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August, 2012

August 1 --


Word is out that the Department of Homeland Security is preparing for civil disorder (read: riots) around and after the election.
     Ponder this: If Romney loses, do you think anyone expects his supporters to riot?
     The conclusion is obvious.

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How the Obama administration takes a bad situation and makes it worse ...
     You've doubtless heard that Barry's Klown Kollege has been spending taxpayer money advertising to recruit more freeloaders to take food stamps. Here's how bad it was even before his latest push: As far back as 2010, in Obama's second year as President, the General Accounting Office -- the government's own accountants -- have found that as many as 473,000 households (not individuals) that were getting the freebies were actually not eligible. Call it fraud, theft, burocratic incompetence -- whatever you choose -- but be assured it's now worse and still growingevery day.

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The pretzel-like contortions performed by Obama in his desperation are astounding.  Now, the man who only "evolved" into support of gay marriage a couple of months ago plans to have that support as a centerpiece of his re-election platform.

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Survey says...
     A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters shows that 45% say the choice between Obama and Romney is one they are excited about. Just as many (46%) say they will simply be voting for the lesser of two evils this November.

Count me in group two, with this caveat: While I'm not enthusiastic about Romney (living by my creed, "Never fall in love with a politician ... they'll break your heart every time") in no way do I think he's evil. In my view Barack Obama IS, in the sense that his goals for this nation will destroy its very foundation. I firmly believe he hates everything America stands for.

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Many politicians develop the habit of communicating with an "insider" vocabulary that is meaningless to most people.
     The outstanding example was Senator Bob Dole, who was so enmeshed in that lingo that ordinary people often had no idea what he was talking about. He'd launch into a discussion of "SB-1407" or some other political label that was understood only by people who worked in or covered politics. A longtime friend of mine was hired to coach him in using the media to communicate his message. The friend, Jack Hilton, said it was the most frustrating experience he'd ever had. Dole would listen, agree ... and go right back to that ridiculous, "Bob Dole thinks SB-2312 and HB-007 will be resolved in conference, etc., etc."
     The public totally tuned him out.
     Yesterday I picked up an alarm from Mitt Romney indicating a similar proclivity when the referred to "the fourth estate."
     No, dammit! A few of us who've been part of it, along with politicians, understand that reference. But if you, the reader, care to try an experiment, do this: ask the next ten people you meet to define the term "fourth estate.". If you get one correct response, I'll be surprised. If you get two, I'll be astonished.
     For the record, historically it's a reference to the press; in modern-day terms, the media.
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The federal district court in Washington, D.C., has affirmed what was already evident: the Justice Department, run by the racist Eric Holder, did wrongly refuse to prosecute the New Black Panther thugs who tried to keep whites from voting in Philadelphia in the 2008 presidential election and did so on political grounds.
     The (in)Justice Department tried to block restitution of fees incurred by Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch won. The Department of Justice was lying.
     And the Justice Department continues to be headed by Obama's thug, Eric Holder.

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Obama & Romney ... Jewish voters & Israel. Wes Pruden's perspective ...
     "Mitt Romney’s dramatic declaration in Jerusalem that preventing Iran from building a nuclear weapon is America’s 'highest national security priority' and military force should not be excluded, and that he regards Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel, puts in stark relief the difference between what the two candidates think about America’s only real ally in the Middle East.
     "Mr. Romney is willing, even eager, to give heartfelt, emphatic, unadulterated, full-throated support for the Jewish state in its hour of greatest peril since the founding. Mr. Obama can’t do that because he doesn’t 'feel the love.' He sprang from a culture of radicalism where Israel was regarded as illegitimate, if not evil. He gives the clear impression that he doesn’t like Jews very much." -- (full article in the Washington Times)

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Here's one quantifiable fact about Barack Obama's "Be Kind to Illegal Aliens" policy. It's responsible for many rapes and murders, confirmed as follows:
     Illegals released under Obama administration orders between 2008 and 2011 committed 142 sex crimes, 19 murders and 3 attempted murders. (Source: House Judiciary Committee)

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Janet Napolitano, the dunce in charge of Homeland Security, casually admits that "terrorists cross the border (from Mexico) from time to time."  She couldn't have been more dismissive if she'd added, "BFD."

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The erudite Victor Davis Hanson owns a farm in California's central valley ... and takes a dim view of the state-of-the-state ...
     " The state deficit is at $16 billion. Stockton went bankrupt; Fresno is rumored to be next. Unemployment stays over 10% and in the Central Valley is more like 15%. Seven out of the last eleven new Californians went on Medicaid, which is about broke. A third of the nation’s welfare recipients are in California. In many areas, 40% of Central Valley high school students do not graduate — and do not work, if the latest crisis in finding $10 an hour agricultural workers is any indication. And so on." -- (Full article at PJ Media)

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Media news: CNN ratings down again -- drastically.    
     John Hinderaker at Powerline focuses on the "why" of the fall of CNN ...
     "CNN represents the passive-aggressive Left. MSNBC is unrestrained id, but CNN can never fully surrender to its liberal impulses. It tries to maintain a fig leaf of neutrality. But CNN can’t get through the day without betraying what it really thinks, often in underhanded ways. Thus, when CNN did a story on Chick-fil-A today, what did it focus on? The merits of the controversy? The fact that more than one Democratic government official has threatened to violate the company’s constitutional rights, because its CEO is opposed to gay marriage? No. In a dog whistle to its liberal audience, CNN focused on the fact that Todd and Sarah Palin, along with thousands of other Americans, tweeted photos of themselves eating at Chick-fil-A:
     "CNN introduced its segment with Pink’s “Stupid Girls,' a song which is obviously inappropriate for a cable news bumper, and evidently was intended as a comment on Palin’s support for Chick-fil-A."

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It's attorney/columnist Matt Barber's line...
    "Tick-Off a Liberal:  Take a Boy Scout to Chick-fil-A"

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Writer Gore Vidal has died.
     I once did an hour-long interview with Mr. Vidal.
     The end. (My mother always told me, "If you can't say something nice ...")

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Argus Hamilton --
    "The economy is so bad that the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fired the nannies and memorized the names of their children."    

August 2 --


Idle thought while watching the Olympics ...
     Since they're forever dreaming up contrived new sports to include in the games ("rhythmic gymnastics," "synchronized diving"), why not "gymnastics for people weighing more than 120 kilograms -- 265 pounds?"
     Imagine the visual appeal of the vault ... men on the pommel horse ... women on the balance beam and uneven parallel bars ...
     ... and why not include larger folk in the diving events? Picture the "cannonball" possibilities ...

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More Olympic news ...
     Tunisia's basketball coach slapped one of his players just before they played the U.S. team.
      Has Bobby Knight been conducting coaching clinics in North Africa?

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Win an Olympic medal, pay the IRS. No kidding! The Weekly Standard summarizes the silliness ...
     "Americans who win bronze will pay a $2 tax on the medal itself. But the bronze comes with a modest prize—$10,000 as an honorarium for devoting your entire life to being the third best athlete on the planet in your chosen discipline. And the IRS will take $3,500 of that, thank you very much.
     "There are also prizes that accompany each medal: $25,000 for gold, $15,000 for silver, and $10,000 for bronze. Silver medalists will owe $5,385. You win a gold? Timothy Geithner will be standing there with his hand out for $8,986.
     "So as of this writing, swimmer Missy Franklin—who's a high school student—is already on the hook for almost $14,000. By the time she's done in the pool, her tab could be much higher. (That is, unless she has to decline the prize money to placate the NCAA—the only organization in America whose nuttiness rivals the IRS.)"

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Any liberals indulging in wishful thinking about "the death of the Tea Party" need to take a look at the (inevitable) next U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz. With Tea Party backing, he beat the Lt. Governor in the Republican primary to replace the retiring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Beat him by fourteen points.
     Smart, articulate ... and a threat to the RINOs.

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What our mad media call "gaffes" and murderous Muslims call "racism," Rich Lowry of National Review correctly identifies as plain common sense fact ...
     "In Jerusalem, Romney’s offense was noting at a fundraiser the starkly different economic performances of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Israel has a per capita GDP of $31,000, the West Bank and Gaza just $1,500. 'As I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation,' Romney said, 'I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things.'"

Does culture matter in determining human progress? Of course it does. People obsessed with hatred and a deep longing to return to the tenth century are manifestly ill-equipped for more productive pursuits.
     A clear example was provided when Israel turned over more land to the pseudo-Palestinians; land that had been made productive. For example, greenhouses produced much food. What was the first thing the Palestinians did? Destroy everything that had been handed to them on a silver platter!

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Sodomy, in its various manifestations, is forbidden under Islam. Well, except in certain cases, as a Muslim cleric makes clear ...
"Sodomy is forbidden, and not permitted, but jihad takes priority because it makes Islam dominant. And if the dominance of Islam cannot be achieved except through sodomy, then it is permitted."

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Survey says ...
     Obama's approval rating is below the 50% danger point in 36 states. (Gallup)

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Let us hope it's nothing more than paranoia, but rumors are circulating of dark plots to either cancel the election or improve Obama's chances with a staged -- and dramatic --last-minute pre-election event. And I do mean dramatic.
     I'm a skeptic when it comes to conspiracy theories because they usually involve too many people. As timeless wisdom has it, when more than one person knows something, it's no longer a secret.
     Buuuut ... such things are possible.

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John Sununu nailed it in response to Juan Williams' observation that Romney's had "a bad couple of days on his European trip."
    "Yeah, he had a rough week. Obama gets endorsed by Hugo Chavez and Mitt Romney gets endorsed by Lech Walesa."

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Think maybe Chicago Mayor Rahm "Tiny Dancer" Emanuel ought to be more concerned about his city's horrendous murder rate than Chick-fil-A violating his perception of "Chicago values?"

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Is Shepard Smith of Fox News auditioning for a job at MSNBC?
If not, why the gratuitous shot at the big turnout yesterday by customers supporting Chick-fil-A, referring to it as a "National Day of Intolerance?"
     Wonder if he and Anderson Cooper of CNN have something to tell us.

This genre of reporting appears to be part of an ongoing trend at Fox News. Between O'Reilly's egomaniacal bombast and the growing inane silliness of their morning show (I expect a segment featuring flatulence accompanied by yodeling any day) the channel is increasingly unwatchable.

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Headline from THE SMOKING GUN ...
     "Kansas Couple Arrested For Walmart Sex"

Well, after all, it's a good place to get 30% off (which you can interpret in various ways).

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A loony lefty's view of an Obama defeat ...
     "Karl Rove and the Republicans are looking forward to a breakfast the day after the election. They are going to assemble 17 angry old white men for breakfast, some of them will slobber in their food, some will have scrambled eggs, some will have oatmeal, their teeth are gone. But these 17 angry old white men will say, ‘Hey, we just bought America.'" -- Senator Harry Reid, slimy, ugly old bastard from Nevada (since he's obviously into insults).

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Separation of church and state? Burt Prelutsky's observation ...
     "Mrs. Obama recently used a church pulpit to announce that there’s no better place for Americans to discuss politics and social issues than churches. As I have often observed, the only time that liberals aren’t prattling on about separation of church and state is at election time when black ministers rake in greenbacks renting out their pulpits to be used as props by left-wing politicians…and their wives."

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The Patriot Post offers this reminder from a founder of this nation ...
     "To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson

For the semi-literate products of what passes for the U.S. educational system, it would best be explained to them thusly: "To take the earnings of someone who's worked and give them to a freeloader is wrong."

That, of course, is the core philosophy of the Democratic Party:
"You work, we steal it from you."

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A true news story ... plus today's most esoteric humor ...
     The brassiere is widely believed to have been invented only a hundred or so years ago by a fellow named -- I am not making this up -- Otto Titzling.
     Now, however, four 600-year-old bras have been found in an old castle in Austria.
     (Look out -- here it comes) They are believed to have been worn by ... Sacher tarts.

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Argus Hamilton --
       "The White House expressed concern about the frim economic forecast .  Last night a man jumped the White House fence, but after a brief chase the secret Service was able to talk Barack Obama into coming back and finishing his term."

August 3 --


If you think the airport Gestapo, a/k/a TSA agents, are bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Now the Obama administration has okayed them being unionized, so they'll have union protection -- and higher pay -- for abusing you.

... and absorb this headline -- "TSA Chief says Americans should expect some airport screners to be criminals"

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How Omamunism works ...
     Could it be any clearer? A House investigation found this: reduced to essentials:
     Obama backers collected and gave millions to his 2008 campaign ...
      ... which was then rewarded with far more millions (illegal) guaranteed (taxpayer dollars) loaned to the crooks/idiots (take your choice, one or both) who built a solar-power company called Solyndra. The childish environmentalists' fantasy project.
     As any fool could have predicted, it failed ... went bankrupt ...taxpayers got screwed ... and the crooks who put it together walked away unscathed.

By the way, e-mails from the White House when Rahm Emanuel, now mayor of Chicago, was Obama's Chief of Staff, show that he was deeply involved in this scam.

The Daily Caller reports ...    
     Solyndra’s CEO labeled President Barack Obama’s administration “The Bank of Washington.”    
     Chris Gronet offered the description in an internal email one year before the company collapsed in 2010, costing taxpayers roughly $500 million.
     “The Bank of Washington continues to help us!” he wrote in the October 2009 e-mail, which sketched plans for Solyndra to exploit several additional federal programs and tax-incentives.

Class is now dismissed.

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Reader Greg offers an Obama Scenario:
        Our Olympic Gold Medalists visit White House and Obama tells them, "You didn't win that. It was the person who built the bridges and roads, etc., etc., etc."
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Olympic sports I hate ...
     Begin -- and end -- with those dependent upon subjective judgment and therefore susceptible to bias or outright corruption.
     The worst are diving, boxing and gymnastics in the Summer Games and figure skating in the Winter Games.
     Sports dependent upon time, distance, weight -- measurable results -- are far less likely to be decided by rigged judging and the inevitable (and doubtless true) rumors of vote-trading by the judges from various participating countries.

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As if there were real doubts before, this round of Olympic boxing has confirmed it. The officiating is either incompetent, crooked or both. It should be eliminated from the schedule and some of the "officials" should be criminally charged. Better yet, put them in the ring -- without the protective head-gear -- and beat some sense into them.

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A reminder of your stupid, incompetent government at work ...
     On November 5, 2009, at Ft. Hood, Texas, a murderous, maniacal Muslim named Major Nidal Hasan murdered 13 Americans and wounded 29 others.        
     He has yet to stand trial.

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Breitbart reports it ... and who's surprised: The Washington Post has colluded with the Obama campaign right along. And who would doubt the same is true of other Big Media, including the old alphabet TV networks?

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What happens when voters elect idiots to run their city: case in point, bankrupt Stockton, California. Bloomberg biznews reports ...
     "Stockton, Police Chief Tom Morris was supposed to bring stability to law enforcement when he was appointed to the job four years ago.
     "He lasted eight months and left the now-bankrupt city at age 52 with an annual pension that pays more than $204,000 -- the third of four chiefs who stayed in the position for less than three years and retired with an average of 92 percent of their final salaries."

A story that is growing more and more familiar. Liberal politicians give goodies to government employee unions who repay them with contributions and other support ... and ultimately the taxpayers are stuck with a tab they can't pay.

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Since Obama & Co. are only "asking" well-off folk to "contribute" more in taxes, and many rich limousine liberals support him, let's demand a list of names of such folk who have voluntarily (as implied by Obama) sent more money to the IRS. Hey, ill-disguised socialists, if you're gonna talk the talk, walk the walk! "Contribute!"

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The Facebook foul-up and California ...
     The gigantic debacle that was/is Facebook and the crash of its stock after it went public is killing Gov. Jerry Brown's idea that it was going to bring almost two billion dollars in tax revenue to the state.
     One hopes the only people dumb enough to invest in this scam were the dopes qho actually put their private lives on display on that website-for-morons.

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More on Facebook from Fox ...
     Facebook's share price dipped below $20 on Thursday after reporting slowing growth and an admission of an alarming number of fake accounts. In a quarterly filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the social media company said that as many as 83 million of its accounts are fake. 

If you're involved in Facebook, let me repeat what I've suggested before: GET OUT!

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From Huntsville, Alabama ...    
     Chance Bothe was busy texting while driving. His text message: "I need to quit texting, because I could die in a car accident."
     He didn't die. He survived with a broken neck, fractured skull, crushed face and brain injuries when he drove off a bridge and crashed into a ravine.

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My day. Yesterday.
Dental visit in my little Arizona town.
Two words: "root canal"
Dentist: an experienced graduate of the highly-regarded University of Pacific Dental School in San Francisco.
Total cost, root canal and crown -- $1,417. Total -- not a co-pay.
A woman to whom I am related by marriage had the same procedure done several years ago in San Francisco. Cost more than twice as much.

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Arnold Ahlert's take on the Chick-fil-A situation ...
    "Here's a flash for all those self-professed champions of tolerance who equate support for traditional marriage with homophobic bigotry:  you haven't got a clue regarding what tolerance is all about.
    "Tolerance is about live and let live, not my way or the highway.  My way or the highway is the essence of intolerance.  And when you combine that intolerance with a bunch of jerk-wad politicians looking to score cheap political points by running roughshod over the First Amendment, it morphs into something far more egregious.
    It's called fascism."

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Today's "must" reading: The American Thinker website ... Lloyd Marcus ...My Black Dad and Chick-fil-A

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Various city governments are reporting that so many municipal employees are watching the Olympics on the internet that their computer networks are overloaded to the point that other employees are having difficulty connecting to their favorite porn sites.

August 4 --


The Democrats are trying -- again, just as the Gore bunch tried in 2000 -- to make it more difficult for military personnel to vote.
Let's cut to the chase: We know why. It's simply because, as was the case with Gore, they know that most military folk detest Obama.

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Since Barack Obama took office, 7,500,000 American jobs have disappeared. "Cooking the books" on the latest "jobs created" numbers don't change the reality. Obama's a continuing disaster.
     How much more destruction to jobs and the economy must take place before even the dumbest brain-washed Democrat figures out that Barack Obama is either terminally stupid or is deliberately wrecking the nation?

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How Obamunism Works 101:
     Democrat crooks gather millions of campaign dollars for Obama. Then they put together an enviro-nut fantasy company called Solyndra ... get millions more taxpayer dollars in the form of loan guarantees from the administration ... as any fool could have predicted, the company goes bankrupt ... and the taxpayers are screwed while the promoters skate.
     And more: An e-mail has now surfaced in which a Solyndra executive refers to Obama's grants as "The Washington Bank."

     Further: Rahm "Tiny Dancer" Emanuel, now Mayor of murder-capital Chicago, was involved in pushing the Solyndra scam when he was Obama's Chief-of-Staff.

Class dismissed.

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Watch 'em run! All those Democrat Senators, Representatives and lower officials running as fast and far away from Obama as possible ... many not even attending the convention.
     Reportedly overheard from one such: "This crazy SOB is gonna get us KILLED in November!"

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Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal ...
     "President Obama's comment—'You didn't build that'—is the political gift that keeps on giving.
     "They are now the most famous words he has said in his presidency. And oh, how he wishes they weren't.
     "There was lots of chatter this week about the decision to have Bill Clinton speak in prime time on the penultimate night of the Democratic Convention. Is it a sign of panic? Would the president give Big Dawg such a prominent spot if he wasn't nervous? Does it gall him to ask for help from the guy who said of his 2008 candidacy, 'This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen'?"

His ad-libbing "You didn't build that" has quickly led to Obama's return to using his beloved Teleprompter. After all, he wouldn't want to blurt out his REAL views again, would he?

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Obama has okayed the TSA airport Gestapo unionizing. So soon the people who abuse you at the airport will be paid even more of your tax dollars to do so. And have even more job protection if you dare to complain.

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Media Research Center just counted the stories, their tone and the time spent on each by ABC, CBS and NBC. Their Romney coverage was 86% negative.
     **Editorial comment** -- Having worked around and with such "reporters" all of my adult life, I state the following unequivocally: Their numbers include an overwhelming majority that are, journalistically speaking, a bunch of lying whores. Of all three sexes.

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Is it true that Harry Reid, Master of the Unsubstantiated Rumor about Mitt Romney's taxes, regularly has carnal knowledge of a chicken?
     Footnote: LBJ, facing a close race early in his career, ordered an underling to spread a rumor that his opponent fornicated with pigs.
     The flunky, shocked, said, "That can't be true!"
     LBJ, true to type, said, "Of course it isn't -- but let's make the bastard deny it!"

Okay, Harry, you creepy slimeball ... DENY IT!

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Pulling out all the stops ...
     Obama has now nominated an Asian-American lesbian to a federal judgeship. That's a "three-fer" -- female, minority and gay.

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A foretaste of the future ...
     The three terrorists caught in Spain were plotting to use explosives attached to drone aircraft. You know ... the sort proliferating in this country by the thousands. The kind that are vulnerable to computer takeover, if not outright theft. Another Frankenstein is out of the basement.

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Washington Times: Reuters reported that President Obama “signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government.” This latest leak of classified information was attributed to “U.S. sources familiar with the matter.”

Want to bet any weapons provided won't wind up in the hands of Al Qaeda, Hamas or Hezbollah?

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I hate Olympic events decided by subjective judging instead of a tangible score. Diving, gymnastics and boxing are among the worst, as well as figure-skating in the Winter Games.
     There's so much blatantly crooked judging in boxing, it should be abandoned. Except for putting some of the bent judges and referees into the ring, sans headgear, to have some sense beaten into them. A fantasy: "Judge #2, meet Mike Tyson."

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Memo to any/all Olympic winners: "You didn't do that! Somebody else built the roads that took you to practice, somebody else built the plane that flew you to London, etc., etc." (signed) Emperor Barack Hussein Obama.

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Like we didn't know it already ...
     "It’s not every day that left-leaning academics admit that they would discriminate against a minority.
     "But that was what they did in a peer-reviewed study of political diversity in the field of social psychology, which will be published in the September edition of the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.
     "More than a third of the respondents said they would discriminate against the conservative candidate. One respondent wrote in that if department members 'could figure out who was a conservative, they would be sure not to hire them.'” -- Washington Times --

And you can bet that's only the tip of the iceberg of bias among "liberal" academics.We'd know more, but some were doubtless busy having sex with their students.

