you conclude that your liberty depends on theirs, you are saying maybe we do not really need free speech anymore — after all, we’re dependent on (their) repressive sharia blasphemy standards, we need to compromise for the good of our interdependency."

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"Mr. Obama has run out of ideas. His campaign is so green it runs on recycled promises. Mr. Obama believes all he has to do is keep repeating the same phrases for the next six weeks to win. His media allies will see to that. If Mr. Obama stepped in a puddle, their headlines would read, 'Obama walks on water.'” -- James Robbins, Washington Times

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Jay Leno --
     "According to a photo sent back from the Mars rover, there was once a large stream of flowing water on the surface of Mars, thousands of years ago. But now it's completely dried up. Al Gore blames it on "Martian warming."

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Conan O'Brien
    "Arnold Schwarzenegger was on '60 Minutes' promoting his book.  He said you can't run from your mistakes.  You have to confront them.  Yeah, especially if they look exactly like you and keep calling you 'Dad'."

Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."