August 23--


There is a possibility that a hurricane may dampen proceedings at the upcoming Republican convention in Tampa; maybe even force cancellation.

    Let me submit the iconoclastic view that a cancellation would be something less than a tragedy. Indeed, more like a blessing. Better yet, cancel BOTH conventions forevermore ... or at least until they return to meaningfulness, a quality that disappeared long ago.
     Except for pure political junkies (like me) who has any real reason to watch a bunch of drunks waving signs and wearing goofy hats? All the significant business has already been done before the expense-account squandering begins. The nominees have long since been decided (bring back smoke-filled rooms, which produced better candidates!).
     Does anybody seriously believe that minds are changed by these quadrennial charades?

     Television executives, cynical numbers-crunchers all, have cut their coverage because of shrinking viewership. Why cancel a profitable re-run of "Friends" or "Seinfeld" for this recital of lies and nonsense?
     Better to leave it to PBS and let viewers choose to watch something that might produce a surprise. Like a straight couple showing up on a "reality" show.

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I do not often disagree with Charles Krauthammer, but I believe he may have missed a glaringly obvious point yesterday on Fox News when he assumed that the budget crisis will be (at least temporarily) resolved even if Obama is re-elected.

     His reasoning was that Obama wouldn't want a worse recession in his second term. Those of us who hold the cynical view that Obama wishes to diminish the United States' role in the world don't agree. Since he'd never have to face the voters again, what he's already done in office suggests that such an outcome would not cause him distress.

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A reader asks, "What did Mitt Romney mean, using 'bless his heart' in remarks about Obama?"

     I take it to mean what the expression has always meant in some parts of the country. It's a condescending way of referring to someone who's a bit slow in the mental department. A childlike fool, in other words.

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It is possible to make, on moral grounds, a principled argument against ending even a rape victim's pregnancy.
     As a political position, it's a likely loser -- big-time -- with the possible exception of some isolated areas. It remains to be seen whether the entire state of Missouri shares the view of Congressman Akin that abortion should be forbidden to rape victims.  It seems highly doubtful.
     My expectation is that most voters, considering the prospect of having their own daughter raped by a vicious criminal, would be unwilling to force her to carry a resulting pregnancy to term then give birth.                                
     Then there's Akin's absurd proposition that a woman's body rejects insemination in a "legitimate rape" (where did this fool get THAT term?), proving that he's not only stupid, but ignorant.
     Curious about how this dope got elected to Congress six times, I checked his district. It consists primarily of St. Louis County and an adjacent area to the northwest -- a generally prosperous and presumably educated part of Missouri. St. Louis County, by the way, does not include the city of St. Louis, which constitutes a separate political entity. In fact, the city and county are frequently at odds.

In light of Akin's idiocy, I expect -- and fear -- that nutty Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat, will hold her Senate seat. But a voting public goofy enough to vote for her might even vote for Akin. Whether that would be a net plus for Republicans is also a dubious proposition. Since he clearly hates the party, he just might vote with the Senate Democrats out of sheer spite.

This campaign has spread more manure than Massey-Ferguson (for those acquainted with farm implements).

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Democrats believed -- or pretended to believe -- that Paul Ryan's presence on the Republican ticket would give them a bonanza of votes from older folk because of his plans to reform Medicare. Not working out that way.
     Rasmussen polling finds that by a margin of 47% to 41% seniors are more worried about Obama's socialized medicine than Ryan's proposed reforms.

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Victor Davis Hanson addresses what happens when selfish children are allowed to run the nation ...