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You may have already seen or heard the news: sleepwalking by adults has been increasing.
     Not included in most reports ... this trend was first detected in November of 2008 when many victims of the disorder actually walked to the polling places and voted.

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A chap in Fredericksburg, Virginia, has had cars driven into his house six times.
     Big deal. When I was a child, we lived on old U.S. 67. Not far away, near the booming metropolis of Biggers, Ark., the highway made a 90-degree turn. With no banking. A house on the outside of that corner was regularly smashed. Usually on Saturday night. May have had something to do with a lively tavern a couple of miles away at Current River beach.

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From Huntsville, Alabama, word that college student Chance Booth texted, " “I need to quit texting because I could die in a car accident.’’
     He didn't die. He survived with a broken neck, smashed face and assorted other broken bones and body damage when he drove off a bridge into a ravine -- while texting.

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For the first -- and possibly last -- time in this column, a recipe.
A preface: I say again, without fear of rational contradiction, that New Orleans ... or N'awlins ... is the best eating town in America.
     The working folks' staple diet there begins with red beans and rice. I had it for lunch yesterday, concocted from Emeril Lagasse's classic formulation available under the international selection at foodnetwork.com. (Just type in "red beans and rice").
     Susan added some special African pepper and the New Orleans specialty, powdered gumbo file' (fee-lay) ... the kind Hank Williams sang about in "Jambalaya".
     My review, succinctly: It's so good, it'll make you slap your grandma!

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Mad Mike observes that, while in the heat of passion couples often help each other get UNdressed, rarely do they help each other get dressed AFTER making love.
(To which Jim responds, "People take their clothes off to make love?!")

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Steve Martin --
     "I'm thinking about taking drugs. Does this mean I have to enter the Tour de France?"

August 5 --


"I think it’s entirely legitimate for individuals to say, 'I don’t want to eat there.' I don’t think government should discriminate against Chick fil A because of the views of the owner." -- Congressman Barney Frank.

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Judicial Watch reports that Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq, who tortured and killed 5 U.S. soldiers in Iraq and was detained by U.S. forces in early 2007, will be freed by an Iraqi court -- the inevitable, and predictable, result of an Obama administration decision to hand him over to Iraqi authorities rather than bring him to Guantanamo Bay.
    The idea of turning this piece of scum over to the ever-devious Iraqis was beyond stupid in the first place. 
     It's become an old American habit ever since we last totally and conclusively won a major war in 1945: Win the war ... lose the peace. What fighting GI's achieve, stupid wimp politicians throw away.
     And just wait 'til the final score is in regarding Afghanistan.

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When Gore "won" the popular vote but lost the election to G. W. Bush because the latter collected more electoral votes, the howls of protest from liberals rose to a shriek; "Abolish the electoral college!"
     Now that the electoral votes from a few states seem (to them) to be Obama's only chance of victory, the same hypocrites are celebrating the same electoral college.

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Remember that asinine Clint Eastwood commercial in the Super Bowl telecast ... the one in which he appeared to endorse Obama? He seems to have had a change of heart. Now he clearly and openly endorses Romney.

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Here's a footnote to that wretched London Olympics opening ceremonies spectacle (especially the hideous socialized medicine encomium) by the inimitable
Mark Steyn ...
     "What can Americans learn from the Olympics spectacle? According to the IMF (International Monetary Fund), China will succeed America as the dominant economic power in the course of the next presidential term, so Howard Fineman, editorial director of the Huffington Post and MSNBC mainstay, was anxious to pick up tips. 'Brits long ago lost their empire,' he tweeted, 'but overall show us how to lose global power gracefully.'"

And that, of course, is just what we want and need. To sink, unresisting, into the mire.

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Mark Steyn also reduces the endless parade of lies from Obama to essential facts ...    
     President Obama in February 2009:  "Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office.
     Deficit in January 2009: $800 billion.
     Deficit promised by Obama for January 2013: $400 billion.
    Actual deficit right now: $1.26 trillion.
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Re the above items: Rasmussen polling finds that only 14% of Americans think today's children will be better off than their parents.
     Sounds like a nation resigned to failure and decay, doesn't it? Thanks, Mr. Hope & Change. And from your Marxist masters, you've earned a heartfelt, "Well done!"
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Absolute "must" reading for anyone who wants to understand the real Barack Obama:
     Go to the TheAmericanSpectator website ... Friday 8/3 entries ..."All in the (Political) Family" ... Prof. Paul Kengor.
     It demonstrates the clear fact that Barack Obama's whole political background is one long wallow in communism. Not "liberal," not "progressive" -- communist.
     I've talked with Kengor many times. He is a serious person.

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A further elaboration on Harry Reid's scurrilous charge against Mitt Romney based (he says) on an unsubstantiated rumor that Romney has paid no taxes. This kind of underhanded behavior by Reid does have precedent, as explained in a National Journal article ...
    The late "gonzo" journalist, Hunter S. Thompson, added to American political lore when making a point about unscrupulous politicicians in his campaign chronicle, Fear and Loathing.  On the Campaign Trail, '72.  As a young man running for office in Texas, Thompson wrote, Lyndon Johnson needed to slow down a foe's momentum.  And so LBJ ordered an aide to spread the rumor that their opponent was "enjoying carnal knowledge of his own barnyard sows.'  The aide blanched, and objected.  No one would believe a claim like that!  'I know,' Johnson was said to have replied, 'but let's make the sonofabitch deny it.'"

By the way, has Harry Reid stopped beating his wife?  I thnk he should be forced to prove it.

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Tax tip: If you'd rather not pay enormous taxes on big income, you can do what Romney did. Give millions to charity. At least when you take that course, you make your own decision about how your money should be spent instead of leaving that decision to a bunch of lying political hacks in Washington.

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Burt Prelutsky examines Obama's priorities vs. religion ...
     "It’s possible that many of you are unaware of the fact that over 40 Catholic institutions have filed lawsuits in opposition to ObamaCare. If you missed the news, it’s because the three major TV networks have chosen to ignore what will be a major constitutional court battle, hoping that by circling their wagons they can maintain the charade that it is women’s rights and not religious freedom that is at risk.
     "During the week that the lawsuits were filed, the combined coverage by ABC, CBS and NBC, amounted to less than 20 seconds of air time.
     "The administration has tried to frame the question so that it appears that the Catholic Church is crusading against a woman’s right to birth control and abortion.
     "But the truth is, Obama, whose only god is the one he sees reflected in his bathroom mirror, is attacking the First Amendment. If he can get away with forcing the Church to go against its own basic tenets, it would mean he could do just about anything."

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So Kofi Annan quit as UN envoy assigned to try to make sense -- and peace -- of the eternal middle-east mess. He admits failure.
     Did Kofi Annan ever succeed at anything other than high-living on the UN budget, primarily subsidized by American taxpayers?

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Ryan Lochte is a stupid punk. The young man who was believed to be on the brink of replacing Michael Phelps as the next big swimming star (not by a long shot!) not only urinates in the pool used by all the swimmers, but actually boasts about it. Besides the execrable taste he exhibits, he should be ejected from the present and future Olympics on grounds of the health threat the juvenile jerk presents.

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A life in radio: Olympic memories ...
     The 1976 Winter Olympics, held in Innsbruck, Austria, are most memorable (in America) for Dorothy Hamill's triumph in figure-skating.
     It also marked the inauspicious debut of speed-skater Eric Heiden, famous for his five gold-medal harvest four years later.
     I was there. I also recall how the Austrian hosts kow-towed to the Russian delegation, almost trembling before persistent bullying by the Big Bad Reds.
     Since our Chicago travel agency handled arrangements for a sizable part of the U. S. delegation, we had several of our own staff members in Innsbruck. One of our staffers, an attractive young woman, quickly entered into a liaison with an Austrian skier who became a star of the games, spending most afternoons with him in her hotel room. She also shared her, uh, favors with an American TV reporter, later a network anchorman. Our entire entourage was impressed by her ability to juggle both affairs with neither man learning about the other. Or her husband learning about either.
     I caught the flu and was attended by Eric Heiden's physician father. Eric, by the way, went to medical school and is now an orthopedic surgeon in Utah.
     After the Games concluded, a few of us took a break and made the long flight from Munich (the nearest city with major air service) to Frankfurt, then to Rio de Janeiro via Dakar, Senegal.
     Arriving in Rio after midnight, I immediately crashed into sleep at the hotel.
     Next morning I became quickly acquainted with one aspect of the local culture when I went down to relax by the pool and read the local English-language newspaper. The language in Brazil is Portuguese
     I was soon approached by an attractive bikini-clad local young woman whose English was obviously limited. The following constitutes our entire conversation:
     She: "Hello."
     Me: "Hello, how are you?"
     She: "Twenty dollars."

For the morbidly curious: No.

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Often I hear from readers and various media promoters asking why I don't expand the reach of this package of information and commentary by turning it into a commercial venture complete with audio/video downloads. From the promoters, these proposals usually come with that alluring word, "monetize."
     I don't want to do that because then writing and editing would become a necessary chore. I lived with that necessity for a good many (quite successful) years in media; mostly radio in the big cities, some TV and even a bit of newspaper work. Now I put together this (almost) daily journalistic product because I want to, not because I have to.
     This blog (horrible word!) began because I kept hearing from long-time listeners who asked either for my opinion -- very flattering -- or for a source of information on particular subjects. I regard myself as your/their editor, sorting the significant stuff from the news media blather with a soupcon of humor and reader offerings as lagniappe ... a word common to Louisiana, meaning "a little extra."
     I hope you find it worthwhile and recommend it to friends. I have no desire or intention to turn it into a commercial enterprise.

... all of which brings me to this:
     A man I much admire, Dan Sorkin, and several other good folk have long advised me to ease-up and stop creating a virtual daily newspaper. I am going to heed that advice. While most days you can expect a fresh outpouring of information leavened with a bit of humor, insight and a generous dose of venom, there will be occasional days -- especially slow news days -- when I will have nothing fresh for your perusal.
     On such occasions, I hope you will utter only a small sigh of disappointment, and check this space again on following days. 

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Reader Robert forwards the wording of the new sign on his front door ...
     Thank you for understanding."
August 6 --


There remain questions regarding the motive behind the killings at the Wisconsin Sikh temple. We do know that there have been other attacks on Sikhs motivated by the wildly mistaken belief that Sikhs are Muslim.
     Not so. Their religion in no way even resembles Islam and is, in fact, diametrically opposed in significant ways.  But as ill-educated as many Americans are, there are obviously among us people so ignorant that they are willing to shed innocent blood. This is no way to suggest that attacks on innocent Muslims would be tolerable.

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The shocked reaction among many liberals, especially gay liberals, at the outpouring of support for Chick-fil-A is a reminder of a fact and facet of human nature.
     They were surprised because, in their own circle of friends, their views are common and widely shared. Therefore, they may find it hard to believe that most people don't hold the same views, despite the evidence that in one statewide election after another, when put to the voters, gay marriage has lost.
     Liberal commentators contend the trend is toward support of  their position, but so far that is simply wishful thinking.
     For most Americans, gay marriage is far, far down their priority list. Some are actively opposed. Others are tired of hearing what people want to do with their body parts and think it an offensive childish obsession to loudly proclaim their preferences.
     There are still others who, like me, share the view of the British lady who long ago said, "I don't care what people do, so long as they don't do it in the streets and frighten the horses."

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Gas prices are again above $4 a gallon in some areas. How many American voters are so double-dumb they don't remember that gasoline was less than half today's prices when the Big Zero was foolishly elected? We'll find out in three months.

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From the (liberal) Washington Post ...   
      "David Plouffe, a senior White House adviser who was President Obama’s 2008 campaign manager, accepted a $100,000 speaking fee in 2010 from an affiliate of a company doing business with Iran’s government.
     "A subsidiary of MTN Group, a South Africa-based telecommunications company, paid Plouffe for two speeches he made in Nigeria in December 2010."

A skeptic might wonder just what Obama's campaign manager could possibly say that was worth a hundred grand. Surely this company that also does business with the government of Syria couldn't have been trying to buy White House influence -- could they?

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Jonah Goldberg to The Daily Caller ...
     “The cult of youth politics in this country, generally speaking from the left, is that young people simply because they are eager and they are passionate they must also be right. That is not a civilized understanding of politics. Barbarians are enthusiastic and excited.”

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I just took a very simple political quiz created by Pew Research, the polling firm. Thirteen questions, all easily answered by anyone with the most superficial knowledge of issues and history. I was surprised that only 8% of us answered all thirteen correctly. (Sample questions: Which party, Republican or Democrat, generally believes in smaller government? Which believes in higher taxes?)
     More surprising -- and depressing -- was the summary of results from all persons taking the test and learning that 35% were unable to answer even HALF correctly.
     Yet many of the people interested enough to even take the test doubtless vote. In light of that assumption, it's no wonder this country is in one HELL of a mess. And no wonder, to repeat my mantra of longstanding, "We live ... in a land ... run by morons." We live in a land where a large percentage of the voting population is made up of morons.

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The quote about Americans by the great man of the 20th century, Winston Churchill ...
     "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing -- after they've tried everything else."

Our election choices repeatedly illustrate the point.

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Words from an optimist. Veteran Washington insider Douglas MacKinnon in Investors Business Daily ...

     "The social experiment that was Barack Obama's election and presidency is over. Way over.
     "As one who was born in the heart of Boston and worked the political world of Washington for 20 years, I know quite a few Democrats. Some are family, and many are close friends. Most voted for Obama in 2008. None at this point is inclined to vote for him in 2012.
     "Why? Because they view him as an abject failure across the board and have decided to put the welfare of their families and themselves before the empty rhetoric of the Obama campaign before it's too late.
     "Because of my time in Washington and past positions there, I also know and am friends with quite a few journalists. I speak with many on a regular basis, and it's safe to say that the majority of them lean left politically.
     "That said, in off-the-record conversations with my left-leaning journalistic friends, not one believes Obama is going to win re-election. Not one. While most believe Mitt Romney to be a weak candidate, they are still convinced that he will comfortably defeat Obama on Nov. 6."

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An unsubstantiated rumor has it that Senator Harry Reid steals candy from small children, especially minority, handicapped and orphaned children. Has he yet denied it? Can he prove he doesn't? Also ... have rumors of his cannibalism been explored?
     (Offered in the same spirit as his accusations against Mitt Romney.)

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Stupidest suggestion of last week (Non-Government category):

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's idea of including American football in the Olympics. Playing against whom? Those burly Burmese? Shifty sumos from Japan? Fleet-footed Filipinos? Tenacious Thais?
     Roger ... shut up.

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The eternal idiocy of the global-warming fanatics ...

     Even as they've renewed their babble about "global warming" because of the Midwest drought and heat wave, they studiously ignore the fact that parts of Europe are soaked in floods.
     These tunnel-vision dopes have never understood a fundamental fact: While WEATHER is short-term and local -- and in the big picture, one season IS short-term and one nation IS local -- climate is global and VERY long-term.

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Professor Walter E. Williams discusses the mania for racial "proportionality" ...    
      "Jews are not even 1 percent of the world's population and only 3 percent of the U.S. population, but they are 20 percent of the world's Nobel Prize winners and 39 percent of U.S. Nobel laureates. That's a gross statistical disparity, but are the Nobel committees discriminating against the rest of us? Jews won 27 percent of Nobel Prizes won by Germans.
      "Nearly 80 percent of the players in the National Basketball Association in 2011 were black, and 17 percent were white, but if that disparity is disconcerting, Asians were only 1 percent. Compounding the racial disparity, the highest-paid NBA players are black. That gross disparity works the other way in the National Hockey League, in which less than 3 percent of the players are black. Blacks are 66 percent of NFL and AFL professional football players, but among the 34 percent of other players, there's not a single Japanese player.        
     "There are some other disparities that might bother the diversity people. Asians routinely get the highest scores on the math portion of the SAT, whereas blacks get the lowest. Men are about 50 percent of the population, and so are women, but there's the gross injustice that men are struck by lightning six times as often as women."

The entire article is at Townhall.com. For those unacquainted with his work ... Prof. Williams is black.

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The Olympic Games remind me of a minor annoyance.
     In these days of struggling real estate markets, I fully support the nation's real estate brokers and agents. I do wish, however, they would stop lying in their advertising about one nice luxury.
    Either out of ignorance or intent to mislead, they toss around the term "Olympic-size swimming pool" and apply it to anything larger than a puddle.
     There are specific requirements meet the qualifications for an Olympic-size pool, and you won't find them met in many backyards.
     The exact dimensions are 50 meters (about 164 feet) long, 25 meters wide, at least two meters deep.
     Thank you. Now ... tell us more about those granite counter-tops, stainless steel appliances and the home theater.

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Reader Curtis forwards this timeless wisdom ...
     "Socialism is the cow of many; well-milked and badly fed." -- Spanish proverb

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Jim Eason forwards a dictionary of medical terms as interpreted by rednecks (not to be disparaging; they're folk who work outside in the sun) and explains why they suffer less stress. For example ...
    Artery                 The study of paintings
    Bacteria              Back door to a cafeteria
    Barium                What doctors do with dead patients
    Cauterize            Made eye contact with her
    Coma                  A punctuation mark
    Dilate                  To live a long time    
    Fibula                  A small lie
    Impotent              Distingushed, well known
    Node                    I knew it
    Rectum                Nearly killed him
    Seizure                 Roman emperor
    Terminal illness    Sick at the airport

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The Sky-guy recalls a Henny Youngman classic ...
     I told the doctor "I broke my leg in two places."
     He told me, "quit going to those places..."

August 7 --


People keep asking, "Who's going to be his running mate?" But Obama just won't say.

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The usual hysterics are making the usual hysterical charge that the Sikh temple murders in Wisconsin were caused by "right-wing" radio. Notice it's never simply conservative radio, it has to be "right-wing."
     If right-wing radio is the root cause of all the destructive crazy people in the country, how do the loonies explain Nancy Pelosi, as nutty as anyone found outside the funny-farm?

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Mitt Romney needs to be reminded of the timeless wisdom of H. L. Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the American public."
     If he thinks focusing solely on the economy is a winning formula, he is overestimating the public's interest in the macro economy, i.e., the overall -- and long-range -- big picture.
     After all, while those who follow economic news in detail understand how awful it is, the fact remains that more people DO have jobs than don't. And those so fortunate are much more likely to be satisfied with the status quo.
     That's why Romney's one-trick-pony campaign, virtually ignoring other important issues, could be a recipe for political suicide.

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I hear regularly from folk enthused by Cong. Allen West's brand of in-your-face conservatism. I share that admiration. However, given Mitt Romney's inherent cautiousness, my estimate of West's chances of being chosen as a running mate is about 0%. Romney's boldest choice, given his cautious inclination, would be Rubio. But one of the other well-publicized prospects with a low-risk profile is more likely.

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The astute Burt Prelutsky gets down to basics ...
     "One of the most annoying things about this election is that people keep asking the candidates what they’ll do to create jobs. The problem is that the only way the federal government can create jobs is by hiring more bureaucrats, which is the last thing any sane person wants to see. The job of the president is to create an environment in which entrepreneurs and small businesses can flourish. That means you cut the tax rate and you get rid of stupid, power-grabbing, regulators, like the storm troopers at the EPA, and you take the jackboot of the federal government off the necks of those driven to succeed and get wealthy. Prosperity is the greatest engine for job creation and it’s the only way that a $16 trillion national debt won’t sooner, rather than later, turn us into Greece.
      "Speaking of money, in 2010, during the worst days of our recession, we were sending $4.16 billion in foreign aid to Afghanistan, $1.8 billion to both Pakistan and Haiti, $758 million to Mexico and $615 million to Nigeria. All of that would have been bad enough, but that was money we had to borrow and then pay interest on to the Chinese. To me, that sounds a lot like the dumb schmuck who borrows money from a shylock and then races down to the corner bar to buy drinks for the house."

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Just to clarify ...
     The difference between the economic policy of socialism and that of fascism is this:
     Socialists believe the government should own the means of production -- factories, etc.
     Fascists believe the government should control the owners of the means of production so that if things go wrong, the government can divert the blame. (Keep watching the evolution of GM for an ongoing illustration.)

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Economics, redux --
     Except by burdening taxpayers with more workers added to the government payroll, politicians cannot "create" jobs. They can only build an environment -- tax laws and government regulations, primarily -- that encourage businesses to create them.

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Argus Hamilton --
Olympic gymnast Gabby Douglas became America's darling Friday when she won the gold medal. She spun in the air, twirled and flipped twice and landed squarely on her feet. President Obama called her and asked if she would be his new press secretary."

As good as Gabby was in her earlier vault performance, she was weak last night on the bars. It was painful to watch.
     The pressure on these kids to compress a lifetime of work into a few seconds is almost unbearable. But the champions manage it.

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Stunned! Shocked! Amazed! ... just begin to describe reaction to liberal Richard Cohen in the liberal Washington Post taking slimy Sen. Harry Reid to the woodshed over his unsourced and scurrilous attack on Mitt Romney ...
     "Whether such a source exists, really, is beside the point. It could be that someone did indeed tell Reid that Romney paid no taxes for 10 years. Journalists get that sort of tip all the time, and their responsibility is (1) to check it out and (2) identify the source. Reid has not done the latter and apparently has not done the former, either. The truth is that Reid doesn’t really care if the charge is true or not. He would prefer the former, but he’ll settle for the latter.
     "For Reid, this is yet another brazen and tasteless partisan attack. As majority leader, he has managed to sink the public image of the Senate even lower than it would otherwise be. He contributes to bad feelings, gridlock and the sense — nay, the reality — that everything is done for political advantage. Reid is a crass man, the very personification of the gaudy and kitschy Las Vegas Strip."

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The Washington Post's own Fact Checker rates Reid's tale at four Pinocchio's. In other words, an outright, blatant lie.

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Continuing in the spirit of Senator Harry Reid ...
     What of rumors that Reid, during his student days, formed a Benedict Arnold fan club? And those necrophilia whispers?

... then we have Bernard Goldberg's gossip on the scumbag POS from Nevada ...

