August 1 --


Word is out that the Department of Homeland Security is preparing for civil disorder (read: riots) around and after the election.
     Ponder this: If Romney loses, do you think anyone expects his supporters to riot?
     The conclusion is obvious.

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How the Obama administration takes a bad situation and makes it worse ...
     You've doubtless heard that Barry's Klown Kollege has been spending taxpayer money advertising to recruit more freeloaders to take food stamps. Here's how bad it was even before his latest push: As far back as 2010, in Obama's second year as President, the General Accounting Office -- the government's own accountants -- have found that as many as 473,000 households (not individuals) that were getting the freebies were actually not eligible. Call it fraud, theft, burocratic incompetence -- whatever you choose -- but be assured it's now worse and still growingevery day.

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The pretzel-like contortions performed by Obama in his desperation are astounding.  Now, the man who only "evolved" into support of gay marriage a couple of months ago plans to have that support as a centerpiece of his re-election platform.

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Survey says...
     A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows that 45% say the choice between Obama and Romney is one they are excited about. Just as many (46%) say they will simply be voting for the lesser of two evils this November.

Count me in group two, with this caveat: While I'm not enthusiastic about Romney (living by my creed, "Never fall in love with a politician ... they'll break your heart every time") in no way do I think he's evil. In my view Barack Obama IS, in the sense that his goals for this nation will destroy its very foundation. I firmly believe he hates everything America stands for.

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Many politicians develop the habit of communicating with an "insider" vocabulary that is meaningless to most people.
     The outstanding example was Senator Bob Dole, who was so enmeshed in that lingo that ordinary people often had no idea what he was talking about. He'd launch into a discussion of "SB-1407" or some other political label that was understood only by people who worked in or covered politics. A longtime friend of mine was hired to coach him in using the media to communicate his message. The friend, Jack Hilton, said it was the most frustrating experience he'd ever had. Dole would listen, agree ... and go right back to that ridiculous, "Bob Dole thinks SB-2312 and HB-007 will be resolved in conference, etc., etc."
     The public totally tuned him out.
     Yesterday I picked up an alarm from Mitt Romney indicating a similar proclivity when the referred to "the fourth estate."
     No, dammit! A few of us who've been part of it, along with politicians, understand that reference. But if you, the reader, care to try an experiment, do this: ask the next ten people you meet to define the term "fourth estate.". If you get one correct response, I'll be surprised. If you get two, I'll be astonished.
     For the record, historically it's a reference to the press; in modern-day terms, the media.
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The federal district court in Washington, D.C., has affirmed what was already evident: the Justice Department, run by the racist Eric Holder, did wrongly refuse to prosecute the New Black Panther thugs who tried to keep whites from voting in Philadelphia in the 2008 presidential election and did so on political grounds.
     The (in)Justice Department tried to block restitution of fees incurred by Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch won. The Department of Justice was lying.
     And the Justice Department continues to be headed by Obama's thug, Eric Holder.

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Obama & Romney ... Jewish voters & Israel. Wes Pruden's perspective ...
     "Mitt Romney’s dramatic declaration in Jerusalem that preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon is America’s 'highest national security priority' and military force should not be excluded, and that he regards Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel, puts in stark relief the difference between what the two candidates think about America’s only real ally in the Middle East.
     "Mr. Romney is willing, even eager, to give heartfelt, emphatic, unadulterated, full-throated support for the Jewish state in its hour of greatest peril since the founding. Mr. Obama can’t do that because he doesn’t 'feel the love.' He sprang from a culture of radicalism where Israel was regarded as illegitimate, if not evil. He gives the clear impression that he doesn’t like Jews very much." -- (full article in the Washington Times)

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Here's one quantifiable fact about Barack Obama's "Be Kind to Illegal Aliens" policy. It's responsible for many rapes and murders, confirmed as follows:
     Illegals released under Obama administration orders between 2008 and 2011 committed 142 sex crimes, 19 murders and 3 attempted murders. (Source: House Judiciary Committee)

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Janet Napolitano, the dunce in charge of Homeland Security, casually admits that "terrorists cross the border (from Mexico) from time to time."  She couldn't have been more dismissive if she'd added, "BFD."

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The erudite Victor Davis Hanson owns a farm in California's central valley ... and takes a dim view of the state-of-the-state ...
     " The state deficit is at $16 billion. Stockton went bankrupt; Fresno is rumored to be next. Unemployment stays over 10% and in the Central Valley is more like 15%. Seven out of the last eleven new Californians went on Medicaid, which is about broke. A third of the nation’s welfare recipients are in California. In many areas, 40% of Central Valley high school students do not graduate — and do not work, if the latest crisis in finding $10 an hour agricultural workers is any indication. And so on." -- (Full article at PJ Media)

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Media news: CNN ratings down again -- drastically.    
     John Hinderaker at Powerline focuses on the "why" of the fall of CNN ...
     "CNN represents the passive-aggressive Left. MSNBC is unrestrained id, but CNN can never fully surrender to its liberal impulses. It tries to maintain a fig leaf of neutrality. But CNN can’t get through the day without betraying what it really thinks, often in underhanded ways. Thus, when CNN did a story on Chick-fil-A today, what did it focus on? The merits of the controversy? The fact that more than one Democratic government official has threatened to violate the company’s constitutional rights, because its CEO is opposed to gay marriage? No. In a dog whistle to its liberal audience, CNN focused on the fact that Todd and Sarah Palin, along with thousands of other Americans, tweeted photos of themselves eating at Chick-fil-A:
     "CNN introduced its segment with Pink’s “Stupid Girls,' a song which is obviously inappropriate for a cable news bumper, and evidently was intended as a comment on Palin’s support for Chick-fil-A."

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It's attorney/columnist Matt Barber's line...
    "Tick-Off a Liberal:  Take a Boy Scout to Chick-fil-A"

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Writer Gore Vidal has died.
     I once did an hour-long interview with Mr. Vidal.
     The end. (My mother always told me, "If you can't say something nice ...")

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Argus Hamilton --
    "The economy is so bad that the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fired the nannies and memorized the names of their children."    
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."