     "As gas prices climb back toward $4 a gallon, the Obama administration — facing a tough reelection campaign and rising Middle East tensions — is once again considering tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. For years, administrations have bought and stored oil for emergencies, in fear of a cutoff of imported oil, as happened during the Arab embargo of 1973–74.
     "But since 2009, the U.S. government has declared most federal lands off-limits to new oil and gas exploration — despite vast recent finds of energy and radically new means to tap it. President Obama also canceled the most vital sections of the Keystone pipeline, a proposed conduit from the Canadian oil fields into the heart of the oil-consuming U.S., while preventing production on existing oil and gas reserves in northern Alaska and offshore. In the midst of a crop-killing drought, we are diverting about 40 percent of our shrinking corn crop to produce high-cost ethanol fuels.
     "Apparently, Americans are not willing to produce enough new available oil to meet our always growing gasoline appetites. Yet to keep gas prices manageable in an election year, we will surely tap what our predecessors banked for us." -- National Review Online

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How is that
GM bailout going? Veteran reporter Michael Barone (Washington Times) summarizes results to date ...
     "Obama talks about the auto bailout frequently, since it's one of the few things in his record that gets positive responses in the polls. But he's probably wise to avoid probing questions, since the GM bailout is not at all the success he claims.
     "GM has been selling cars in the U.S. at deep discount and, while it's making money in China -- and is outsourcing operations there and elsewhere -- it's bleeding losses in Europe. It's spending billions to ditch its Opel brand there in favor of Chevrolet, including $559 million to put the Chevy logo on Manchester United soccer team uniforms -- and just fired the marketing exec who cut that deal.
     "The UAW  (United Auto Workers) got its political payoff. And GM, according to Forbes writer Louis Woodhill, is headed to bankruptcy again."

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R. Emmett Tyrrell takes note of Obama's spending habits ...
     "President Barack Obama is spending more money than he is raising. It will get worse. A president who mismanages the federal budget the way Obama does cannot be expected to manage his campaign budget much better.
     Lavish spending, it turns out, is a way of life for the community organizer who became our 44th president. Lavish spending on Campaign 2012 will be looked back on and seen as one of the campaign's greatest weaknesses. He can spend the money, but my guess is he will not be able to raise it.
     "Obama is reaching out to his very own special constituency. It is composed of those who believe that the Republicans would put up as their candidate for the presidency a person who in his business life would engage in fraud, tax evasion, even murder. Obama is casting his net for the moron vote. I do not believe that there are enough morons out there to reelect him." -- Townhall.com

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"It is very rare I come to an event where I’m like the fifth or sixth most interesting person. Usually the folks want to take a picture with me, sit next to me, talk to me. That has not been the case at this event and I completely understand."

     Our ever-modest president, speaking to a gathering of former professional basketball players.

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Don't be surprised if you awaken tomorrow to news of bloodshed in Egypt. The minority Christian population is planning a demonstration against worsening oppression by the new Islamic government, which may respond violently.

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Worth repeating ...

     Senator Patty Murray of the state of Washington is one of the "leaders" of the Democratic Party expressing willingness -- even enthusiasm -- over the prospect of driving the nation "over a cliff" because of inaction by Obama and the Democrat-controlled Senate to resolve the budget crisis.
     I've said it before and I'll repeat it: In many years of interviewing politicians, from presidents to local city officials and candidates, Senator Murray is the dumbest I've ever encountered.

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Ponder this. What do you think he/she/it really means when a politician or newsperson says, "I take responsibility."
     "Responsibility" without consequences becomes one of the most meaningless words in the language.

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Thanks to the several readers who forwarded this description of a new version of "Survivor," the TV show.

     Due to the popularity of the "Survivor" shows, Texas is planning to do one entitled: "Survivor, Texas-Style!"
     The 8 contestants will all start in Dallas , drive to Waco, Austin and San Antonio; then over to Houston and down to Brownsville. They will then proceed up to Del Rio , El Paso , Odessa , Midland , Lubbock and Amarillo . From there they will go on to Abilene and Fort Worth. Finally back to Dallas.
    Each will be driving a pink Toyota Prius with bumper stickers that read:
1- "I'm a Democrat"
2- "Amnesty for Illegals"
3- "I love the Dixie Chicks"
4- "Boycott Beef"
5- "I Voted for Obama"
6- " George Strait Sucks"
7- "Re-elect Obama in 2012"
8- "I'm here to confiscate your guns"
      The first one to make it back to Dallas alive wins.

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Jay Leno --
      "As you may have heard, our parent company has downsized 'The Tonight Show.' I knew something was going on. Friday morning I woke up and there was a peacock head in my bed."
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."