      "After all, here is a career politician who lives in the Ritz Carlton in Washington and has millions hidden in illegal offshore accounts - money he accrued from pimping prostitutes back home in Nevada.
     I know this because 'the word's out' about it. Besides, an 'extremely credible source' told me.

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Reader Jessie of Canada advises us that last month a world-wide survey was conducted by the UN. The only question asked was: "Would you please give your honest opinion about solutions to the food shortage in the rest of the world?"
     The survey was a huge failure because of the following:
In Eastern Europe they didn't know what "honest" meant.
In Western Europe they didn't know what "shortage" meant.
In Africa they didn't know what "food" meant.
In China they didn't know what "opinion" meant.
In the Middle East they didn't know what "solution" meant.
In the USA they didn't know what "the rest of the world" meant.

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Dennis Prager (JWR) has an answer for delusional youth ...
     "Did you ever wonder why people are far more likely to become conservative in their views and values as they get older?
     "When this rather devastating question is posed to liberals, leftists, progressives, Democrats — you choose the label or group — they answer that people get more selfish as they get older.
     "Progressives have to give this answer. There is no other response that enables them to avoid confronting the quite embarrassing fact that just about every adult, at every age of life, thinks he/she is wiser than when younger — and as they accumulate wisdom they become more conservative.
     "So the liberal explanation — that people get more selfish as they get older — is not only insulting but also nonsense.
      "Young people believe that when the government gives more money and benefits to more people, it helps them. This is naive. As you get older and wiser, you realize that when people are given anything without having to earn it (unless they are physically or mentally incapable of earning anything), they become ungrateful and lazy."

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Taking note of some media folk remarking on the "lack of humility" on the part of the fastest human in the world, Usain Bolt, at the Olympics ...
     I recall a bit of folk wisdom from my youth: "If you can do it, it ain't braggin'."

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"One ... singular sensation ..."

Marvin Hamlisch, dead at 68.

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Is CNN being run by a bunch of middle-school brats?
Just last week somebody thought it cute to play a song called "Stupid Girls" before a segment about Sarah Palin. Now someone at the joke "news" network whose President just quit because of dying ratings, apparently found it amusing to play "Only the Good Die Young" after a report on the Sikh temple murders in Wisconsin.
     Small wonder that bunch of buffoons is losing viewers by the millions.

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I detest NBC. It has become a propaganda mouthpiece for the left, in the dishonorable tradition of the New York Times.

     Having made my position clear, I still defend that network against the quadrennial complaints about how the coverage of the Olympics.
     Modern-day Olympic Games could not exist on anything resembling their present scale without TV money, most of which comes from whichever U.S. network wins the bidding war. NBC paid the International Olympic Committee large money for the right to carry the event(s) and have every right to do so in the way most beneficial to the network and its advertisers.

By the way, some people -- including sports reporters who should know better -- use "Olympiad" as a synonym for the Olympic Games. It is not. "Olympiad" refers to the four years
between the games. Thus "games of the 30th Olympiad" means the current event is occurring at the 30th four-year period since the games were revived in the 1890s.

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The Sky-guy provides a lesson in sportsmanship ...
     At one point during a baseball game, the coach  called one of his 10-year-old
players aside and asked, "Do you understand what cooperation is? What a team is?"
     The little boy nodded in the affirmative.
     "Do you understand what matters is weather we win or lose together as a team?"
     Again, the little boy nodded.
     The coach continued, "And when I take you out of a game so another boy gets a chance to play, it's not good sportsmanship to call your coach "a dumb bunny" is it?
     Again the little boy nodded.
     "Good," said the coach, "Now go over there and explain all that to your grandmother."

August 8 --

MITT, REMEMBER "KISS" - "Keep it simple, stupid" ...

It's a simple question:
     "President Obama, were you enrolled at Columbia University -- or anywhere else -- as a foreign student?"

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How appropriate the the Democrats should choose the absurd fake-Indian Senate candidate from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, to speak just ahead of Bill Clinton at their convention. She's the originator of "you didn't do that" silliness that Obama plagiarized. She also nurtured the "fair share" socialist argument on taxes.

     Lizzie, are people who pay NO taxes paying their fair share?

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Mitt Romney needs to condense his message on the economy. The average person has neither the time nor inclination to absorb his "59 point plan." Obama got elected on three words even dummies could -- and did -- understand: "Hope and change."
     Romney needn't resort to that kind of simple-mindedness, or so we hope, but he should remember that he's selling a product -- himself -- not writing a thesis for a panel of academics.

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Romney should counter the scurrilous Harry Reid demand for tax returns, quite possibly a plot originating in the White House, with a demand that Obama make public all the information he's hiding about his own past. Especially his mysterious college years. One mention won't do the job; he needs to make it an ongoing barrage.
     There's ample evidence that Obama's whole personal history is a monstrous lie, so why not hit him where it hurts?

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Reader Hank says Harry Reid's tax returns are behind the barbed wire at Area 51 and have been since the late 1940s.

Even the ultra-left Mother Jones magazine has turned on ol' Harry.

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Romney confused SIKHS, the victims of the Wisconsin massacre, with SHEIKS, a title from the Arab/Muslim world. Sikhs are neither.
     Dumb, but not as dumb as many Obama flubs, such as referring to the U.S. Marine CORPSE. While campaigning in 57 states.

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Chris Christie for VP? No.

Cong. Paul Ryan's prospects improved because (A) he's popular in his home state of Wisconsin, which (B) became a more likely swing-state when the Republican governor beat back the Democrat/union thugs attempt to remove him from office.
     Ryan's also one smart dude who actually understands the budget minutiae that most of the stupid cattle on the Hill pass uncomprehendingly.

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One reason why Obama wants everyone to go to college: Four more years in school is four more years when they won't show up in the unemployment numbers.

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Columnist Mona Charen's take on the hypocrisy of Democrats bemoaning Romney's wealth ...
     "Americans don't envy the rich; they aspire to become rich themselves. Class envy has limited appeal. Among recent prominent American politicians, it's challenging to find a single one who is not a millionaire. Harry Reid has a net worth estimated at between $2.6 and 5 million. Nancy Pelosi recently lost $8 million, bringing her net worth down to $26.4 million.  Hillary Clinton, one of the most popular political figures in the country, is worth about $85 million.
     "Al Gore could have picked up the tab when dining with the Clintons. His net worth clocks in at about $100 million. But he could have asked John Kerry to do likewise, as Kerry's fortune is put at $240 million.
     "Unlike many in Washington, Romney made money in the private sector, not by political leverage."

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Democrats -- friends to women? Chew on this stat uncovered by the Washington Free Beacon ...

     The Democratic National Committee, the guiding body of the party,
paid their 119 female employees $3,342 on average in the month of July, compared to $3,843 for its 113 male employees. Got that, ladies?

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Huma Abedin is a key aide to Hillary Clinton, our (purported) Secretary of State. She is also the wife of disgraced former Congressman Anthony ("See my") Weiner. It is a fact that her family has long-time and deep ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, whose open vow is to destroy the United States.

     So why is it unreasonable to ask for a serious examination of her loyalties? That isn't "McCarthyism"; it's common sense.
     One good reason to do it: The idea is opposed by one of the biggest dupes/dopes in the Senate, RINO John McCain.

By the way, Senator Joe McCarthy, good friend of the Kennedys, was dead right about Alger Hiss, a founder of the UN, being a communist spy. Old liberals have never forgiven ol' Joe for that revelation about one of their idols.

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Speaking of Hillary, for whom some Democrats still pine as a presidential candidate ...

     What did this woman ever actually DO? She was a partner in a shady Arkansas law firm when Bill was governor ... made a lot of money in a scam cattle-futures deal ... and rode her husband's coattails into the White House even as he repeatedly embarrassed her by playing bouncy-bounce with a parade of bimbos.
     As Secretary of State, her defining moments include that silly "re-set" moment with Russia and calling Syria's dictator Assad a "reformer" -- just last year.
     The woman is a bad joke. And as recent TV coverage of her trip to Africa has shown, a bad dancer.

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Republicans should be grateful to Joe Biden. After all, he's lowered the bar of qualifications for Vice-President to the point where your average wino dragged out from under the highway overpass could hardly be more embarrassing.

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Commentator Ron Hart (Jewish World Review) gets to the hidden bottom-line of Obama's "you didn't build that" remark ...
The implication is that anyone with money, except the government, does not deserve it. This rare glimpse into the real Obama should unnerve everyone, whether you pay taxes or not. He is saying that government can confiscate what you have, because you did not earn it anyway."

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study, based on 2010 and 2011 census data, found that 43 percent of immigrants who have been in the U.S. at least 20 years were using welfare benefits, a rate that is nearly twice as high as native-born Americans and nearly 50 percent higher than recent immigrants. -- Washington Times

Further ... the Marxist in the White House has been advertising in Mexico, inviting more freeloaders to come (illegally) into the United States and get free food-stamps!

Now: tell us again about the unalloyed blessings of immigration.

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Even the New York Times admits it: Raise taxes on the successful ... they simply leave the country ... and actual revenue to the government declines. That process is well underway in France, which stupidly elected a socialist president.
People with money are either getting out, or planning to do so.

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Since I was on the longtime powerhouse ABC-owned radio stations in San Francisco, I am often asked about how those outlets are doing under the new ownership.
     Awful. I'm glad to be out of what's become a broadcasting mortuary under the successive wretched ownership of bankrupt and now-defunct Citadel and (currently) Cumulus.
     KGO is now in 15th place in the ratings, with an average 2.6% share of the listening audience. KSFO even worse; 20th place with a pathetic 1.8% audience share.
     Clear Channel's KKSF, which picked up some of the refugee hosts from KGO, is a couple of notches lower than KSFO.
     The KGO/KSFO sister ABC stations are also dying. WABC, New York, 15th place ... KABC, Los Angeles, 31st ... WLS, Chicago, 12th ... WBAP, Dallas-Ft. Worth, 17th ... etc.
     Sad but inevitable when a once-great company is taken over by vultures.

- - - - -

Leftist nuts in the Congressional Black Caucus are complaining that Congressman Allen West, the only Republican in the group, "insulted" them by bringing them sandwiches from Chick-fil-A. They convey the impression that this had something to do with the gay marriage flap of last week -- as if all blacks support gay marriage.

     In fact, the nice gesture by West took place six months ago, long before the controversy.
     The chief complainer: Cong. Alcee Hastings of Florida, who has the distinction of being the only crooked judge impeached for taking bribes and removed from the federal bench -- and still got elected to Congress. Says a lot about the voters in his district: "He's a crook? Took bribes? Our kinda guy!"
     That's democracy in action, folks!
- - - - -

Argentinians not only continue to elect insane fascists to run their country, their basketball team also plays dirty. They did it in the Olympics -- and got their miserable asses kicked by the U.S. team in a quick piece of payback.
     I've been in Moscow at the height of the Cold War and a number of other spooky places, but Buenos Aires is the most sinister city I've ever entered. I'd never set foot there again. Robbery, muggings, beatings and even killings of visitors are common. It is a very, very sick society.

- - - - -

Can it be divine intervention? When Bill Clinton speaks to the Democratic National Convention next month, he'll be on TV opposite the Dallas Cowboys-New York Giants season opener.
     Or maybe Obama wanted it that way. He hates the Clintons, but has to cuddle-up for his own political survival.

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From Ningbo, China, word of creativity in civilian law enforcement ...
     A 67-year-old woman, frustrated by local police failing to enforce speed limits on the street in front of her house, bought a blow-up sex doll and attached it to a tree in front of her house.
The gawkers slowed down to look ... that slowed everyone else.
     Problem solved.

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Katherine forwards a sign that should be posted in many, many places...   

     "GUNS ARE WELCOME ON PREMISES. Please keep all weapons holstered unless need arises. In such case judicious marksmanship is appreciated."

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Free -- and worth every penny: your blonde joke of the day ...
     Two blondes find three hand grenades, and decide to take them to a police station.
     One asked: "What if one explodes before we get there?"
     The other says: "We'll lie and say we only found two."

August 9 --


You couldn't possibly have a clearer indication of the contempt with which Obama & Co. view the average voter than the preposterous package of lies put together by a former Obama flunky now running the Political Action Committee that -- with the clear collusion of the White House -- assembled the scurrilous commercial featuring the lying steel worker whose wife died of cancer years after the the company that had employed him went bankrupt -- and while she still had her own medical coverage.
      Why do they engage is such blatant lies? Because they know that the kind of cretins who are prospects to vote for a fraud like Obama will swallow it whole. After all, they did four years ago!

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The Democrats, of course, clearly understand the stupidity quotient among voters. That's why they went ahead with that blatant "Mitt Romney killed my wife" by that lying SOB. Even after lefty outfits like the Washington Post and CNN called it a lie, they continued running it because they know the dumb jerks who so heavily populate this land will take it to heart and vote accordingly. ("Duh, I won't vote for Romney, he killed that woman ...")

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Mitt Romney needs to understand clearly what John McCain never figured out: The Big Media hate his guts and he'd better be sure of what he's saying because a few more ****-ups and they'll really make mincemeat of him. And the Great Unwashed will lap it up because they're stupid and don't even understand the word "context."
     If that sounds contemptuous of a large slice of the American body politic, it is. And it comes from decades of observation and dealing with them as a talk-show host. I daresay I've actually listened to more public opinion than any dozen glad-handing politicians. Such an experience will undermine any silly, starry-eyed belief in "the collective wisdom of the American public." Yes, one does get a lot of wise feedback. One also hears from a plethora of dolts who don't even know they're dumb.
     That observation also springs from a few years of "man on the street" interviews of the sort Jay Leno uses on his show. The number of ignorant idiots running around loose is just ... staggering. The wonder is that the nation has survived this long.

I still wonder what Romney thought he was doing when he made that "I like to fire people" remark. Yes, I know he was referring to our bloated government payroll, but the rankest amateur running for mayor of East Overshoe, Montana, should have realized that those words would be taken out of context (that word again) for use by opponents. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Romney should fire Andrea Saul. She's stupid. Her appearance on Fox undoubtedly cost him a lot of votes. The very word "Romneycare" should be abolished from the vocabulary of everyone involved in the Romney campaign. Including Mitt. It still renders him impotent on a significant -- and still dangerous -- element in the campaign by effectively disarming his opposition to Obamacare.

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No surprise here. Remember when those "Occupy" scum were vandalizing property and using the streets -- and even citizens' doorways -- for toilets? Judicial Watch has found government agency e-mails within the Obama administration telling law enforcement authorities to go easy on them.

He's exercising the same destructive policy on illegal aliens. Not only illegal, but
criminal aliens.

Reminds me ...

     I once had a listener-caller who was so ill-educated by the ignorance factories we call schools that he thought the word "alien" only applied to creatures from other planets. Too much science fiction ... not enough real education. 

- - - - -

I am endlessly amused when blatantly leftist media muddle-heads pretend to solemnly give Republicans helpful advice. What kind of idiot would believe these Democrat puppets really want a Republican to win anything?   
     Oh, I forgot; there are always a few gullible suckers ... like John McCain, who was/is obviously a victim of premature senility.
     Lest we forget: any other student Navy pilot who busted-up a single airplane in training would've been dropped immediately. But because his daddy was an Admiral, John wrecked three and was still allowed to continue. And his Senate seat was effectively bought for him by his rich father-in-law.

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While I have the usual political junkie's interest in the Romney choice for VP running mate, it will have absolutely no effect on my vote. I will not be voting FOR Romney. I most emphatically WILL be voting against a White House occupant I regard as a subversive Marxist and militant Muslim sympathizer.

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The sheer gall is unbelievable. Obama ... complaining that his wife "doesn't get paid" to be First Lady. How about the millions of taxpayer dollars spent on her endless vacations?

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While its advocates would never admit or even recognize it, multi-culturalism  is a good tool to use for a divide-and-conquer political strategy.
     You see it in every city. Ethnic groups tend to cluster with their own rather than assimilate, and that makes it very easy for a demagogue to promote an "us against them" attitude among voters. (For further details, see the current Obama campaign)

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Victor Davis Hanson's considered view of the Chick-fil-A imbroglio ...
Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel (and other mayors) recently said of the Chick-fil-A fast-food chain that “Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago’s values.” Why? Because Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy is on record as being opposed to gay marriage.
     "Oddly, none of these public officials have lectured President Obama to keep clear of their cities. Yet until recently, Obama was likewise on record as opposing gay marriage.
     "Nor have the mayors in question disinvited any black churches from their cities. Yet some pastors of churches with black congregations have been quite loud in their denunciations of gay marriage. Fundamentalist Islamic mosques routinely disparage homosexuals, often publicly, in their literature. Is there something about white Christian males that makes their opposition to gay marriage different from that of their black or Muslim counterparts?
     "Even as Emanuel warned Cathy that his company did not reflect Chicago values, his city remains among the most murderous in the world. This year, Chicago youths have killed more Americans than have the Taliban in Afghanistan. Unable to stop the carnage, a desperate Emanuel welcomed in Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan to help quell the mostly black-on-black violence, even though Farrakhan has a long record of racist and anti-Semitic tirades. Is the Chick-fil-A CEO a greater danger to Chicago than gun-toting gangs, or more illiberal than the racist Farrakhan?" -- National Review Online

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Only fools let the "likeability" factor enter into voting. The greatest demagogues and tyrants in history rose to power on such specious grounds. Do the dopes who are seduced by such factors think they're voting for king/queen of the Junior Prom? But they do it -- and they're dangerous.

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Country singer Randy Travis, busted on drunk-driving charges, his second arrest this year. This time Texas state troopers found him drunk and naked beside the car he'd crashed. He compounded his troubles by threatening he'd retaliate by shooting the officers who arrested him. Cops generally don't take kindly to that kind of behavior.
     In February Randy was arrested for fighting with his girlfriend in front of a church.
     Randy, c'mon; fights with girlfriends should be confined to bars. Or, better still, at her mother's house. At lunch. On Sunday.

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Reader Pete has been conducting an experiment involving liberals ...
     "I have responded several times to letters to the editor, regarding the wealthy not paying enough taxes. I ask the writer whether if he/she came into a great deal of money, would they figure out the minimum they needed to live on, then give the rest away. To date, no one has responded with 'Yes.'"

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From Ft. McCoy, Florida, comes word of the woman who refused to pull over when a cop tried to stop her for speeding.
     Instead of engaging in a hazardous chase, the police simply traced her license number and confronted her later at her home.
     Her explanation: She'd been driving topless and would have been embarrassed. Why the hurry? She was rushing to give her boyfriend a surprise.
     The boyfriend had nothing to say. Perhaps because it's difficult to talk when your mouth is full.
     (I did NOT write that. A hacker must be involved.)

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Mr. Sorkin forwards a collection of oxymorons ...
- State worker
- Legally drunk
- Exact estimate
- Act naturally
- Found missing
- Resident alien
- Airline food
- Good grief
- Government organization
- Sanitary landfill

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Reader D.B. -- and several others -- contribute this ...
    I was visiting my son last night when I asked if I could borrow a newspaper.
    "This is the 21st century, old man," he said.  "We don't waste money on newspapers.  Here, you can borrow my iPad."
    I tell you, that damn fly never knew what hit it...

August 10 --


“Today is the three year anniversary of Sonia Sotomayor taking her seat on the Supreme Court. Yesterday was the two-year anniversary of Elena Kagan taking her seat on the Supreme Court. So, let’s be very clear, the next president could tip the balance of the court.” -- Barack Obama, speaking to supporters in Colorado Wednesday.
     He said it to fire-up his fan base. Republicans and independents should hear it as a dire warning.

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Show this to your Democrat friends. From the LIBERAL Washington Post ...
     "President Obama’s staff arranged for him to be personally briefed last summer on a loan program to help clean-energy companies, two months before the program was thrust into headlines by the collapse of its flagship, the solar company Solyndra, records show.
     "About the same time, then-White House Chief of Staff William Daley resolved a dispute among administration officials over another project in the program, clearing the way for a $1.4 billion loan, according to documents and sources familiar with the situation."

Sure ... what the hell, it's only taxpayer money!

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With only 27% of likely voters surveyed (Rasmussen) saying the country is on the right track, how can Obama even be competitive, since he's the engineer directing the train?

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The Washington Times uncovered this example of Obama prostituting American taxpayers ...
     IRS supervisors ignored employees who tried to warn agency higher-ups of fraud in a program designed to collect taxes from immigrants, resulting in the agency paying out potentially bogus refunds, according to an official audit.

Using the IRS as a political weapon ... who would have suspected such a thing?!

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The big refinery explosion in Richmond, California, across the bay from San Francisco, is causing a jump in gasoline prices all up and down the west coast.
     My longtime ABC colleague Jim Eason says the reporting of the explosion comes with a question attached. The time given for the event is about 6PM Monday. But Jim, who lives in the Sierra foothills, says he and many neighbors saw an explosion so large it created a mushroom-shaped cloud in the area where the refinery is located ... at 8AM. Any other readers in -- or within sightline -- see anything that would explain the time discrepancy?
     Was an alarm sounded about that time of the morning?

- - - - -

The pathological liars who are laughably called "reporters" for The Big Media are doing their best to cover up the disgraceful revelations about the big lies embodied in the anti-Romney "he killed a woman" TV ad. Neither NBC nor CBS saw fit to even mention it on their Wednesday evening newscasts.
     They're obviously hell-bent on pushing the nation into voting for its own destruction by re-electing the Mad Marxist.

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A golden oldie line Romney might try addressing to Obama: "If you'll stop lying about me, I'll stop telling the truth about you."

Actually, telling the truth about Obama and his entire bogus background may be the only way to beat him. If Mitt's too much a gentleman to do it, by November he might find himself seated next to John McCain on the losers' bench.

     So far, Romney's doing the political equivalent of bringing a knife to a gunfight. 

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Bob Tyrrell in The American Spectator joins the fun of pounding the scurrilous Harry Reid ...
     "Now it can be told. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, despite his lofty position in the United States Senate and despite being married to a very nice woman, has been having sex with a cow for at least three months, maybe more. How he met the cow I cannot say, as it would compromise extremely sensitive sources. Where he met her? Again, my lips are sealed. Nonetheless, it is time for Senator Reid to come clean about that cow. The Senate Majority Leaders said recently of Mitt Romney, the presumed Republican presidential nominee, that he 'must prove that he has paid his taxes because he hasn't.' Well Mr. Reid must prove he has not had sex with a cow. He must prove that he does not even know the cow."

