August 10 --


“Today is the three year anniversary of Sonia Sotomayor taking her seat on the Supreme Court. Yesterday was the two-year anniversary of Elena Kagan taking her seat on the Supreme Court. So, let’s be very clear, the next president could tip the balance of the court.” -- Barack Obama, speaking to supporters in Colorado Wednesday.
     He said it to fire-up his fan base. Republicans and independents should hear it as a dire warning.

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Show this to your Democrat friends. From the LIBERAL Washington Post ...
     "President Obama’s staff arranged for him to be personally briefed last summer on a loan program to help clean-energy companies, two months before the program was thrust into headlines by the collapse of its flagship, the solar company Solyndra, records show.
     "About the same time, then-White House Chief of Staff William Daley resolved a dispute among administration officials over another project in the program, clearing the way for a $1.4 billion loan, according to documents and sources familiar with the situation."

Sure ... what the hell, it's only taxpayer money!

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With only 27% of likely voters surveyed (Rasmussen) saying the country is on the right track, how can Obama even be competitive, since he's the engineer directing the train?

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The Washington Times uncovered this example of Obama prostituting American taxpayers ...
     IRS supervisors ignored employees who tried to warn agency higher-ups of fraud in a program designed to collect taxes from immigrants, resulting in the agency paying out potentially bogus refunds, according to an official audit.

Using the IRS as a political weapon ... who would have suspected such a thing?!

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The big refinery explosion in Richmond, California, across the bay from San Francisco, is causing a jump in gasoline prices all up and down the west coast.
     My longtime ABC colleague Jim Eason says the reporting of the explosion comes with a question attached. The time given for the event is about 6PM Monday. But Jim, who lives in the Sierra foothills, says he and many neighbors saw an explosion so large it created a mushroom-shaped cloud in the area where the refinery is located ... at 8AM. Any other readers in -- or within sightline -- see anything that would explain the time discrepancy?
     Was an alarm sounded about that time of the morning?

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The pathological liars who are laughably called "reporters" for The Big Media are doing their best to cover up the disgraceful revelations about the big lies embodied in the anti-Romney "he killed a woman" TV ad. Neither NBC nor CBS saw fit to even mention it on their Wednesday evening newscasts.
     They're obviously hell-bent on pushing the nation into voting for its own destruction by re-electing the Mad Marxist.

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A golden oldie line Romney might try addressing to Obama: "If you'll stop lying about me, I'll stop telling the truth about you."

Actually, telling the truth about Obama and his entire bogus background may be the only way to beat him. If Mitt's too much a gentleman to do it, by November he might find himself seated next to John McCain on the losers' bench.

     So far, Romney's doing the political equivalent of bringing a knife to a gunfight. 

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Bob Tyrrell in The American Spectator joins the fun of pounding the scurrilous Harry Reid ...
     "Now it can be told. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, despite his lofty position in the United States Senate and despite being married to a very nice woman, has been having sex with a cow for at least three months, maybe more. How he met the cow I cannot say, as it would compromise extremely sensitive sources. Where he met her? Again, my lips are sealed. Nonetheless, it is time for Senator Reid to come clean about that cow. The Senate Majority Leaders said recently of Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, that he 'must prove that he has paid his taxes because he hasn't.' Well Mr. Reid must prove he has not had sex with a cow. He must prove that he does not even know the cow."

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Greg Crosby reports (in Jewish World Review) on the kind of "thinking" that has put California in such a deep financial hole ...

    "Back in 2004 gullible voters passed Proposition 63, an additional tax on anyone making more than a million dollars.  Ultimately the state collected $7.4 billion which was to be used specifically for the treatment of mental illness. 
    Where's the money going? 
    "Lunchtime yoga classes for San Francisco city workers. 
    "$1 million in horseback-therapy sessions for Kings County.
    "A 12-week 'mood management' course in Riverside."
Etc., etc.
    The voting majority of California voters are obviously brain-dead, leeches -- or both.  They deserve what they get.  The minority with common sense don't deserve it ... but they get it, anyway.

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More California madness ...
     The rationale for the idiotic not-so-high-speed railroad is based on an economic model that assumes a gasoline price of -- ready? --  $40 per gallon. That's the basis for the assumption that masses of people will choose the train over driving their own cars.

Governor Jerry Brown is, as always ... KUH-RAY-ZEEEEE! Therefore perfect for California.

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Remember the "news" story from a few days ago about the young gay man who said he was beaten up in a Missoula, Montana, bar after he asked if there was a gay bar in town? This supposedly happened while he was making a trip across the country.
     It was a total lie and Joseph Baken, the "victim" admitted it after police found video of him inflicting scratches and bruises upon himself. He later took photos of himself and posted them on Facebook on an anti-homophobia page.

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All anyone really needs to know about Nutty Nancy Pelosi:
She now claims dead people talk to her.

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Argus Hamilton --
    "Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said U.S. food will be poisoned if Mitt Romney is elected and she called the GOP the party of E-coli.  The metaphor marked a shift in party strategy.  Pushing grandmother off the cliff wasn't working anymore so they had to
go with diarrhea."

Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."