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Greg Crosby reports (in Jewish World Review) on the kind of "thinking" that has put California in such a deep financial hole ...

    "Back in 2004 gullible voters passed Proposition 63, an additional tax on anyone making more than a million dollars.  Ultimately the state collected $7.4 billion which was to be used specifically for the treatment of mental illness. 
    Where's the money going? 
    "Lunchtime yoga classes for San Francisco city workers. 
    "$1 million in horseback-therapy sessions for Kings County.
    "A 12-week 'mood management' course in Riverside."
Etc., etc.
    The voting majority of California voters are obviously brain-dead, leeches -- or both.  They deserve what they get.  The minority with common sense don't deserve it ... but they get it, anyway.

- - - - -

More California madness ...
     The rationale for the idiotic not-so-high-speed railroad is based on an economic model that assumes a gasoline price of -- ready? --  $40 per gallon. That's the basis for the assumption that masses of people will choose the train over driving their own cars.

Governor Jerry Brown is, as always ... KUH-RAY-ZEEEEE! Therefore perfect for California.

- - - - -

Remember the "news" story from a few days ago about the young gay man who said he was beaten up in a Missoula, Montana, bar after he asked if there was a gay bar in town? This supposedly happened while he was making a trip across the country.
     It was a total lie and Joseph Baken, the "victim" admitted it after police found video of him inflicting scratches and bruises upon himself. He later took photos of himself and posted them on Facebook on an anti-homophobia page.

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All anyone really needs to know about Nutty Nancy Pelosi:
She now claims dead people talk to her.

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Argus Hamilton --
    "Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said U.S. food will be poisoned if Mitt Romney is elected and she called the GOP the party of E-coli.  The metaphor marked a shift in party strategy.  Pushing grandmother off the cliff wasn't working anymore so they had to
go with diarrhea."

August 11 --


Paul Ryan. Solid, smart ... understands the mess that IS our economy. Could possibly bring his home state of Wisconsin to Romney; Ryan's very popular there.
     To whatever extent a VP choice influences the electorate, his choice is a bet that voters will prefer common sense and reality to the failed "hope and change" fantasies peddled by Obama.
     My optimistic side hopes they will. My cynical side, which regards (a probable majority) of the public as a large, dumb beast, says they probably won't.

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  Here is a very clear warning of Obama's plans for a government-run socialist economy ...
    "First President Obama said 'the private sector is doing fine.' Then he lectured business owners, 'you didn’t build that. Now he wants to extend the government’s auto-industry takeover across the board. Mr. Obama simply cannot understand how the economy can function without government’s firm guiding hand.
     "At a campaign stop in Pueblo, Colo., on Wednesday, Mr. Obama touted the alleged success of his government-backed takeover of two-thirds of the domestic car business. He said. 'Now I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.'
     "The Obama administration ritually flaunts the General Motors bailout as its model of success, but “government motors” is actually a cautionary tale. The bailout cost taxpayers around $100 billion, which means the government coughed up around $780,000 for every American GM job that Mr. Obama claims he 'saved.' The feds hold 500 million shares of GM stock, which has plummeted almost 45 percent since its initial public offering." -- The Washington Times

Barack Obama is, heart and soul, a communist. We have been warned. Anyone who doesn't see it is a willfully-blind fool.

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Mark Steyn in National Review ...
     "Half the country is entirely unaware of the existential threat Obama-sized government represents, and Mitt seems in no hurry to alert
them to what’s at stake, save for occasional warnings that if we’re not careful America will end up like Europe. We should be so lucky. The more likely scenario is something closer to the more corrupt and decrepit fiefdoms of Latin America. "

- - - - -

Say WHAAAT?! ...
     “We’ve got too many good jobs we’ve got to create.”  -- Barack Obama telling a crowd of Colorado sycophants why he should be re-elected.
     And just what the hell has Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama been doing for the past 3 1/2 years?

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Humor dep't: Some liberal commentators criticizing Paul Ryan on -- get this! -- his "lack of business experience!"
     Like their hero in the white house DOES have business experience?!

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Peggy Noonan seems to be rediscovering her conservatism ...
     "Conservative critics are correct that the Romney campaign's push-back was weak. When someone suggests in the public arena that you are a killer you do have to respond with some force. Since media outlets have already pointed out the ad's claim is false, no one would think it out of bounds if Mr. Romney hit back with indignation and disgust.
     "I suspect some conservative used the Romney campaign's listless response as a stand-in for what they'd really like to say to Mr. Romney himself, which is, 'Wake up, get mad, be human, we're fighting for our country here!'" -- Wall Street Journal

In some ways, Romney's campaign so far has echoed the futile, flailing Bob Dole. Both seem to believe that the failings of the incumbent (in Dole's case, the personally sleazy Clinton) are so obvious that the voting public would recognize them and vote accordingly. That gives far too much credit to that public, which is largely inattentive and not given to deep thought. Failure to recognize that fact is a hazard to one's political health.

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Mitt Romney has agreed to do a long interview with ultra-left MSNBC. Stupid, stupid, stupid ...

- - - - -

Burt Prelutsky balances the bucks ...
     "By now it’s obvious that Obama realizes the only way he can be re-elected is for people to ignore his record and to focus, instead, on Romney’s negatives. So it is that Obama is constantly reminding voters that Romney is a rich guy. Fortunately, that’s a strategy fraught with problems. For one thing, Obama is a millionaire. So are such left-wing politicians as Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid. And while it’s true that Romney is richer than they are, the Clintons are worth well over a hundred million dollars, while John and Teresa Kerry could buy and sell the Romneys.
     "In fact, considering how wealth-conscious liberals are, I find it odd that they never held their family fortune against John, Ted or Bobby
Kennedy. And that was a fortune built the old-fashioned way, through bootlegging."

- - - - -

The Obama White House has tried to convince the gullible that they had no involvement in the bogus "Romney killed my wife" TV commercial produced by a big Democrat Political Action Committee run by a former Obama flunky.
     They got caught in that lie when a recording of a conference call from the White House to the former steel-worker was revealed, proving the president and/or his people were in it up to their eyeballs.
     Guess what: the stupid scum who support Obama either (A) won't care or (B) will applaud such tactics.

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Argus Hamilton --
     "President Obama says the New York Jets made a mistake by getting Tim Tebow. He said it puts too much pressure on Mark Sanchez. He is already warning the team they'll face a Justice Department probe if they replace a Hispanic with a white guy."

- - - - -

Liberals who were appalled  -- or pretended to be appalled -- by the  CEO of Chick-fil-A expressing his views on marriage ... never seem to be upset by the left-wing ravings of the proprietors of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.

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Janet Napolitano, the goofy head of Homeland Security, is now the target of a sex discrimination lawsuit charging that she abused male department employees and promoted less-qualified women over them. The charges also include the allegation that preferential treatment was given to a woman with whom Napolitano has had a long ... ahem ... "personal relationship."

- - - - -

In case you missed it (the Big Media mostly ignored it), we have now reached the point where new retirees are, as a group, going to get less
back from Social Security than they'd paid into it.
     Arnold Ahlert points out that it's always been a big con-game ...
     "One of the most successful bits of propagandizing by leftists has been their ability to convince a majority of Americans that they are better off sending their Social Security payments to that giant federal sinkhole Washington, D.C., instead of putting them into a private account with their own name on it.
      "In terms of propaganda coupled with economic illiteracy, it doesn't get any better than that."

- - - - -

SAY WHAT?!! Imagine the source of this comment about ultra-leftist MSNBC ...
     "There’s a place for it. For a while, there was only Fox News. I’m glad MSNBC emerged as a counterweight. As much as I’m very fond of all of the people at MSNBC, Chris Matthews and Rachel (Maddow) and Lawrence O’Donnell, they’re all good people. But if I watch it, like, for a whole day, I want to marry Ann Coulter and join the tea party." -- Bill Maher. Yes.

- - - - -

John Hawkins at Townhall.com has some significant quotes that are the guideposts of conservatism ...
     "I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it." -- Benjamin Franklin
       "Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as he spends his own. Nobody uses somebody else’s resources as carefully as he uses his own. So if you want efficiency and effectiveness, if you want knowledge to be properly utilized, you have to do it through the means of private property." -- Milton Friedman
     "A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers." -- F.A. Hayek
     "The prudent capitalist will never adventure his capital... if there exists a state of uncertainty as to whether the government will repeal tomorrow what it has enacted today." -- William Henry Harrison
     "What pays under capitalism is satisfying the common man, the customer. The more people you satisfy, the better for you." -- Ludwig Von Mises
     "Don’t knock the rich. When did a poor person ever give you a job?" -- Laurence J. Peter
     "It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own
interest." -- Adam Smith
     "America’s abundance was created not by public sacrifices to 'the common good,' but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes." -- Ayn Rand    

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 From a regular contributor, a moment of domestic bliss ...
     My wife was screaming at me:   "Leave!!  Get out of this house!" she ordered.
     As I was walking out the door she yelled, "I hope you die a slow and painful death!"
     So I turned around and replied "So now you want me to stay?

20120812.htm August 12 --


The Romney-Ryan ticket offers the nation a clear choice: Is the electorate finally prepared to behave in a financially responsible and grown-up way? I fear the answer, for the "gimme" mentality is so widely and deeply ingrained that it may perpetuate the worst presidency in history.

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It is important that Paul Ryan, like all vice-presidential candidates, remember rule #1 for that role. It is the same as the oft-quoted key principle in doctors' hippocratic oath: First, do no harm.

It's good that Wisconsin state law permits him to run simultaneously for re-election to his congressional seat. In a worst-case scenario -- a Romney loss -- he would be more important than ever as a voice in the House.

Essential Ryan quote: "We promise equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. And this idea was founded on the principles of liberty, freedom, free enterprise, self-determination, and government by consent of the governed."

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I was talking with a friend -- American -- who was largely educated in Japan and especially in Germany.
     This person, knowledgeable about the history of both countries, suggested that anyone who wants to understand the current trend in the
U.S. would do well to study the history of Germany in the 1930's, focusing on the political machinations.
     Then tremble.

- - - - -

... and more on that subject ...
Professor Walter Williams finds echoes of Nazi Germany stirring in the U.S. today ...
     "The unspeakable horrors of Nazism didn't happen overnight. They were simply the end result of a long evolution of ideas leading to consolidation of power in central government in the quest for "social justice." It was decent but misguided earlier generations of Germans -- who would have cringed at the thought of genocide -- who created the Trojan horse for Hitler's ascendancy. Today's Americans are similarly accepting the massive consolidation of power in Washington in the name of social justice.
     "If you don't believe it, just ask yourself: Which way are we headed tiny steps at a time -- toward greater liberty or toward more government control over our lives? Perhaps we think that we are better human beings than the German people who created the conditions that brought Hitler to power. I say, don't count on it."

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Liberal hypocrites are still tut-tutting over Mitt Romney's obviously true observation about culture being a major factor in a society's success or failure. Since the remark was made in Israel, it was correctly inferred that he was comparing Israel and the endlessly whining -- and failed -- hate-obsessed Palestinian Arabs.
     It brought memories of my own first visit to Israel.
     Perhaps you, too, remember as a small child observing that different countries on a world map or globe were colored differently.
     I was reminded of that the first time I saw Israeli and Arab lands side-by-side. Israel lush and green. The Arab side brown and dusty.
     There was obviously no difference in the soil, only in development by the inhabitants.
     It was true then, and it still is today. Arab peoples are still mostly willing prisoners of a culture that is inimical to human progress, however defined.

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One wonders if/when we'll have a presidential administration that gets over the self-deluding bull-bleep that we have "allies" in the Afghans and stop turning a blind eye to the ongoing slaughter of American troops by those very same "allies."

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Question for NASCAR fans:
     Is Danica Patrick extraordinarily unlucky ... or is she just not very good as a race driver?
     Never has so much hype been expended on a driver with so little result to justify it.

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A life in radio ...
     Scotty's girl and the big crash.
     It happened in St. Louis. I was hired as Operations Manager to revive a powerful but dead (in the ratings) radio station owned by the Pulitzer family whose name is on the Pulitzer Prize. As I've often mentioned, working for them was no prize.
     They got their money's worth from me. The ratings zoomed upward and so did advertising revenue.
     One of the elements in the rebuild was my hiring of a talented young man who had been working on-air at an east coast station. Scotty was single and led an active social life. Shortly after his arrival he hooked up with a voluptuous young woman who, as I recall, worked at the Playboy Club.
     She was not shy about displaying her abundant -- and unencumbered -- bosom, which precipitated a memorable on-air moment at our sister TV station, located in the same building.
     One evening shortly after 6PM she arrived to meet Scotty. Since it was after office hours, the big doors to the TV news studio were open. That studio was adjacent to the radio control room and studios. The evening news was being delivered by the usual team. It was the standard two-camera operation; one with a wide shot that encompassed everyone behind the semi-circular desk, the other used for closeups of the individuals in the cast.
     The cameras were side-by-side, about four feet apart. The cameramen had their backs to the open doors, but their curiosity was aroused when they saw the anchorman's eyes suddenly widen. Scotty's girlfriend was walking down the hall toward them before turning into the next-door radio studio. She was wearing a virtually transparent blouse ... no bra ... displaying twin wonders that would have made Marilyn Monroe look like an undernourished boy..
     The cameraman on the left turned to his right, turning the camera as he did so. The cameraman on the right turned to his left ... ditto. And the viewers were treated the sight of two television cameras crashing head-on into each other.
     Doubtless the ratings would have improved if they'd turned the full 180-degrees and shown why the news team had suddenly become so distracted.

This recollection was prompted by an e-mail from Scotty a few days ago after being out-of-touch for many years. He's living in Los Angeles and pursuing a career in movies. I never learned what happened to the girlfriend; I do wonder if she still defies gravity.

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Conan O'Brien --
     "The U.S. women's soccer team won the gold medal at the Olympics. I just want to say all of us in America are happy for the athletes and thrilled we don't have to watch soccer for four more years."

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Gene offers this one ...
     After a very busy day, a commuter settled down in her seat and closed her eyes as the train departed.
      As the train rolled out of the station, the guy sitting next to her pulled out his cell phone and started talking in a loud voice:  “Hi sweetheart it’s Eric, I’m on the train…..yes, I know it’s the six thirty and not the four thirty but I had a long meeting…..no, honey, not with that floozie from the accounts office, with the boss. No sweetheart, you’re the only one in my life…..yes, I’m sure, cross my heart” 
      Fifteen minutes later, he was still talking loudly, when the young woman sitting next to him, obviously angered by his continuous diatribe, yelled at the top of her voice:”Hey, Eric, turn off that stupid  phone and come back to bed!”
      Eric doesn’t use his cell phone in public any longer.
August 13 --


The Democrat demagoguery machine is already running full blast, focusing on a blatant lie that Paul Ryan, as vice-president, will destroy medicare. Scare them old folks! -- it's the Democrat way!
     Reader Katherine reminds us of the perfect rejoinder. It comes from the brilliant Thomas Sowell ...
     "It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals and medication somehow think we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals and medication AND a government bureaucracy to administer it."

- - - - -     

It appears -- and it's certainly to be hoped -- that Mitt Romney is learning a fact of political life. A presidential candidate had better learn to make the case for himself clearly and emphatically, without pulling his punches, or he'll be (A) eaten alive by his opponent and (B) abandoned by supporters disdainful of wishy-washiness.
     Perfect example in recent history: John McCain, who was heroic as a POW and a total wimp as a presidential candidate. And still hasn't broken the suicidal habit of trying to make nice with people prepared to cut his throat.

- - - - -

Think about this. Rich limousine liberals ... who give money to the Democratic Party ... which supports the teachers' unions ... which fight to maintain a virtual monopoly on education and block vouchers which could be used at private schools ... where the same limousine liberals send their own children.

- - - - -

Yesterday in this column I referred to a could of quote from knowledgeable folk noting some similarities between the political situation in this nation today compared with Germany in the 1930's.  It brought this response from reader John in Modesto, California...
    "During 1971-72 I was fortunate to have studied for a year of my college education in Germany and Vienna, Austria.  After my studies were over and my German was fluent, I returned to visit the hausfrau of the house I stayed in for 2 months in Arolsen, Germany.  She had lost her husband on the Russian front.
    "I asked her how it was that Hitler came to power.  She answered, 'He gave us hope.'  Sound familiar?"

- - - - -

     That's a big sigh of relief that the London Olympics have ended with no terrorist attack. It suggests that the thousands of law enforcement and military, who did break up one plot before the Games began, did an excellent job.

- - - - -
     While channel surfing to escape the inanities -- and awful audio -- of the Olympic closing ceremonies, I stumbled upon one of those "celebrity" gossip shows featuring a "starlet" whose very minor celebrity will probably last a week.
     She was standing on a beach with some presumably besotted dude licking her shoulder-blades.
     My immediate thought was, "How tiresome it must be to relax in some paradisical  place and have people endlessly licking you."
     Frankly, I don't understand how you could stand it more than, say, forty years.

- - - - -

With no disrespect to our British cousins ... does anyone there know how to produce a big, spectacular show? They do it so well at events centered on the royal family; weddings, for example. Nobody does pageantry better than the British and the Roman Catholic Church.
     But both the opening and closing shows at the Olympic Games were lame, lame, lame. They'd have done better to rummage thru discarded ideas from the late, great Donn Arden, who created so many of those great Las Vegas spectacles.

- - - - -

You won't be surprised to read this ...
     A computer technician who had to do some repair work for me says that the overwhelming majority of virus, worms and assorted other mischief taking place on the internet are targeted against conservative websites.
     This is "liberalism" in action. If someone disagrees with their perverted views, that person or organization is to be destroyed.

- - - - -

So you think you want socialized medicine, a la Obamacare? Note these stats compiled by the United Nations International Health Organization, comparing U.S. health care with that of England and Canada, both of which have socialized medicine: 
     Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis:
U.S. 65%
England 46%
Canada 42%
     Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment within six months:
U.S. 93%
England 15%
Canada 43% 
     Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six months:
U.S. 90%
England 15%
Canada 43% 
     Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one month:
U.S. 77%
England 40%
Canada 43% 
     Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:
U.S. 71
England 14
Canada 18 

And one more set of statistics:
     The percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. 
Eisenhower ......................  57%
Kennedy ..........................   30%
Johnson ...........................   47%
Nixon ...............................   53%
Ford .................................   42%
Carter ...............................  32%
Reagan ..............................  56% 
GH Bush ..........................   51%
Clinton .............................   39%
GW Bush ........................... 55%

... and ...
OBAMA .............................  8%
... and he's making the decisions about spending YOUR money!

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Ultra-leftist billionaire George Soros is getting married. She's 40, going on 41. He's 82, going on Viagra.

- - - - -

Wonder when CBS is going to be honest and start showing the label "Democrat propagandist" under Bob Schieffer's "I just ate an unripe persimmon" face?

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Another leftist propaganda mill, the Washington Post, refers to Paul Ryan's "obscurity."  Who the hell ever HEARD of Barack Obama five years ago?
     Now he's the most famous unadmitted communist in the world.

- - - - - 

Dan Sorkin reminds us of this quote ...
     "America’s abundance was created not by public sacrifices to 'the common good,'but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes.-- Ayn Rand

- - - - -

Dr. Bud reports on an ecclesiastical controversy ... 
     A pastor's wife was expecting a baby, so he stood before the  congregation and asked for a raise. After much discussion, they passed a rule that whenever the pastor's family expanded; so would his paycheck. 
     After 6 children, this started to get expensive.
     This precipitated a great deal of bickering over how much the pastor's additional children were costing the church., and how much more it could potentially cost.
     The pastor spoke. "Children are a gift from God, and we will take as many gifts as He gives us."
     Silence fell over the congregation.
     Finally a little old lady struggled to stand, and said in her frail voice, "Rain is also a gift from God, but when we get too much of it, we wear rubbers." 

August 14 --


Evasions, demagoguery and outright lies being the hallmark of the Obama administration, the same obscure Illinois Senator who was saying during his short stay in that august body that Medicare reform was essential ... is now trying to scare hell out of older people with monstrous fables about how the reforms proposed by Paul Ryan will kill them.
     Of course, he carefully avoids the fact that nothing would change for people over 55, giving the nation ample time to graduate to a more fiscally responsible alternative formula that would guarantee the survival of Medicare, now on-track to catastrophe.
     As Thomas Sowell so aptly pointed out, why would any rational person who believes that America can't afford doctors, medication and hospitals at present believe that the nation afford could
afford doctors, medication, hospitals AND a giant government bureaucracy to run it?

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"Chicago is an example of what makes this country great."-- Barack Obama, speaking in his former hometown, now America's murder capital. The daily scoreboard of shootings in Chicago news media resembles a return to Al Capone days.

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Here's Comrade Obama in his own words: "Do we go forward toward a new vision of an America in which prosperity is shared?  Or do we go backward to the same policies that got us in the mess in the first place?"

Oh. Do you mean backward to the same policies that made this the most prosperous and powerful nation on earth ... the nation to which people from all over the world chose to immigrate? THAT nation, Comrade?

- - - - -

The Big Media will bury this story, but the Detroit News in Motown reports it ...
     "The Treasury Department says in a new report the government expects to lose more than $25 billion on the $85 billion auto bailout. That's 15 percent higher than its previous forecast.
     "In a monthly report sent to Congress on Friday, the Obama administration boosted its forecast of expected losses by more than $3.3 billion to almost $25.1 billion, up from $21.7 billion in the last quarterly update.
     "The report may still underestimate the losses. The report covers predicted losses through May 31, when GM's stock price was $22.20 a share."

And that's how the resident Marxist in the White House "saved" the auto industry -- for the Autoworkers Union. And, per Obama, wants to save all American business.

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You think maybe crazed liberals are a tad overwrought in their idiotic frenzies?  Absorb this quote from Harry Belafonte:
     "The election of Romney would bring about the end of civilization."
     And this lunatic still wanders around loose!

- - - - -

Utterly predictable. Democrats saying Paul Ryan "lacks foreign policy experience." Like Barack Obama did have such experience?

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Mark Steyn, perceptive as always ...
     "The Obama campaign's theme is "Forward" – which, in the context of a second term for Mister You-Didn't-Build-That, I'd carelessly assumed was a poignant allusion to "The Charge of the Light Brigade":
   'Forward, the Light Brigade!
   Charge for the guns!' he said:
   'Into the valley of Death
   Rode the six hundred.'
     "But apparently the focus groups are oblivious to Lord Tennyson, and 'Forward' is seen as sunny and optimistic rather than a deranged lemming-like march into the abyss. In that sense, 'Forward' is unusually honest for the Democrats, at least compared with their recent assertions that Romney hasn't paid any taxes in 10 years and personally gives women terminal cancer. 'Forward' means 'Even more of the same': You can't say he isn't warning us."

- - - - -

Want to drastically reduce your taxes? Do what Mitt Romney did -- give millions to charities. At least you'll have a better idea and more control over how your money is spent than if you give it to the thieves in Washington.

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Argus Hamilton --
    "Barack Obama was photographed sharing a piece of strawberry pie with a nine-year-old boy who was walking by his table in an Ohio diner.  The president even gave him the first bite.  When the boy didn't die, President Obama finished the piece of pie."

- - - - -

The insightful Deroy Murdock has some ideas on the speech Mitt Romney should make ...
       "You have heard plenty about my previous life as a rich businessman. Yes, I made some $250 million in free enterprise and am proud I did – just as Berry Gordy is proud that he produced millions at Motown and Steve Jobs was proud he yielded billions at Apple. Like these respected and wealthy entrepreneurs, I added value, delivered products and services that people wanted and created thousands of careers along the way.
     "At Bain Capital, my team and I took small and sometimes struggling companies, injected cash and – eight times out of 10 – made them blossom."

He should also offer this rejoinder to the anti-wealth sheeple: "When was the last time a poor person gave you a job?"

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"When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed."  -- Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged," 1957.  (Thanks for the reminder, Peter)

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We may not have heard the last about Hillary Clinton's very close friend and top aide ... and her connections to radical Islam. The Breitbart news reporters offer this ...
     "Rep. Michele Bachmann's concerns about Sec. of State Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin have been openly criticized by many, yet disproved by none. Far from it in fact, as the alleged ties between Huma's family and the Muslim Brotherhood have been broadly substantiated. And now Walid Shoebat claims he is about to release the most damning news about Huma Abedin and Islamists to date. 
     "That news concerns Huma's alleged ties to Abdullah Omar Nasseef, a 'financier' of terrorism with whom Huma was associated when she was part of his organization, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), until taking her position with Sec. of State Clinton."

The same Hillary who, only last year, called Syria's murderous dictator Assad a "reformer."

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You will notice that when I quote the reporting, ideas and insights of others, I always give them credit. I totally fail to understand why that dewy-eyed phony Fareed Zakaria, now suspended by CNN for plagiarizing the work of another journalist, would fail to do the same.
     How, after all, does it diminish the worth or impact of cogent thinking to admit that it came from someone else?

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Candy Crowley of CNN will moderate one of the presidential debates. This is the woman who said the Ryan selection for VP was, quote, "Some sort of ticket death-wish." Therefore, we can be certain that she will be unbiased -- can't we?

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Since the London Olympics cost the Brits three times more than they'd planned, perhaps they'd have been wiser to ask Mitt Romney to run the event. After all, when he rescued the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, he turned them into a better-than-break-even project.  Instead, the Brits insulted him.

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My longtime friend -- and once my producer -- John Brennan forwards this note he received from yet another friend ... 
     "My father was a staunch conservative who lived in Chicago. He voted straight ticket Republican until the day he died.
     "Now, he votes Democrat."

- - - - -

In case you missed them, here are a few memorable comments from TV commentators and guests at the Olympics...
    Dressage commentator: "This is really a lovely horse and I speak from personal experience since I once mounted her mother."
    Paul Hamm, Gymnast:  "I owe a lot to my parents, especially my mother and father."
    A boxing analyst:  "Sure there have been injuries, and even some deaths in boxing, but none of them really that serious."
    Softball announcer: "If history repeats itself, I should think we can expect the same thing again."

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(The late and oft-married) Lewis Grizzard --
     "I don't think I'll get married again. I'll just find a woman I don't like and give her a house."
August 15 --


“They'll put y’all back in chains!” -- Crazy Joe Biden, speaking of Republicans during a campaign speech to a mostly-black Democrat audience in Danville, Va.

"We can win North Carolina again!" -- The same Crazy Joe, same speech in Danville, VIRGINIA.

- - - - -

Survey says ...
     50% of Likely U.S. Voters now have a favorable opinion of Ryan, while 32% view him unfavorably. -- Rasmussen

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Has Romney inhaled John McCain's defeatism? Why in the name of sanity would he agree to debates moderated by a parade of ill-disguised leftists from PBS, CNN and the old alphabet networks, ABC and CBS? Anyone with an iota of political smarts knows that the questions will be loaded to emphasize Obama's talking points.
     One supposes its another example of Republican misguided "fairness." It's really more like helping print the invitations to your own execution. He's dealing with a bunch of Chicago thugs. He needs to behave accordingly.

- - - - -  

Live in the 'burbs? You'd better pay attention to Stanley Kurtz in Forbes Magazine ...
     "As many Americans do not know, in the eyes of the leftist community organizers who trained Obama, suburbs are instruments of bigotry and greed — a way of selfishly refusing to share tax money with the urban poor.  Obama adopted this view early on, and he has never wavered from this ideological commitment, as a review of his actions in office goes to show.
      "President Obama’s plans for a second-term include an initiative to systematically redistribute the wealth of America’s suburbs to the cities."

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So a young Michelle Obama wrote that hiring of Harvard faculty should be based on racial preferences rather than merit.

     Who's surprised? I didn't think so ...

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Tell me you're a "progressive" and I'll tell you that you're a socialist/communist who doesn't have the guts to admit it.

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"Mitt Romney put down his bet that he, with Paul Ryan’s help, can persuade Americans to put aside, if only briefly, the trivia of a culture obsessed with celebrity and entertainment and drunk on entitlement. Greece lies at the bottom of that cliff, and there is no love among the ruins." -- Wes Pruden, editor emeritus, Washington Times

- - - - -

How's this for a basic premise of any government aid program:
     Assistance for those unable to help themselves.
     Rejection for those unwilling to help themselves.
All other considerations are details and minutiae, and should not take precedence over those two fundamentals.

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I still hear from folk who, disappointed that their own favorite in the erstwhile field of Republican presidential candidates failed to survive the primaries, lament the fact that Romney didn't select their favorite from that field for the VP slot.
     A moment's thought should make it obvious that such a choice would be ... well, stupid.
     All it would accomplish would be supplying Obama with a virtually endless source of negative quotes from the primary campaign attacking Romney for incorporation into his commercials. "Rick Santorum said of Mitt ...," "Newt Gingrich said ...," etc.

- - - - -

Democrat (alleged) comedian Al Franken got elected to the U.S. Senate from Minnesota by 312 votes in a race that was later found to have 1,099 votes illegally cast by convicted felons. Yet the same Democratic Party tries to maintain that illegal voting is so rare as to present no real problem.
     It's very simple. Democrats are the party of crooks, still insisting that limiting voting to those legally entitled is "suppressing the vote."

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Does anyone over the age of ten really take that silly CNN twit Soledad O'Brien seriously?

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As Facebook stock tumbles toward half its original offering price, we cynics who called the whole thing a bunch of juvenile bull-bleep are looking smarter and smarter.

- - - - -

From "The Redneck Book of Manners" ...
     Never take a beer to a job interview.
     It is considered poor taste to take a cooler to church.
     If you have to vacuum the bed, it's time to change the sheets.
     Even if you're sure you are included in the will, it is tacky to pull a U-Haul to the funeral home.

- - - - -

Jay Leno --
    "Congratulations to Mexico.  They upset Brazil to win a gold medal in men's soccer.  And after the Olympics ended, the Mexican soccer team, of course, returned home to their houses here in Los Angeles."

    ...and reader Phil reminds us of a classic overheard at the Olympics...
    "Are you a pole vaulter?
    "No...I'm German and how did you know my name was Valter?"

August 16 --


People are asking, and should ask, why are even federal agencies like the Social Security Administration and the National Weather Service stocking up on lethal ammunition like millions of hollow-point bullets and stashing them at locations all around the country?
     This has a sinister ring to it, and it is NOT paranoia to ask just what possible use is being planned by a devious Obama administration. White House reporters should be demanding answers -- often and loudly.

- - - - -

Know this name? King Samir Shabazz. He's "National Field Marshal" of the New Black Panthers. He was the thug who was involved in threatening white people who dared come to a polling place and try to vote in Philadelphia during the 2008 election. He was never prosecuted by Eric Holder's Justice Department.
     Now he's on video promoting a plan to create inner city black military groups that would go into nurseries and kill white babies and murder white people in the streets.
     A couple of other quotes from people who presume to be leaders of the "cause":
     "Our feet will be on your motherf***ing necks.”
     “Revolutions do not take place in velvet boxes. . . . Nuns will be raped and bureaucrats will be disemboweled.”

The hidden fear that nobody wants to talk about: riots by blacks if Obama loses in November.

- - - - -

Why are so many so reluctant to say or write what is screamingly obvious: that Obama is a racist and anti-Semite?

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California Status Report, courtesy Victor Davis Hanson ...
    "California's combined income and sales taxes are among the nation's highest, but the state's deficit is still about $16 billion.  It's estimated that more than 2,000 upper-income Californians are leaving per week to flee high taxes and costly regulations, yet California wants to raise taxes even higher, its business climate already ranks near the bottom of most surveys.  Its teachers are among the highest paid on average in the nation, but its public school students consistently test near the bottom of the nation in both math and science.
    "The state's public employees enjoy some of the nation's most generous pensions and benefits, but California's retirement systems are underfunded by about $300 billion.  The state's gas taxes -- at over 49 cents per gallon -- are among the highest in the nation, but its once unmatched freeways, like 101 and 99, for long stretches have degenerated into potholed, clogged nightmares unchanged since the early 1960s.
    "In the Never-Never Land of Apple, Facebook, Google, Hollywood and the wine country, millions live in an idyllic paradise.  Coastal Californians can afford to worry about the state's trivia -- as their legislators seek to outlaw foie gras, shut down irrigation projects to save the 3-inch delta smelt, and allow children to have legally recognized multiple parents.
    "But in the less-feel-good interior, crippling regulations curb timber, gas and oil, and farm production.  For the most part, the rules are mandated by coastal uptopians who have little idea where the gas for their imported cars comes from, or how the redwood is cut for their decks, or who grows the ingredients for their Mediterranean lunches of arugula, olive oil and pasta."

- - - - -

Survey says ...
    "51% Expect Most Reporters To Help Obama; 9% Predict Most Will Help Romney-- Rasmussen
     Now we know the percentage of the population that is certifiably insane.
     Nine percent.

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Ex-New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine, a very rich man, was a big contributor to Obama's campaign. Also an advisor to Obama.
     Corzine ran a big investment company called MF Global.
     The company went under, losing over a billion dollars of customers' money; it just ... "disappeared!" 
     Now Obama's Justice Department, run by Eric Holder, who is himself being sued by Congress, has decided the MF Global
debacle/fraud is "nobody's fault" and won't be prosecuting Mr. Corzine or any of his underlings.
     Draw your own conclusions.

- - - - -

Obama faces a very difficult choice. "Do I go ahead with the nutjob VP Biden, or do I dump him for a woman I hate and risk the inevitable conclusion by most voters that I've given in to fear and panic about the election?"

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Reality check: Anyone who thinks the civilized world and militant Islam can peacefully co-exist is crazy.
     Serious decisions regarding the ongoing problem with the biggest gang of mass murderers currently inhabiting the planet should be made with that fact in mind.

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Professor (economics) Walter Williams, who is black, is not confident that Barack Obama, ever-supportive of the teachers' unions, has any plan to actually improve the education of disadvantaged black youngsters. The root problem goes right back to the home ...
    "Numerous studies show that children raised in stable two-parent households do far better educationally and otherwise than those raised in single-parent households.  Historically, black families have been relatively stable.  From 1880 to 1960, the proportion of black children raised in two-parent families held steady at 70 percent, in 1925 Harlem, it was 85 percent.  Today only 33 percent of black children benefit from two-parent families.  In 1940, black illegitimacy was 19 percent, today it's 72 percent.
    "Too many young blacks have become virtually useless in an increasingly high-tech economy.  The only bright outlook is the trickle of more and more black parents realizing this and taking their children out of public schools." -- Townhall.com

- - - - -

Even in liberal New York City, there's no appetite for bullying by gays.  A survey of New Yorkers taken by the Quinnipiac Poll finds that, by a margin of 82% to 12%, they want politicians and hysterical gay pressure groups to leave Chick-fil-A the hell alone.

- - - - -

"We built this country together. We built railroads and highways. We built the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge. We built those things together." -- Barack Obama, telling another whopping lie.
     By "we" he obviously means the federal government. Terry Jeffrey of CNS News corrects the record regarding the iconic Golden Gate bridge ...
     "The people of Marin, San Francisco, Sonoma and Del Norte counties, as well as parts of Napa and Mendocino counties, built the bridge. The Bank of America financed it by buying bonds approved by voters in those counties. And drivers who actually crossed the bridge and paid its toll provided the money to pay off those bonds — a feat accomplished only 34 years after the bridge was completed."

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Now that Mitt Romney's finally decided to fight back, suddenly media liberals are concerned about the awful degree of "hateful rhetoric" in the campaign. No problem, though, when Obama & Co. were telling one vicious lie after another.

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If you think it's hard to get an appointment with a doctor now, just wait 'til Obamacare kicks in. There aren't nearly enough people entering the profession now to replace the rate of retirees because they've learned that the socialized medicine that looms over us is detested by current doctors.
     It might also help if you learn to speak Hindi, Farsi or some other exotic language.

- - - - -

Steve McCann in The American Thinker with the hard truth ...
     "The American left is the most self-indulgent, arrogant, and spoiled group of people on the face of the earth.  They live in a nation facing national bankruptcy and societal upheaval -- a country presently subsisting on the residue of past economic achievements.  yet the only things that matter to them are their lifestyles and imposing their self-determined superiority on the rest of the American people.
    "The United States is not facing bankruptcy, it is bankrupt."

- - - - -

Gene writes...

     For the longest time -- years, in fact -- I've struggled with this question:
    Is BHO a communist community agitator, whose main objective in politics is to bring the USA to its knees and make its national defense like a 3rd world country? ... or ...
    Is BHO simply an inexperienced bumbler of a student-body president mentality who can't govern his way out of a paper bag?
     Yesterday, it hit me. These things are not mutually exclusive, so they can both be true.  (Problem solved.)

- - - - -

Jimmy Kimmel --

     "Athletes from the United States did very well in the Olympics. They won more medals than any country. So congratulations to all the Olympic medal winners/future 'Dancing With the Stars' contestants."

- - - - -

Mr. Eason offers this romantic moment ... before and after love-making ...

     Honeymoon night in a motel.  Twin beds.
     She gets out of bed and tiptoes to his bed, but trips and falls enroute.
     He:  "Did my honey-bunny hurt herself? Get into my bed, and I'll make it better."
     Later, she tiptoes back to her bed, but trips and falls again.
     He:  "Pick up your damned feet...!!!"

August 17 --

Crazy Joe just keeps doing it. A couple of days ago, he didn't know whether he was in Virginia or North Carolina. Then we learned than he doesn't know what century he's in ...
     "Folks, where's it written we cannot lead the world in the 20TH CENTURY in making automobiles?"

Despite Obama denials that he'd ever dump sweet ol' Joe, the mystery continues: Is Obama actually going to keep this lunatic on the ticket? If so, you can bet job retention comes to Joe with this addendum: "Keep your (bleeping) mouth shut!"
     Of course, the president who claimed four years ago that he'd already campaigned in 57 states is ill-prepared to condemn the stupidity of somebody else.

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"As Joe Biden might say, it's great to be here in Nevada." -- Paul Ryan, speaking in OHIO.

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Michael Novak unveils another part of the ongoing lie that is the Obama presidency ...
     "President Obama hangs his whole campaign narrative on one legend, and it is false.
     "The legend: that Obama began in 2009 from the worst financial hole since the Depression.
     "Not true. The economic hole in which Ronald Reagan began in 1981 was far deeper.
     "In January 2009, Obama inherited an unemployment rate of 7.6 percent. Average inflation for the previous year was 3.8 percent. The rate for a 30-year fixed-rate home mortgage was 6 percent.
      "In 1981, Ronald Reagan inherited an unemployment rate of 7.5 percent and on a steep uptick. The inflation rate was 13.5 percent. And the rate for a new home mortgage was 13.7 percent. The purchasing power of those on fixed incomes had fallen by 30 percent under Carter, throwing millions of seniors and others below the poverty line. There were gasoline shortages and long, long lines at filling stations." -- National Review Online

Reagan fixed it. Obama has simply worsened matters.

- - - - -

About all that ammunition being stockpiled by civilian federal government agencies ...
     Reader Paul suspects, not irrationally, that now may be a good time to remember Obama's one-time pledge that he would build a civilian force "as large and well-equipped as the U.S. Army."
     For what purpose? We may learn in a most unpleasant way. And remember: even paranoiacs do have real enemies.

- - - - -

Words to live by ...
     "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome becomes bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." --  Cicero - 55 BC (Thanks, Dan)

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I have known the brilliant writer Dinesh D'Souza for many years. What he has done is not out-of-character for him.

     A man named George has a son who became ill and had to be hospitalized. George lives in a slum suburb of a major city; he didn't have money to pay the bill.
     He asked Dinesh for help. Dinesh sent him the required $1,000.
     George got no help from his brother who, ironically, loves to remind others that "We are our brother's keeper."
     George Obama lives in a poor slum just outside Nairobi, Kenya. His brother lives in government housing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20500. He apparently was unable to assist his impoverished brother.

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The Weekly Standard exhumed this from the files of ABC News in 2009. Here's another Obama lie! --
ABC's JAKE TAPPER: "One of the concerns about health care and how you pay for it -- one third of the funding comes from cuts to Medicare."
     BARACK OBAMA: "Right."
TAPPER: "A lot of times, as you know, what happens in Congress is somebody will do something bold and then Congress, close to election season, will undo it."
     OBAMA: "Right."
TAPPER: "You saw that with the 'doc fix.'"
     OBAMA: "Right."
TAPPER: "Are you willing to pledge that whatever cuts in Medicare are being made to fund health insurance, one third of it, that you will veto anything that tries to undo that?"
     OBAMA: "Yes. I actually have said that it is important for us to make sure this thing is deficit neutral, without tricks. I said I wouldn't sign a bill that didn't meet that criteria."

Obama conceded that 1/3 of Obamacare funding is taken from Medicare. Now he says Romney would trash Medicare.

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Did you know ...
     ... that Major Nidal Hasan, the mass-murdering Muslim of Ft. Hood, not only has yet to be tried but continues to receive his full salary as a U. S. Army officer while challenging the order to shave as one of his foot-dragging delays?
     He objects to the order on the grounds that if he is executed, being beardless would doom him to hell. Muslim nutcase that he is, he expects that killing Americans will bring him the reward of heaven, doubtless complete with the much-anticipated 72 virgins. Although a couple may have fooled around a bit.
     Since this creep still breathes, it is time to repeat the mantra: "We live ... in a land ... run by morons."

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Now that Egypt is not-so-slowly sliding into an Islamist dictatorship, any oh-so-sensitive liberals want to tell us again what a wonderful thing last year's "Arab spring" was?

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Timeless wisdom from Thomas Sowell ...
     "If this year's election is going to be decided on the basis of hard facts, the Obama administration is doomed. But the Obama campaign is well aware of that, which is why we are hearing so many distracting innuendos and outright lies about such peripheral issues as what Mitt Romney is supposed to have done while running Bain Capital -- or even what is supposed to have happened at Bain Capital, years after Mitt Romney was long gone.
     "The Obama campaign's big smear, about how Romney is supposed to have caused a woman to die of cancer, has been exposed as a lie by CNN, hardly a Republican network. What smears like this show is that the Obama administration cannot run on its track record, so it has to run on distractions from the country's real problems.
     "There are no doubt voters who will vote on the basis of believing that Obama 'cares' more about them. But that is a faith which passeth all understanding. The political mirage of something for nothing, from leaders who 'care,' has ruined many a nation."

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This is how the Obama administration "creates jobs" -- from The Daily Caller ...
     In late July, John Hynansky — a longtime friend of Vice President Joe Biden, and a major donor to Biden’s campaigns as well as President Barack Obama’s — was awarded a $20 million (U.S.) taxpayer loan to build a foreign-car dealership in ... Ukraine.
     The loan, from the federal government’s Overseas Private Investment Corporation, is designed to “expand Winner Import Ukraine’s automobile business, [and] construct and operate ‘Winner Autocity,’ which will have two new, state-of-the-art dealership facilities for Porsche and Land Rover/Jaguar automobiles.
     Porsche is a German-made luxury and sports car, and Jaguar Land Rover is a British luxury and sports car company owned by an Indian subsidiary.

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Obama "saved" the auto industry? Here's reality from Louis Woodhill, reporting for Forbes Magazine, a serious business publication ...
     "President Obama is proud of his bailout of General Motors.  That’s good, because, if he wins a second term, he is probably going to have to bail GM out again.  The company is once again losing market share, and it seems unable to develop products that are truly competitive in the U.S. market.
      "Right now, the federal government owns 500,000,000 shares of GM, or about 26% of the company.  It would need to get about $53.00/share for these to break even on the bailout, but the stock closed at only $20.21/share on Tuesday."

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Author Helen Gurley Brown ("Sex and The Single Girl") died this week. I once spent an hour or so in her company. It was a memorable experience only because she presented the most bizarre countenance I've ever encountered. The woman had had so much cosmetic surgery her mouth barely moved when she spoke and a smile was totally beyond possibility.

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Argus Hamilton --
    "Chelsea Clinton told Vogue magazine she's decided to embrace her inheritance and family legacy.  Just what that means is open to speculation.  Her parents thought that it meant she is running for office and her husband thought she was already cheating on him."

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Scott suggests ...
     Paul Ryan should challenge Michelle Obama to an arm-wrestling contest.

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When desperate for a joke, we can always go to the file labelled "blonde" ...    
     A blonde's dog goes missing and she is frantic.
Her husband says "Why don't you put an ad in the paper?" She does, but two weeks later the dog is still missing.
     "What did the ad you put in the paper say?" her husband asks.
     "Here boy!"
August 18 --


Mitt Romney has the disease common to most politicians. He is simply incapable of speaking the language of ordinary folk. Columnist Gary DeMar is right: Mitt, when you're talking about how much you've paid in taxes, DON'T talk percentages. Don't say "a minimum of 13% every year."  Say, "At least two (or three or five) MILLION DOLLARS." And then say, "I'd have paid several million more, but I gave a lot of money to charity and worked on projects like the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics for nothing."
     Give people NUMBERS OF DOLLARS. That, they can absorb. Percentages mean nothing. They can compare dollar amounts to what they, themselves, pay in taxes.
     And NEVER, EVER use political acronyms like "GDP." Most average humans have no idea what the hell you're talking about. When you lapse into Bob-Dole-speak, people tune you out. Get over it!
     Even though he lies constantly, plain-language speaking is Obama's advantage in the campaign. It may be bull-bleep, but ordinary folk know -- or think they know -- what he's talking about.

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The incisive Jonah Goldberg gets to the essence of Barack Obama, the political myth ...
     "Obama ran for president as a "change" candidate championing the transformative power of words. In the Democratic primary, he announced that his true opponent was "cynicism" itself. Apparently, to oppose Obama's candidacy for any reason was to give in to dark motivations. Later, he explained that Democratic voters who preferred Hillary Clinton were "clinging" to their bigotries and small-mindedness. As ever, his candidacy did not bear close inspection, but it's hard to inspect something at such an altitude. Besides, as ever, he told a good story.
     "Indeed, as Obama told Newsweek reporter Richard Wolff, 'You know, I actually believe my own bull----.'"

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Harry Reid, the Democrats' leader in the Senate, is a multi-multi-millionaire, yet he's drawn salary only from the government. Since he's expressed a morbid interest in Mitt Romney's tax returns, more and more people are expressing curiosity as to just how ol' Harry got loaded with loot.
     We might currently wonder, for example, just how much he benefited from using his position to help his lobbyist son swing a deal very beneficial to a Chinese company invested in a Nevada project that depends largely on U.S. government cooperation and largesse. He has also prospered greatly from land deals that would be unavailable to most investors.

By the way, the greatest song ever written about corrupt politicians was "Little Tin Box" in the musical "Fiorello" about the long-ago Mayor LaGuardia of New York. You know the one -- they named an airport for him.

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If, as has been reported, Hillary kiboshed the VP idea, her thinking is doubtless along these lines: Obama loses ... she has a clear path to the nomination for the Big Job in four years. If she's on this year's ticket and it loses, she gets labeled as a loser. Conclusion: Hillary's betting on Romney

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It is beyond hysterically funny, all the way to blushingly embarrassing, that the pretentious phony posing as President of the United States, while dodging legitimate questions about the nation's serious problems is answering questions about his choice of music to exercise by, what super-powers (like comic book heroes) he would choose and chatting similar nonsense with rock-jocks on an Albuquerque, New Mexico, FM station.

     It is indicative of the pathetic status to which he has led the country. Heaven had better help us -- because 2008 proved that more than half the voters are too stupid to do so. The country deliberately dived into a swamp of ignorance and juvenile nonsense. Thus providing evidence for worry that the nation is too stupid to survive.

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Voters had also better consider what would happen if ill-fortune befell Obama in office. The President of the United States would be the walking joke, Joe Biden. Every time this fool opens his mouth, flatulence comes out. He's beyond being the town clown; he's a menace. And Obama chose this idiot.

     Of course, there's always the possibility that he could be an improvement over his boss ...

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Predictably, the Big Media have given little attention to Floyd Lee Corkins II and his attempted murder attack inside the Family Research Council offices in D.C. in which he shot a security guard in the arm before the man courageously overwhelmed and disarmed him.
     The FBI says Corkins was prepared for mass murder with 50 rounds of ammunition when he entered and shouted, "I don't like your politics." (Oddly, as a supporter of gay causes, he was also carrying 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches in his backpack.)
      Lack of Big Media attention predictable? Of course, because the Family Research Council, which is opposed to gay marriage, has been identified by the leftist Southern Poverty Law Center as a "hate group."  To media liberals, it is thus acceptable behavior to invade the FRC's offices with intent to commit mass murder.

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Argus Hamilton --
    "WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange got diplomatic immunity in Ecuador from getting prosecuted for leaking cables that embarrassed the U.S. government.  The case is weak.  If embarrassing the U.S. government were a crime, Joe Biden would be on death row at Leavenworth."

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Regarding all that ammo the federal government keeps buying and stashing at ostensibly civilian agencies such as Social Security offices all over the nation, reader Marty offers these words to live by ...
     "I read long ago that paranoia was simply a heightened state of awareness.

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There is irony in this. While much of the nation suffers from a drought -- and we'll all suffer at the supermarket as a result -- here in the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona we are having our annual monsoon season, bringing abundant rainfall.
     Almost every afternoon the thunderstorms build over the mountains providing a dazzling lightning show, then the rain begins. The desert becomes green and the flowers on cacti and other plants blossom. It is, in some ways, the best season of the year. That's why we year-'rounders hold the snowbirds in mild contempt as they flee in summer, many to places almost as hot and far more humid. This year, even places in the upper Midwest have frequently had temperatures higher than here in the desert.
     When I first visited the Arizona desert many years ago, I almost immediately decided this was the place for me. It continues to delight me while presenting an ongoing puzzle.
     My little piece of dirt is surrounded by five mountain ranges which create some very varied weather patterns. Our moisture comes from the southeast, spawned in the Gulf of Mexico, or the southwest, from the Sea of Cortez. Friday, storms came from both directions simultaneously, merged and gave us a short but fierce downpour.
     My training in instrument flight (meaning you pilot the plane without even being able to see beyond the windshield) included some serious study of meteorology. In places like Chicago, Miami and San Francisco it was easy for me to anticipate weather without relying on some TV guru.
     Here, with the mountains playing tricks with the wind, I am regularly surprised. And so, for that matter, are the TV and government weather folk.
     However, I love this part of the country, and would only reluctantly live anywhere else in the United States.

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Jay Leno --
    "According to a new poll, atheism is becoming more and more popular among Americans.  God only knows why."

August 19 --


Consider this to be the universal reminder about all elections. Every further inch of control over any aspect of your life that is granted to, or taken by, the government will be virtually impossible to regain. In terms of power over your life, what government takes, government keeps. And will -- count on it -- eventually misuse that power to your detriment. It is as inevitable as sunrise.

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July unemployment increased in 44 states. The five with the worst numbers -- Nevada, California, Rhode Island, New Jersey and North Carolina -- all voted for Obama in 2008. A couple are likely to go Republican in November, not including the California loony-bin, which seems determined to confirm my thesis that this nation may well be too stupid to survive.

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Interesting. News photos showing Iran's President Ahmadenijad standing erect while being welcomed to Saudi Arabia by King Abdullah. Unlike Barack Obama, who was memorably photographed bowing to the King. As a subservient Muslim should.

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So Iraq has been slyly and secretly assisting Iran in evading sanctions and allowing Iran to ferry war supplies to the Syrian dictatorship thru Iraqi airspace. Is anyone really surprised? Just another example of an idiotic American government winning the war, then losing the "peace."
     Any American who lost a family member or friend in Iraq has every reason to ask, "For WHAT?" As is also the case in the ongoing debacle in Afghanistan.
     American politicians have long lost sight of the only rational purpose for a war, which is to force an enemy nation into unconditional surrender and modify -- totally -- the behavior that led to war in the first place. If our "leaders" aren't willing to do that job thoroughly and completely, they are collaborating in the killing of our soldiers for no worthwhile purpose.
    Every incoming president just take a public vow: "If we're not in it to win it, I will not commit to any war."

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The Obama administration is tap-dancing around the questions as to why civilian agencies such as Social Security and the Weather Service are stockpiling so much deadly ammunition around the nation, including lethal hollow-point bullets actually forbidden for even wartime use by the Geneva Convention.
     One lame excuse given is that they're needed for training. Training? You need hollow-point bullets for target practice?!
     They're jiving us and creating the unavoidable impression that there's some more sinister motivation.

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Wonder what Abraham Lincoln, Republican, would think of Crazy Joe Biden's threat to a black audience that Republicans would "put y'all back in chains!"?

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Argus Hamilton --
    "Bill Clinton agreed to give the keynote speech at the Democratic Convention.  Today's young adults were only seven during the Monica scandal.  They may have been lousy in math and science, but they could spell fellatio younger than any other generation in history."

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Burt Prelutsky, sage, reminds of us a couple of basics to be recalled as we approach the election ...
     "Let us never forget that Barack Hussein Obama once declared that if push ever comes to shove, he would side with the religion of his loony, racist, drunken, father. And why would we doubt him when everything he has said and done, even prior to taking up residence in the White House, has shown where his loyalties lie?
     "What I don’t get is how oblivious so many Americans are to the economic precipice this nation is fast-approaching. You don’t have to have a Ph.D in economics to understand that you can’t indefinitely deal with the problem by borrowing from China and printing worthless paper money."

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Maybe it is true that Obama keeps Joe Biden around in order to make himself look better by comparison. But seriously -- can you imagine that babbling wacko-Joe in the Oval Office?
     On the other hand, how much worse could he be?

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A Life in Radio ... and Travel ...
     I once produced a series of radio programs featuring Mort Sahl, the comedian with a stiletto wit.  One of his favorite satirical observations at the time was, "You have to hate people in groups. Who has the time to get to know them all individually?"
     It is in that spirit that I state that I hate Parisians the way I hate New Yorkers. Individually there are doubtless many fine folk of each genre; it's just that the overall attitude comes across to me as a kind of snotty and totally unjustified arrogance.
     This is prelude to filling a promise given some weeks ago to advise you of my own method for dealing with that embodiment of all that is despicable in Parisians, the hotel desk clerk.
     I first tried this on a clerk who had just conducted a conversation in excellent English with a British gentleman checking in ahead of me. When I approached the desk, having heard his English, I said, "Good morning," instead of "Bonjour," a part of my very limited French vocabulary. (I had earlier mastered, "Voulez vous coucher avec moi," but decided it inappropriate for this occasion.)
     My greeting, of course, tipped him off that I was American. His nose lifted as he tersely intoned, "Non Anglais," and turned his back to me.
     Whereupon I turned to the American behind me and began with him a conversation about the clerk's probable unseemly relationship with his mother.
     Since he had already advised us that he didn't speak -- or understand -- English, he could only sputter, cartoon-like, with almost visible smoke coming from his ears.
     I have since used the same tactic on a few other occasions when encountering clerks who hate Americans and pretend not to understand English. A note of caution: It is unwise to use this method in a situation where the object of your ire is likely to be armed and dangerous.

A footnote: Parisians have (long-belatedly) recognized that their rudeness is a characteristic that identifies them worldwide and have begun a campaign to introduce some civility in a society where it has never taken told. Perhaps I shall never again feel compelled to discuss in that casual way I have, within his hearing, a Parisian being a stupid mother-_____.

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Today's name-drop: Luba Brezhnev, niece of former Soviet tyrant Leonid Brezhnev ... raised in the Kremlin, now lives near San Francisco. I've talked with her on-air several times over the years. Heard from her the other day.
     She's writing a children's book. I'm sure Uncle Leonid would be so proud.
     Rumors to the contrary notwithstanding, Luba and I were never a coosome-twosome. Never. Ever.
     When we were overheard in the corridor talking about a party, it was her uncle's communist party. That is all. Over and out.

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Jimmy Fallon --
     "A man who lost his memory used pictures on Facebook to piece his life back together. Or as most people call that, 'Sunday morning'.”

August 20 --


As of this writing (4:40AM), has Joe Biden said anything crazy yet?

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The New York Times, always a megaphone for liberal politicians and causes, says the Obama campaign people tell them the crowds at Obama/Biden events are down from past appearances because ... ahem ... they are deliberately limiting crowd sizes because of security costs, etc. etc.
     Riiiiight ...

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In a poll of more than 3,000 American adults conducted by the Washington Post and the Kaiser Family foundation, overloaded disproportionately with Democrats as is standard for media-sponsored polls, the results have to be dismaying for Obamunists.
     Large majorities say they favor smaller federal government and less government control of our daily lives.
     The makeup of the poll: 34% Democrats ... only 25% Republican ... 34% independent.
     Smaller government was favored by 55% over 40% wanting more Washington control. Among registered voters, the results were even more overwhelming: 58% to 37% favoring smaller government.
     We'll learn in November just how many really want a country run by the affirmative-action Marxist.

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I understand the frustration of voters whose personal choice did not receive the nomination. However, in this of all election years, we would be well advised to remember the wise words of Donald Rumsfeld: "You go to war with the army you have---not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."

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Especially directed to west coast residents who are feeling the brunt of skyrocketing gasoline prices:
     If you are among the majority in those states that voted for Barack Obama, the man who blocked additional oil drilling on federal land and killed the Canadian pipeline project, you are getting exactly what you deserve ... with far worse likely to come.
     And the rest of us have every right and reason to despise you for your blind stupidity.

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The irascible but insightful Burt Prelutsky with his condensed reasons for a November choice ...
     "Just because I find a lot to like about Mitt Romney doesn’t mean that everyone else does. I mean, just because he’s good-looking, well-spoken, trustworthy, intelligent, doesn’t drink or smoke, has stood faithfully by his wife of 43 years through her bouts with cancer and MS, has helped to raise five decent sons, and has honestly earned and invested millions of dollars, I can see where people might prefer a community organizer with a lifetime of shady friends and associates who has kept his personal history concealed in a manner we all wish he had applied to national security documents.
     "I have to assume that those who parrot the nonsense about Romney being 'stiff' are employing that word as a synonym for a man who is honest, patriotic and businesslike, which just happen to be three of the qualities I most prize when it comes to electing a commander-in-chief."

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The National Rifle Association, which usually takes a skeptical view of the federal government's actions regarding firearms, has released a statement essentially saying there is no reason for concern regarding the recent massive purchases of ammunition by various government agencies. The story is that the deliveries will be made over a period of years and the ammo requirements for training, etc., are legitimate.
     Failure of the government to explain the purchases, however, has only fed a well-founded paranoia about just what Obama and Co. are up to.

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"President Obama led the mission that brought Osama bin Laden to justice." -- Delusional Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen, introducing the 'bam at a New Hampshire rally of the Democrat sheeple yesterday.
     Yap, Jeanne-baby, 'ol 'Bam was right there, packin' heat and leading the charge!

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While the liberal media folk are "vetting" Paul Ryan as a VP candidate, Derek Hunter helps us recall just how thoroughly they checked out Joe Biden four years ago ...
     "If Vice President Joe Biden didn’t exist, you couldn’t invent him. You couldn’t invent him because no one would believe such a character possibly could exist. No Hollywood producer ever would believe someone that dumb could rise to that level without an “R” after his name.
      "But if someone did attempt to pitch a TV show with a character like Joe Biden, here is how it might go:
     "One option would be to have a scene where he chews out someone who asks him about how he did in college and law school. His answer could be like someone really worried his attempt to come off as intelligent could come crushing down, so he snaps at the guy.
      "He could rattle off a list of academic scholarships he earned, how he didn’t really care his first year of law school but then started to and graduated in the top half of his class, etc. Only it’s all a lie. He eventually has to admit it was all a lie. His scholarship was based on need, not academics, he didn't graduate in the top half of his class - he was 76th out of 85...stuff like that.
     "So as you watch the media “vet” Rep. Paul Ryan, just remember how little vetting they did of Joe Biden in 2008. Yet what little vetting the media did of Biden was like a colonoscopy compared to the vetting they did of Barack Obama." -- Full article at Townhall.com

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One of the whopping lies being told by the Obama crowd relates to the cost of Medicare under the Paul Ryan proposal. The Wall Street Journal has a detailed article on it. Herewith, the substance as opposed to the hysterical Obama propaganda ...
    "The $6,400 Myth...One of President Obama's regular attacks on Paul Ryan's Medicare reform is that it would force senior to pay $6,400 a year more for health care.  But merely because he keeps repeating this doesn't mean it's in the same area code of accurate.
    "The claim is based on a now out-of-date Congressional Budget Office estimate of the gap between the cost of health care a decade from now, in 2022, and the size of the House budget's premium-support subsidy for a typical 65-year-old in 2022.
    "In other words, the $6,400 has no relevance for any senior today.  None.  But it also is unlikely to have any relevance for any senior ever because CBO concedes that its number is highly uncertain and 'will depend on the evolution of the health care and health insurance systems over time, which is hard to predict.'  That's for sure."

An addendum from The Daily Caller...
In a book set for publication Tuesday, a politics and government professor at The Citadel claims President Obama’s 2009 health care reform law was, in part, a union-driven effort to organize 21 million health care workers.
     The book is called "Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind."

I know ... hard to believe our Marxist Maximum Leader would want bigger government unions ...

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Jonah Goldberg observes the unveiling of the mythical Barack Obama ...
     "It's becoming increasingly clear that President Obama is not burdened with too heavy a commitment to honesty.
     This is hardly a shock about any politician, but revelations of dishonesty hurt some more than others. Announce that Bill Clinton has been speaking falsely, and it hits the ears with as much force as the news that birds fly, fish swim and dogs lick their own nether regions.
     "But Obama was supposed to be different. He was a 'lightworker,' an ocean tamer and cynicism slayer. In short, he was supposed to be too good to be true -- and it turns out he was.
     "That's one obvious conclusion to be drawn from the all-too-delayed vetting of the president's biography, most notably in David Maraniss' aptly titled book, 'Barack Obama: The Story.'
     "In 'Dreams from My Father,' Obama tells readers that he struggled with racism and racial alienation all his life. He wasn't a starter on his high school basketball team because he played 'black' while his coach coached 'white.' He confabulated a black friend in high school who, like himself, was shunned for racial reasons. He wrote of a 'big fight'" with a white ex-girlfriend who, after seeing a racially charged play, 'started talking about why black people were so angry all the time.'
     "As Maraniss methodically shows, these and other tales of racial woe were false. His coach didn't start him because he wasn't good enough to start. His friend in high school was half-Japanese, not black, and neither of them were racially ostracized. The girlfriend, Genevieve Cook, never saw the play and never said anything of the sort. And so on."  (Complete article at Townhall.com)

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... and columnist Diana West adds ...
     "Obama biographer Stanley Kurtz reported definitive proof that, as a 34-year-old embarking on his political career, Obama belonged to the anti-capitalist -- indeed, socialist -- New Party, a phase of his political development he has not only never repudiated but also has hidden from the American people. By any traditional measure, such news would at least intensify any Obama meltdown. But wait. Kurtz and other researchers discovered this fact back in 2008, only to be smeared by the Obama campaign as not wrong but 'crackpot.' They were right all along and deserve an apology. (Don't hold your breath.)
     "Do Obama and his campaign get away with lying about this key entry in the president's political resume? Does Obama get away with having masked his early efforts to socialize America? So far, even against the backdrop of imploding European socialism, the answers are 'yes'." -- Jewish World Review

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I enjoy the Little League World Series, but I am annoyed by the annual distortion of geography which insists on calling the NATION of Taiwan "Chinese Taipei".  Taipei is not a country, it's a city -- the capital city of the nation of Taiwan.  The constant references to "Chinese Taipei" by the broadcasters makes them sound ignorant.

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Yesterday's item about dealing with arrogant French who understand English but pretend they don't when dealing with Americans (presumably out of resentment for the U.S. saving their sorry butts in two world wars) brought this recollection from reader Rick ...
     "It reminded me of my trip to Paris with my wife.  Before going, I learned a little French, but she knew none at all.  As we sat at an outdoor cafe with the waiter hovering, she couldn't decide because she didn't know what the various items were.  I tried to describe them from my meager knowledge, but the waiter was no help, since he (presumably) didn't speak English.  Finally, as I stumbled over one particular item on the menu, he could contain himself no longer and blurted out, 'It's the CHICKEN!'"

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Jay Leno --
    "President Obama met with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner in the Oval Office.  They agreed on a new economic plan after losing the big Powerball lottery."

August 21 --


Biggest laugh of the week -- so far ...
     Barack Obama, who's made strenuous -- and expensive -- efforts to conceal as much of his personal history as possible, standing before reporters yesterday and declaring that "When you become president, your life is an open book."

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The new e-book called "Obama's Last Stand," published as a project of Politico, the liberal website, tells of discord and disagreement within the president's campaign organization and with the Dear Leader himself.
     This friction within what was previously often called a "well-oiled" organization recalls a favorite John F. Kennedy quote; "Victory has a thousand fathers, but defeat is an orphan."
     Perhaps the infighting is prompted by pessimism regarding November?
     ... on the other hand, there's always the possibility of Republican suicide. (See below)

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The ignorant and the stupid have changed world history before. Another such situation may be unfolding now. Follow this story:

Stupid politicians, Part 1 ...    

     No wonder Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri poured $2 million of her own campaign money into the Republican primary that chose a moron named Todd Akin to be her opponent. The larger question is how somebody as stupid as Akin ever got elected to anything.
     He's the fool who publicly stated that he was opposed to abortion for rape victims because women can block pregnancy by some magical way within their bodies.
     Now, a seat that was virtually guaranteed to switch from Democrat to Republican is a virtual certainty to be retained by McCaskill, because Republican voters in Missouri bought into the McCaskill-sponsored campaign that called this dolt the real conservative.
     Missouri (rational) Republicans are frantically looking for any legal way to remove this hideous walking embarrassment from the ballot. And what kind of fools in his home congressional district put this boob in the House for six terms?

On the winning or losing of this Senate seat may hang control of the U.S. Senate. That, in turn, could affect the survival or dismantling of the failed agenda of Barack Obama.

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Stupid Politicians, Part 2 ...
     More proof that many of our "leaders" are just plain stupid comes from the reports, admitted by the central figure in this episode to be true, that Republican Congressman Kevin Yoder of Kansas jumped into the sea naked -- in front of other people -- when drunk and carousing on a junket to Israel.
     It's hard to believe, in this era of internet gossip sites and transmission of photos from cell-phones, that these idiotic SOBs actually run for office -- and get elected. I suspect that Cong. Yoder will pay a price come the first Tuesday in November. And should.

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Wily Wes Pruden, editor emeritus of the Washington Times, casts an eye on chaotic California ...
The latest Field Poll, the yardstick by which election prospects have been measured since 1947, shows Barack Obama leading Mitt Romney by 18 points, 55 percent to 37 percent. Field finds that a majority of Californians think the country is moving in the wrong direction, but a larger majority think the president is doing a good job nonetheless. (??!!)
     "Gov. Jerry Brown, the 'Governor Moonbeam' of yesteryear, is popular along the coast because he prescribes more of what has sickened California. He’s pushing a fanciful high-speed train that is accelerating toward $100 billion and runs along routes already served by bankrupt Amtrak."

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What was that "Occupy" bull-bleep all about? Here's the real answer, excavated by The Daily Caller ...
     "Former Amalgamated Transit Union local 689 president Mike Golash, now an “Occupy” movement organizer, was caught on tape Sunday revealing his political goals: overthrowing capitalism in the United States and instituting a communist government.
     “Progressive labor is a revolutionary communist organization,” Golash said during an Occupy DC "People's Assembly" on August 19.
     “Its objective,” he added, “is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism.”

Thanks, comrade. Next case ...

It should be recalled that Nancy Pelosi loudly supported these nuts; Obama tacitly did so.

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Survey says ...
     Registered voters in the swing states of registered voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin were asked, "Are you better off now than four years ago?"
     Response: 56% "No" ... 40% "Yes." -- Gallup Poll

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Arnold Ahlert looks askance upon politically correct madness ...
    "One could be forgiven for thinking that political correctness is only one step away from complete insanity.  A military appeals court halted the murder case against Maj. Nidal Hasan indefinitely.  Why?  Because Hasan refuses to shave a beard he grew beginning in June to express his allegiance to Islamo-fascicm.
    "Let me tell what this case is not about.  It's not about trying an alleged mass murderer in a timely manner, for killing 13 people and wounding another 32.  We already know that the PC-infested swamp of the Obama administration's Defense Department has referred to this atrocity as 'workplace violence,' as opposed to the Islamic terrorist attack it truly was.  That in and of itself is a flirtation with insanity, one that allows for such a definition despite the reality that Hasan was shouting Allahu Akhbar! as he executed one person after another." -- Jewish World Review

    For the record, the Muslim mass murderer was clean-shaven for years.  Now he has a problem with it.

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George W. Bush began the Afghanistan adventure. Obama expanded it, saying it was the war that was more important than Iraq.
     When will someone in -- or competing for -- a leadership role have the courage to admit the obvious and say, "My fellow Americans, this was all a stupid mistake. There's no U.S. national will to do what it would take to actually win and achieve our illusory goals, so let's get the hell out of this rathole instead of watching more of our military get murdered by so-called 'allies'. Let's conserve our shrinking national defense resources for more serious threats than a bunch of crazed Muslim tribesmen. We have no real 'mission' in this godforsaken place."
     Of course, there's no chance Mitt Romney will make any such statement. After all, he's up against the war hero who personally went to Pakistan and strangled Osama bin Laden with his bare hands. You do remember it that way, don't you?

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Needed: An actual, concrete definition of the word "affordable" as used by politicians.
     "Affordable housing," "affordable health care," etc. Does "affordable" mean the same in Manhattan as in Smackover, Arkansas? (There is such a town.)

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Why the Newsweek cover article, "Why We Need a New President": Because the magazine, a dying relic, brought in publishing wunderkind Tina Brown in a last-ditch effort to save it. Ms. Brown, known for promotional stunts to get attention, simply figured one way to cause a stir was to stun the weekly's core liberal readership with an article by British-born conservative Niall Ferguson.
     In other words, it's about marketing hype, not a sudden change of course for a liberal media outlet.

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Does it disturb you that Mitt Romney cannot bring himself to use the word "lie" when describing the whoppers told by Obama and his lackeys?
     It's a good, clear word, understood by all, yet Romney chooses to obfuscate and equivocate with such evasive terms as "not factual." Even when the Obamunists are accusing HIM of felonies!
     Yet another example of bringing a knife to a gunfight. I will assuredly vote for him -- more accurately, against the Affirmative Action Marxist -- but my expectations are not high.

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Today's significant statistic ...
     Police reports show a 64% increase of robberies this year in Washington, D.C.'s Capitol Hill neighborhood.
     And that's not even counting what the bandits in Congress are doing to us.

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An enlightening excerpt from Ann Coulter's book, "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America" ...
     "The 'root cause' of the Democrats' wild allegations against Republicans, their fear of change, their slogans and insane metaphors, are all explained by mass psychology, diagnosed more than a century ago by the French psychologist Gustave Le Bon, on whose work much of my own book is based.
      "Le Bon's 1896 book, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,' was carefully read by Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in order to learn how to incite mobs. Our liberals could have been Le Bon's study subjects.
      "With the country drowning in debt and Medicare and Social Security on high-speed bullet trains to bankruptcy, the entire Democratic Party refuses to acknowledge mathematical facts. Instead, they incite the Democratic mob to hate Republicans by accusing them of wanting to kill old people."

And that's why your liberal neighbors behave like mad lemmings.

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I can't help but wonder ...
     Don't these overseas scam artists, many working the so-called "Nigerian scam" ("My uncle was a government official and hid $25 million in stolen money, etc.") because that's where it originated, know anything about American culture?
     Don't they realize that putting lines like "Dearest one" or "Beloved" on the subject like is a sure tip-off that someone's out to con you?
     But such ripoffs obviously work, or they wouldn't spend time doing it.
     P. T. Barnum was right ...

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Jimmy Kimmel --
     "Some investors are suing Facebook saying they were misled. Their CEO is a kid in a hoodie. That's how much we have been misled."

August 22 –


Milking the Idiot Akin story may be about all Obama has going for him at the moment, with new polls suddenly showing both Wisconsin and Michigan tilting toward Romney.
     Michigan! -- Even after Obama buying the United Autoworkers Union with his "bailout of the auto industry" using taxpayer dollars. Maybe they've noticed the new GM jobs are in China and Italy's Fiat owning Chrysler.

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A third-party candidate would be a long-shot for the Republicans to wrest the Missouri Senate seat from Claire McCaskill, but not impossible. It worked for Joe Lieberman in Connecticut when the crazies in the Democratic party there dumped him for a leftist nutjob.

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Perfect examples of overgrown government gone mad: First, the woman threatened with legal action for giving food to hungry children in her neighborhood ... now another woman  being similarly threatened for giving water to thirsty people "without a license." Madness, madness!

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Arab Spring, continued ...
     Once again emphasizing the gullibility and utter stupidity of liberals who bought into the "Arab Spring" fantasy, it is now clear that Egypt's ties to the Muslim Madmen of Iran are getting closer.
     The Muslim Brotherhood member who is now Egypt's president is going to Tehran for a group hug later this month, as Iran's Ahmadenijad loudly proclaims that the "cancerous tumor" that is Israel will soon be eliminated.
     Only if they are suicidal will the Israelis wait for the Muslim sympathizer in the White House to take serious action against Iran.

Yet it is as predictable as sunrise that a majority of American Jews will vote for Obama in November.

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Thomas Sowell calls attention to a critical fact about Obama's attempt – successful so far – to rule by “executive order” …
    "No President of the United States is authorized to repeal parts of legislation passed by Congress.  He may veto the whole legislation, but then Congress can override his veto if they have enough votes.  Nevertheless, every President takes an oath to faithfully execute the laws that have been passed and sustained -- not just the ones he happens to agree with.
    “When a President can ignore the plain language of duly passed laws, and substitute his own executive orders, then we no longer have 'a government of laws, and not of men' but a President ruling by decree, like the dictator in some banana republic.
    “If Obama gets reelected, he knows that he need no longer worry about what the voters think about anything he does. Never having to face them again, he can take his arbitrary rule by decree as far as he wants. He may be challenged in the courts but, if he gets just one more Supreme Court appointment, he can pick someone who will rubber stamp anything he does and give him a 5 to 4 majority.”

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Another wakeup call for advocates of British-style socialized medicine, i.e., Obamacare, comes from Theodore Dalrymple in City Journal. Comparing Britain's National Health Service (NHS) with thirteen other advanced nations ...
     "... it ranked worst for five-year survival rates in cervical, breast, and colon cancer. It was also worst for 30-day mortality rates after admission to a hospital for either hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke. On only one clinical measure was it best: the avoidance of amputation of the foot in diabetic gangrene. More than one reason for this outcome is possible, but the most likely is that foot care for diabetics—a matter of no small importance — is well arranged in Britain; the amputation rate is four times higher in the United States.
     "Overall, however, Britain seems to face a self-esteem problem: too much of it. How is it that the population most confident that it will receive treatment of the highest possible standard, featuring the latest medical advances, actually has the worst survival rates in precisely those diseases that require the most up-to-date treatments?"

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Before selecting pop music for use at campaign events, in commercials, etc., the Republican party needs to consult with someone knowledgeable about music and the people who create it.
     It's happened again. This time a group called Silversun Pickups told the Romney campaign to stop using their song "Panic Switch." It's a minor embarrassment to have liberal composers get a cease-and-desist order aainst a candidate, but it's a recurring problem for tone-deaf Republican campaign operatives.
     Tom Petty told the George W. Bush campaign to stop using his song, "I Won't Back Down" (they did stop). This year, he also stopped Michelle Bachmann's use of his "American Girl." McCain, Dole and Sarah Palin had similar problems with unauthorized use of material that some campaign operatives selected.
    The worst example was a Republican campaign -- I believe it was Reagan, maybe Bush Sr. -- that briefly used the rousing "The Best of Times" by Jerry Herman ... not realizing that it came from the musical "La Cage Aux Folles" (later made into the movie "The Birdcage") and was virtually the gay national anthem.
     All such embarrassments could be avoided with a phone call or two. And a reminder that most people in "the arts" are Democrats.

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Students of history who see similarities between the dying days of the Roman Empire and the United States today will appreciate these observations from the erudite Victor Davis Hanson  ...                                                                                   
The Roman satirist Juvenal lamented the ill effects of free food and free entertainment for the masses (“bread and circuses”) in part because he knew there was no remedy for the pathology in sight — and thus only a slow decline toward fiscal insolvency or riots were on the horizon. Any Roman emperor bold enough to rein in the Praetorian Guard, charge the mob for grain, and curb gladiatorial shows would earn a usurper marching on Rome from the provinces. So most did not.
    "Given human nature, societies never voluntarily reduce entitlements.  That is the subtext of much of the critique of popular democracy, beginning with Plato and Aristotle.
    "The strangest thing of all?  Americans watch both parties demagogue proposed cuts in medicare, knowing full well that the present rate of expenditure cannot go on -- and yet they are fully prepared to blame those who agree with them and reduce the rates of yearly increases."

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Sports …
In Finland, a teenager threw his old cell-phone 333 feet to win that competitive event at a summer festival. (Finland is, after all, the home of Nokia, a pioneer brand of cell-phone.)
      The winner told reporters he trained for the event “mostly by drinking.”

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Argus Hamilton –
   "Waiting for Joe Biden to say something really stupid every day has replaced baseball as America's National Pastime.

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Are we to choose presidents like “King of the Senior Prom?” Mona Charen takes on the “L”-word …
      “Have you noticed how often the president's supporters talk about the 'likeability' factor in politics these days? No longer do we hear that presidential candidates must convey 'the vision thing' or 'gravitas' or credibility as commander in chief. Not that those criteria were precisely calibrated. Four years ago, many commentators were assuring us that Joe Biden brought gravitas to the Obama ticket, which is a little like saying that helium provides ballast, but at least they thought a certain policy weight was important -- even if their perception was ludicrous.
“This year, however, we are told that voters cast their ballots based mostly upon which candidate they'd prefer to 'have a beer with.' If that truly were the most important qualification in the minds of most voters, we might as well abandon the Electoral College, chuck the Constitution with its complicated rules and just select presidents by liking them on Facebook.” – Townhall.com

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Len the haiku master takes note of Rosie O'Donnell's heart attack …
    Rosie O'Donnell
    Buys the best heart care there is.
     NOT Obamacare !

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Jay Leno –
“President Obama said to he's working on a plan to release oil before November to lower gas prices. It will be released from our strategic election reserves.”

August 23--


There is a possibility that a hurricane may dampen proceedings at the upcoming Republican convention in Tampa; maybe even force cancellation.

    Let me submit the iconoclastic view that a cancellation would be something less than a tragedy. Indeed, more like a blessing. Better yet, cancel BOTH conventions forevermore ... or at least until they return to meaningfulness, a quality that disappeared long ago.
     Except for pure political junkies (like me) who has any real reason to watch a bunch of drunks waving signs and wearing goofy hats? All the significant business has already been done before the expense-account squandering begins. The nominees have long since been decided (bring back smoke-filled rooms, which produced better candidates!).
     Does anybody seriously believe that minds are changed by these quadrennial charades?

     Television executives, cynical numbers-crunchers all, have cut their coverage because of shrinking viewership. Why cancel a profitable re-run of "Friends" or "Seinfeld" for this recital of lies and nonsense?
     Better to leave it to PBS and let viewers choose to watch something that might produce a surprise. Like a straight couple showing up on a "reality" show.

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I do not often disagree with Charles Krauthammer, but I believe he may have missed a glaringly obvious point yesterday on Fox News when he assumed that the budget crisis will be (at least temporarily) resolved even if Obama is re-elected.

     His reasoning was that Obama wouldn't want a worse recession in his second term. Those of us who hold the cynical view that Obama wishes to diminish the United States' role in the world don't agree. Since he'd never have to face the voters again, what he's already done in office suggests that such an outcome would not cause him distress.

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A reader asks, "What did Mitt Romney mean, using 'bless his heart' in remarks about Obama?"

     I take it to mean what the expression has always meant in some parts of the country. It's a condescending way of referring to someone who's a bit slow in the mental department. A childlike fool, in other words.

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It is possible to make, on moral grounds, a principled argument against ending even a rape victim's pregnancy.
     As a political position, it's a likely loser -- big-time -- with the possible exception of some isolated areas. It remains to be seen whether the entire state of Missouri shares the view of Congressman Akin that abortion should be forbidden to rape victims.  It seems highly doubtful.
     My expectation is that most voters, considering the prospect of having their own daughter raped by a vicious criminal, would be unwilling to force her to carry a resulting pregnancy to term then give birth.                                
     Then there's Akin's absurd proposition that a woman's body rejects insemination in a "legitimate rape" (where did this fool get THAT term?), proving that he's not only stupid, but ignorant.
     Curious about how this dope got elected to Congress six times, I checked his district. It consists primarily of St. Louis County and an adjacent area to the northwest -- a generally prosperous and presumably educated part of Missouri. St. Louis County, by the way, does not include the city of St. Louis, which constitutes a separate political entity. In fact, the city and county are frequently at odds.

In light of Akin's idiocy, I expect -- and fear -- that nutty Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat, will hold her Senate seat. But a voting public goofy enough to vote for her might even vote for Akin. Whether that would be a net plus for Republicans is also a dubious proposition. Since he clearly hates the party, he just might vote with the Senate Democrats out of sheer spite.

This campaign has spread more manure than Massey-Ferguson (for those acquainted with farm implements).

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Democrats believed -- or pretended to believe -- that Paul Ryan's presence on the Republican ticket would give them a bonanza of votes from older folk because of his plans to reform Medicare. Not working out that way.
     Rasmussen polling finds that by a margin of 47% to 41% seniors are more worried about Obama's socialized medicine than Ryan's proposed reforms.

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Victor Davis Hanson addresses what happens when selfish children are allowed to run the nation ...

     "As gas prices climb back toward $4 a gallon, the Obama administration — facing a tough reelection campaign and rising Middle East tensions — is once again considering tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. For years, administrations have bought and stored oil for emergencies, in fear of a cutoff of imported oil, as happened during the Arab embargo of 1973–74.
     "But since 2009, the U.S. government has declared most federal lands off-limits to new oil and gas exploration — despite vast recent finds of energy and radically new means to tap it. President Obama also canceled the most vital sections of the Keystone pipeline, a proposed conduit from the Canadian oil fields into the heart of the oil-consuming U.S., while preventing production on existing oil and gas reserves in northern Alaska and offshore. In the midst of a crop-killing drought, we are diverting about 40 percent of our shrinking corn crop to produce high-cost ethanol fuels.
     "Apparently, Americans are not willing to produce enough new available oil to meet our always growing gasoline appetites. Yet to keep gas prices manageable in an election year, we will surely tap what our predecessors banked for us." -- National Review Online

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How is that
GM bailout going? Veteran reporter Michael Barone (Washington Times) summarizes results to date ...
     "Obama talks about the auto bailout frequently, since it's one of the few things in his record that gets positive responses in the polls. But he's probably wise to avoid probing questions, since the GM bailout is not at all the success he claims.
     "GM has been selling cars in the U.S. at deep discount and, while it's making money in China -- and is outsourcing operations there and elsewhere -- it's bleeding losses in Europe. It's spending billions to ditch its Opel brand there in favor of Chevrolet, including $559 million to put the Chevy logo on Manchester United soccer team uniforms -- and just fired the marketing exec who cut that deal.
     "The UAW  (United Auto Workers) got its political payoff. And GM, according to Forbes writer Louis Woodhill, is headed to bankruptcy again."

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R. Emmett Tyrrell takes note of Obama's spending habits ...
     "President Barack Obama is spending more money than he is raising. It will get worse. A president who mismanages the federal budget the way Obama does cannot be expected to manage his campaign budget much better.
     Lavish spending, it turns out, is a way of life for the community organizer who became our 44th president. Lavish spending on Campaign 2012 will be looked back on and seen as one of the campaign's greatest weaknesses. He can spend the money, but my guess is he will not be able to raise it.
     "Obama is reaching out to his very own special constituency. It is composed of those who believe that the Republicans would put up as their candidate for the presidency a person who in his business life would engage in fraud, tax evasion, even murder. Obama is casting his net for the moron vote. I do not believe that there are enough morons out there to reelect him." -- Townhall.com

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"It is very rare I come to an event where I’m like the fifth or sixth most interesting person. Usually the folks want to take a picture with me, sit next to me, talk to me. That has not been the case at this event and I completely understand."

     Our ever-modest president, speaking to a gathering of former professional basketball players.

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Don't be surprised if you awaken tomorrow to news of bloodshed in Egypt. The minority Christian population is planning a demonstration against worsening oppression by the new Islamic government, which may respond violently.

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Worth repeating ...

     Senator Patty Murray of the state of Washington is one of the "leaders" of the Democratic Party expressing willingness -- even enthusiasm -- over the prospect of driving the nation "over a cliff" because of inaction by Obama and the Democrat-controlled Senate to resolve the budget crisis.
     I've said it before and I'll repeat it: In many years of interviewing politicians, from presidents to local city officials and candidates, Senator Murray is the dumbest I've ever encountered.

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Ponder this. What do you think he/she/it really means when a politician or newsperson says, "I take responsibility."
     "Responsibility" without consequences becomes one of the most meaningless words in the language.

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Thanks to the several readers who forwarded this description of a new version of "Survivor," the TV show.

     Due to the popularity of the "Survivor" shows, Texas is planning to do one entitled: "Survivor, Texas-Style!"
     The 8 contestants will all start in Dallas , drive to Waco, Austin and San Antonio; then over to Houston and down to Brownsville. They will then proceed up to Del Rio , El Paso , Odessa , Midland , Lubbock and Amarillo . From there they will go on to Abilene and Fort Worth. Finally back to Dallas.
    Each will be driving a pink Toyota Prius with bumper stickers that read:
1- "I'm a Democrat"
2- "Amnesty for Illegals"
3- "I love the Dixie Chicks"
4- "Boycott Beef"
5- "I Voted for Obama"
6- " George Strait Sucks"
7- "Re-elect Obama in 2012"
8- "I'm here to confiscate your guns"
      The first one to make it back to Dallas alive wins.

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Jay Leno --
      "As you may have heard, our parent company has downsized 'The Tonight Show.' I knew something was going on. Friday morning I woke up and there was a peacock head in my bed."

20120824.htm August 24 --


Reminder: The day before Barack Obama took office, the average (nationwide) price of gasoline was $1.84 per gallon.
Been to the pump lately?

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Wonder how many of the women lined up to speak at the Democrats' convention are aware that women working in the White House doing essentially the same jobs as men are paid far less.

     Probably do know, but don't care. Important to the convention parrots to keep other women in the dark.

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Rasmussen polling, the most reliable based on their record, finds what sane people expected as a result of the stupid remarks by Todd Akin: suddenly he trails the laughable Claire McCaskill by ten points, 48%-38%, for that Missouri Senate seat.

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Jay Leno --
"Happy birthday to gold medalist sprinter Usain Bolt. He turned 26 this week. You know the sad thing? His world-record time has already been broken by Republicans running away from Missouri Congressman Todd Akin."

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Unsurprisingly, some Republicans are distraught because the Big Media, while gleefully exploiting Congressman Akin's ridiculous "legitimate rape" reference, fail to recall that Bill Clinton was charged with rape by one of his campaign workers, Juanita Broaddrick. Nothing came of it, of course. Presidents DO have clout.
     But it still amazes that there are Republicans so insulated from the real world of media that they expect balanced reporting. Of course the Big Media brown-nosers will emphasize any Republican scandal, real or imagined, while minimizing similar or worse behavior by Democrats. Aren't we all used to that by now? They're not reporters, they're propagandists.

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"It is free men and women that drive our economy.  Freedom is what makes America work.  And President Obama, bless his heart, has tried tosubstitute government for free people - and it has not worked, and it will never work." -- Mitt Romney
    Kyle-Anne Shiver elaborates ( in The American Thinker) on the explanation offered here a couple of days ago as to the meaning of "bless his heart"...
    "The phrase 'bless your heart' is known throughout the South as the worst, most insulting, most burried-under-sweet-sounding-rhetorical-sugar phrase possible.  What we mean, when we say it, is that the object of our pronouncement could not be more the imbecile if he were working hard at the task.
    "This person is so completely hopeless that only God can come to his rescue with protective blessings.  Otherwise, the poor fool is doomed to be a victim of his never-ending shots at his own two feet.
    "But because the insult is delivered in an offhand or sweet-sounding tone, it creates a state of disabling confusion in its victim."

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If NBC News were a credible news operation rather than a leftist propaganda outlet, they would (even now, four years late) also devote a primetime "special" to exploring Barack Obama's religious ties as thoroughly as Mitt Romney's Mormonism.
     How, for example, might they reconcile his parental history of an Islamic faith and the fact that he was registered in school in Indonesia as a Muslim with his years of attendance at a Chicago black-racist church whose pastor famously said, "God bless America? No, God DAMN America."
     But NBC won't be doing that because it is what it is: a sleazy, propaganda organ with no respect for either truth or fairness, and should be seen as such.

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The wife of the president who said four years ago that he'd already campaigned in 57 states carries on the family tradition of ignorance. She told a Florida audience they should be sure and vote on November 2nd.
     Very good, Michelle -- since the election is on November 6th.
     Perhaps she did it deliberately, to distract attention from her husband's spelling of the vital election state that contains the cities of Cleveland and Cincinnati. He spelled it "O-I-H-O."

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Think Hillary would be an improvement over Obama? Consider this: The State Department, Hillary's domain, has assembled a report suggesting that the United States abolish its own nuclear arsenal on the grounds that having it motivates nations like Iran to pursue nukes, themselves.

     The assumption is that, if we dispose of our weapons, all other nations will be kindly disposed toward us and abandon their own efforts to acquire nukes.

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Soviet emigre Svetlana Kunin has a wakeup call for liberal idiots ...

     "Too many people think that freedom, opportunity and a variety of choices are ever-present features of life in the U.S. — that fundamental transformation of America will not affect accustomed standards.
     "When we lived in the U.S.S.R., locked away from the world, kept from traveling abroad and surrounded by government-controlled sources of information, we couldn't imagine what kind of life people had on the outside. Simple things, like tomatoes in stores in winter, seemed improbable.
     "When we immigrated to the U.S., I realized that most of what we were taught about capitalism was false. I was surprised how uninformed and downright clueless Americans were regarding communist ideology and history.
     "In the U.S.S.R. Dissidents were imprisoned, condemned to psychiatric facilities and expelled from work. Their families were persecuted. Meantime, enjoying the freedoms of the U.S., (1960s) Weather Underground radicals were calling forces to unite for "the destruction of U.S. imperialism and achieve ... world communism."
     "For more than 100 years, old and tired socialist propaganda brought out the worst in societies: envy, hate, intolerance and disrespect for human life, just as these traits have increased in the last four years in the U.S." (Entire article in Investors Business Daily)

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For anyone who thinks the big-dogs of  labor unions are part of the mythical "99%," some figures excavated by the Washington Times regarding their salaries ...

"AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka – $293,750. National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel – $460,060 Service Employees International Union President Mary Kay Henry – $290,334. American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees President Gerald McEntee – $512,489. International Brotherhood of Teamsters President James P. Hoffa , Jr. – $372,489. American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten – $493,859."
     And that's only the beginning. Lavish perks, expense accounts, retirement plans, etc., push their total income far higher.

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Not to be tawdry, but really ...
     Can anyone look at Britain's Prince Harry and his older brother, William, and possibly believe that Harry really is part of the royal family bloodline?
     After the world has seen the pix of Harry skinny-dipping with some babes in Vegas, wonder if the Queen might be prepared to out the rascal?

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Jimmy Kimmel --
     "There's a referee strike in the NFL right now. They're demanding more money and silly shirts."

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Reader Marjie contributes one for the "blonde joke" archives ...                      
     A rich blonde buys a new automatic Jaguar. The car drives perfectly well during the day, but at night, the car just won't move at all. She calls the Jaguar dealership and they send out a technician.
     The technician examines the car and finds nothing wrong with it. He asks her, "Ma'amam, are you sure you're using the right gears?"
     "Of course I do! You think I'm stupid?  Of course I'm using the right gears. I use 'D' during the day and 'N' at night."     

August 25 --


The Admiral in charge of special operations -- like the Navy Seal raid that whacked Osama bin Laden -- says he'll take legal action against either current or former troops who expose information that could cause harm to other national security operatives.
     He's apparently concerned because a former Seal who was involved in the actual bin Laden raid is publishing a book about it.
     Tip to the Admiral: If you're concerned about leaks that compromise our national security and put our people and associates at risk, do this. Go to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, enter via the south portico and hang a left to the Oval Office. Inside you will find the man who's leaked more hazardous information than anyone in uniform, past or present, since Benedict Arnold.
     You might also ask him what he's doing, or trying to do, for the Pakistani doctor who helped us nail bin Laden and got thrown into prison for his efforts.

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Catholics may be interested in knowing that Timothy Cardinal Dolan, head of the New York archdiocese and the church's most prominent figure in the U.S., offered to deliver a prayer at both national conventions.
     He will be doing so at the Republican gathering. Obama turned him down for the Democrats' confab. Obama & Co. are looking for a "tame" Catholic to appear, not the Cardinal who openly opposed him over church-run institutions being required to provide free birth control to employees.

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Jay Leno --
     "They're now worried that Tropical Storm Isaac could hit Florida during next week's Republican convention. But Florida is ready for it. Thanks to President Obama's economic policies, many businesses down there are already boarded up."

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Here's  what Akin-the-Idiot and his stupid comment about "legitimate rape" has achieved: Missouri, which was a virtual lock for Romney ... isn't anymore.
     Rasmussen polling finds that, in the wake of the Akin mess, Obama now leads in that state by a point. Put bluntly, if Romney doesn't win Missouri, he probably loses the election.

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Burt Prelutsky takes on one aspect of Obama's campaign ...
     "Left-wing women claim that they’re entitled to have abortions on demand and that the government shouldn’t be sticking its nose into what they do with or to their own bodies, but they then turn around and insist that the government use our tax dollars to provide them with birth control pills.
      "Naturally, Obama, who is depending on women to get him re-elected, feeds the outrage by pretending that if Romney is president birth control pills won’t be readily available in every drug store in America. It’s bad enough that where it really counts, in the work place, women have suffered even worse than men under the Obama economy. But when women actually fall for this line of bull hockey, they come across like a bunch of giddy school girls squealing over Justin Bieber."

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Since Senator Harry Reid, the Democrats' leader in that body, is so obsessed with where Mitt Romney invests his money, he might be interested in the revelations by Betsy Woodrull in National Review, who found in official records where some of his fellow Senate Democrats place their fortunes ...   
     "He could start with (Diane) Feinstein ...  the seventh-wealthiest senator, with a net worth between $44 million and $94 million, according to her latest disclosure forms. And, just like Romney, she keeps a portion of it in offshore accounts. Her most recent reports say she has an unspecified amount (at least $1 million) in Coral Growth Investments, Ltd., in St. Peter Port, Guernsey. Guernsey, a tax haven, is a small island in the English Channel.      
     "Like Feinstein, Richard Blumenthal is on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Also like Feinstein, he has funds sheltered from taxes — $15,000 to $50,000 in a hedge fund in the Cayman Islands, to be exact.
     "Sen. Frank Lautenberg ... is the fifth-wealthiest senator, with a net worth that, in 2006, was six times the Senate’s average. His most recent forms show that his wife’s family has between $500,000 and $1 million in Port Louis, Mauritius. The money is in a real-estate private-equity fund that does its actual investing in India.
     "Then there’s John Kerry, the richest person in the Senate. He is considered wealthy because of the fortune of his wife, ketchup heiress Teresa Heinz Kerry, whose wealth came largely from her previous husband, Republican Henry John Heinz III. The senator’s 2010 disclosure forms (the latest available online) show that she had at least $2 million in a fund in Guernsey at filing time."
     Just for starters.

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The White House tells us Obama has almost 19 million people "following" him on Twitter, but -- what's this??! -- the New York Times (!) reports that 70% of those followers are fake. Bought and paid for.

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I long ago concluded that most TV programming people are stupid. That conclusion is based not only on the wretched quality of most of the junk that clutters the screen, but upon an observation made recently by my longtime colleague, Jim Eason, about the simultaneous scheduling of commercials on many channels.
     You know the drill: you look for something more interesting when an endless cluster of commercials begin ... you click across a half-dozen channels and find they're all running sales pitches. A smart programmer would not get caught in that trap and would have real program content running while everybody else is in a commercial break. Viewers might even like your stuff and stay with you.
     I have no problem with media advertising; it paid my salary for many years in radio and TV. However, as a radio Program Director of three major-market powerhouse radio stations, I used certain basics common in that fiercely competitive branch of media, among them making sure that when our most direct competitor(s) ran commercials, we were broadcasting our basic content, be it music, talk or news. While the competition usually ran news at either top-of-the-hour or at :55, I placed ours from :53 to :58. That way, we could claim that our news came first. The unstated message on music stations was ... "We get back to playing music first."
     TV programmers did learn one old radio trick; back-loading commercials. You see it almost any time you watch a movie, especially on the networks. They'll show twenty ... even thirty minutes ... of the film before the first commercial break. Then, having you hooked, they pack the last half-hour with advertising, knowing that by then you want to see the conclusion. That was borrowed from the old music-radio stunt of playing non-stop music for the first twenty-minutes-plus of each hour.

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Reader Rick, being utterly shameless, contributes this ...
     Bubba is driving down a back road. A flashing sign in front of a roadside joint reads: "HAPPY HOUR SPECIAL -- Lobster Tail and Beer"
     "Lord a'mighty," he says to himself, - "I am so lucky! My three Favorite Things!"

August 26 -- 


What do these people have in common? --Ben Affleck, the Black Eyed Peas, Sheryl Crow and Susan Sarandon.
     Celebrities who all played big, visible parts in Obama's 2008 convention spectacle ... none of whom plan to even attend this year's

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Lest rational people be tempted to succumb to the politically generated hysteria over Mitt Romney's taxes, it is appropriate to recall the words of Judge Learned Hand, renowned jurist, on the subject:
    "Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury.  There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes.  Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible.  Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands."

    In short, unless Romney or anyone else has committed a prosecutable offense, his taxes are nobody's business.  How many people don't try to keep their taxes as low as legally possible?

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So the Obamunists think it's bad to be invested outside the U.S.?
     Hmmmm... With minimal digging, the Weekly Standard found that, according to Obama’s financial disclosure forms, the president has money in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund Holdings. This financial investment has spread the president’s money across the globe.
     The Vanguard fund is invested in foreign companies such as ACE Limited (based in Zurich Switzerland), Covidien Health Care (Dublin, Ireland), Ingersoll-Rand (Dublin, Ireland), Nabors Industries (Hamilton, Bermuda), Noble Corporation (Baar, Switzerland), XL Group (Dublin, Ireland, with offices in Bermuda), and TE Connectivity (Schaffhausen, Switzerland).
     Naughty, naughty!

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Arlys forwards this insight from Ben Stein ...
     "Fathom the hypocrisy  of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but  not everyone must prove they are a citizen." Now add this, "Many of those who  refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance  paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."

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Random thoughts on the passing scene: from Thomas Sowell ...
     Even squirrels know enough to store nuts, so that they will have something to eat when food gets scarce. But the welfare state has
spawned a whole class of people who spend everything they get when times are good, and look to others to provide for their food and other basic needs when times turn bad.
     The 14th Amendment to the Constitution prescribes "equal protection of the laws" to all Americans. But what does that mean, if the President of the United States can arbitrarily grant waivers, so that A, B and C have to obey the laws but X, Y and Z do not -- as with both ObamaCare and the immigration laws?
     People who lament gridlock in Washington, and express the pious hope that Democrats and Republicans would put aside their partisan conflicts, and cooperate to help the economy recover, implicitly assume that what the economy needs is more meddling by politicians, which is what brought on economic disaster in the first place.
     One of the arguments for Medicare is that the elderly don't want to be a burden to their children. Apparently it is all right to be a burden to other people's children, who are paying taxes.
     Those who talk as if more people going to college is automatically a Good Thing seldom show much interest in what actually goes on at college -- including far less time spent by students studying than in the past, and a proliferation of courses promoting a sense of grievance, entitlement or advanced navel-gazing and breast-beating.
     One of the most dangerous trends of our times is making the truth socially unacceptable, or even illegal, with "hate speech" laws. It is
supposed to be terrible, for example, to call an illegal alien an "illegal alien" or to call an Islamic terrorist an "Islamic terrorist."
When the media refer to "undocumented" workers or to violence committed by "militants," who is kidding whom -- and why?
     For more than two centuries, the U.S. military never had a public celebration of anybody's sex life -- until the recent "gay pride" event under the Obama administration. Here, as elsewhere, the gay political agenda is not equality but privilege.
     If we wake up some morning and find some American cities in radioactive ruins, courtesy of a nuclear Iran, nobody is going to care whether the president who lets this happen is the first black president or the last WASP president. But, in the meantime, many people will keep on voting for symbolism, as if an election is a popularity contest, like choosing a college's Homecoming Queen or Parade Marshal.
     There seems to be something "liberating" about ignorance -- especially when you don't even know enough to realize how little you know. Thus an administration loaded with people who have never run any business is gung-ho to tell businesses what to do, as well as gung-ho to tell the medical profession what to do, lenders whom to lend to, and the military how to fight wars.

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My former producer, John B., caught this screw-up from the left-wing amateurs at MSNBC ...
     "Astronaut Neil Young, first man to walk on moon, dies at age 82 ."
     Neil YOUNG? Ever hear of Neil ARMSTRONG, dopes?

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Mr. & Mrs. Sky Guy just returned from a visit to Scotland, which included visits to sites that go back centuries. They forward this
anecdote ...
     "Blair castle that is just outside the capital, Edinburgh, Scotland, happens to be directly in the flight path of the international airport.  While on tour with a group, we were standing outside the castle admiring the elegant and ancient structure when a plane flew overhead at a relative low altitude making a tremendous noise. One particular annoyed female tourist whined, "Why did they build the castle so close to the airport?"

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A life in radio ...
     The naked truth about a practical joke.
     It happened in Miami when I was Program Director/Operations Manager of a major radio station, WGBS. I was single at the time, my non-working hours my own.
     I had a News Director who'd been a longtime TV anchor and bore a startling resemblance to Ted Baxter, the anchorman on the old Mary Tyler Moore TV show; a resemblance in both appearance and personality. His office wall was lined with celebrity photos autographed to him. The handwriting on each was remarkably similar -- similar to his own.
     Ken was well into his fifties, married to a young woman in her mid-twenties -- also vital to the story.
     One afternoon I get a call from the manager of a totally legitimate nudist resort about an hour outside Miami. They were hosting the Miss Nude America Pageant the following weekend and asked me to be a judge, while remaining clothed, myself.
     Being civic-minded, I agreed. The following Saturday I arrived, joined a half-dozen other  judges, both men and women, and participated in selecting a winner. We judges were the only clothed people on the property. We gave serious attention to the thirty or so contestants and made our selection.
     Ken heard about this event and, having a full quota of male hormones, seethed with envy: "How come I never get that kind of offer?" 
     A few weeks later, the same manager of the same resort called and expressed is gratitude to me for having joined the judging panel, then asked if I'd like to return the following weekend to do the same at the MR. Nude America Pageant. I respectfully declined on grounds that I'd made the trip once already.
     Then, inspiration struck. I went down the hall to Ken's office and asked, "You still want to judge a nude beauty pageant?"
     He was delighted and quickly accepted. A bit later, having considered the prospect, he came to my office and said, resignedly, "My wife will never let me go to something like that."
     "No problem," I replied. "It's a totally legitimate place, and they wouldn't mind if you bring her."
     Settled. He'll do it, accompanied by his wife.
     Incidental fact. He often used a part-time employee named Arnold to fill in when his regular newscasters were on vacation. Arnold was about 5'8" and a good 300 pounds.
     Ken and wife arrive at the nudist resort ... are admitted ... and the first person they see upon entry is .. Arnold. Nude.
     Arnold greets them delightedly, asking, "What're you doing here, Ken?"
     Ken responds, eyes cast aside, "Why, uh ... I'm here to judge the beauty pageant."
     "Great," enthuses Arnold. "I'M A CONTESTANT!"

At about midnight, I get a call at home. Since all employees were told that if they needed to to reach me in the evening, they should first call my trusty secretary, Nancy, and she would decide whether to relay their message to me.
     Nancy did call, alarm in her voice. "Ken called and he's going to kill you tomorrow morning."
     Tomorrow came and Ken had calmed down. But there was only a growl in response when I stuck my head into his office and asked, "Got any pictures from the pageant?"

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It was the late southerner Lewis Grizzard who illuminated the difference between the same word spelled/pronounced differently ...
      "Naked means you ain't got no clothes on. Nekkid means you ain't got no clothes on and you're up to somethin'."

August 27 --


It appears that the Republican conventioneers have dodged a bullet named Isaac this time. However, as a former five-year resident of Miami, I can strongly suggest that no political party or other large organization never, ever suggest a convention anywhere in the state of Florida during the summer hurricane season. It is plain stupid.
     I hear that Missoula, Montana, is very nice at this time of year.

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For all the sniping about Romney's tax returns and the disaster that is the economy, one often-overlooked presidential election factor is the "I" word. Inertia. It plays a major role and is the major incumbent advantage.
     No matter how badly things may be going, millions of people vote for the incumbent because ... well, he already HAS the job. Even if they pay little attention to trivia like the economy, unemployment and threats from determined enemies, his is the familiar name.
     It's about the only thing Obama has going for him, but never doubt the power of plain old inertia.

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More American soldiers murdered by more Afghan allies. Two words: STOP IT!

     The only rational policy is to get past this insanity, admit the war there is a stupid failure and get the hell OUT! There's no American national will to win or continue this insanity ... we have no real mission or purpose; it's all a pointless bloodletting of our own troops.

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Wonder when Rahm Emanuel, Obama's longtime guru, is going to tell us more about "Chicago values?" The shooting-gallery of which he is mayor keeps running up the score of gunshot victims by enormous numbers, despite having some of the toughest "gun-control" laws in the nation.

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Michael Goodwin (NY Post) with some interesting observations about the Mitt-man ...
     "Two stories about Mitt Romney. In a conversation last year, a pair of former colleagues from his private-equity days were effusive in their praise of Romney’s intelligence, dedication and skills.
     "But there was something else, too. They said his inscrutable demeanor, the lack of personal warmth, never really changed, though both knew him for many years.
     "Funnyman Jon Stewart made a similar point in a different way. No fan of Romney, he told an interviewer that, if you had a “box marked ‘president’ and opened it, Romney would be inside.”

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Know any simple-minded fools who like the idea of Obamacare? Share this with them.

     Just yesterday I heard from a friend who's a Vietnam veteran, and therefore dependent largely on the original U.S. government health-care plan, the VA hospitals. He has a recurrent but not fatal medical problem that calls for fairly frequent visits. This week his VA doctor told him that their orders now call for this:
     If a patient over age 65 needs surgery, they are to be given a powerful pain-killer and sent home to cut costs.

Another acquaintance dependent upon Medicare suffering from an arterial problem in need of surgery was similarly dismissed with cut-rate treatment via a drug called Lorezepam in lieu of proper medical care. It affects brain function adversely.
     If this madness is allowed to continue in the name of Obamacare, anyone over the age of 65 with a serious medical problem is going to be given "comfort" drugs and quietly condemned to death. Government is becoming the Judas-goat of healthcare, cheerfully leading the herd to the slaughterhouse. The unstated message is, "If you're past retirement age, die and get out of the way."

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Here's another warning of what can be expected under Obamacare, Barack's version of Britain's socialized medicine. 
    The Financial Times, published there, reports that British doctors are leaving the country in droves rather than continue working under that system.  The advocates of socialized medicine always overlooks one of the basics: you can't force people to practice medicine.that system. The advocates of socialized medicine always overlook one of the basics: you can't force people to practice medicine.

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Columnist Burt Prelutsky is ... bemused ... which is not quite the same as amused ...
     "I find it almost amusing that Democrats take it so much to heart that Romney hasn’t disclosed a hundred years of income tax forms, but take it in stride when Obama won’t even offer up his college application. They are outraged that the Romneys own a fancy horse, but utter not a word about the millions of our tax dollars the First Lady squanders on vacations. They are apoplectic about Romney’s being a devout Mormon, but accept Obama’s claim that he doesn’t attend church because he doesn’t want his presence to be an annoyance to others, although that never prevents him from tying up rush hour traffic in a hundred different cities when it comes to raising campaign funds."

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A reminder to Republicans to beware of having a teenage crush. When Scott Brown, nominally a Republican, won Ted Kennedy's former Senate seat from Massachusetts, some hysterical R's immediately touted him a a presidential possibility.

     While it was nice to win in such a left-wing state, reality is reality -- and here it is: As he campaigns for re-election, his own people proudly proclaim that he votes (in the Senate) with his own party 54% of the time.

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Even as we realize that most Americans take little interest in foreign news unless it involves a country where we have a war going on -- and often not even then -- this column has often taken note that Argentina -- like the U.S., a big country rich in natural resources and a one-time economic power -- has gone thru decades of conflict and economic chaos because of foolish choices of leaders.

     The people of that nation re-elected the wacky Christina Fernandez last year; she has support of almost two-thirds of Argentinians for her Peronist policies that are being echoed in Washington, D.C. -- more government control of the economy, goodies for favored groups and distraction for the multitudes by babbling about renewing an already-lost war with Britain over the Falkland Islands, where the local people have no desire to be controlled by the crazies of Argentina.
     Now that her idiocy has unleashed rip-roaring inflation, her popularity has dropped by half. Count on it: her counterpart in the White House will take no notice, and wouldn't understand, even if he did.

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John Ransom (Townhall.com) asks a pertinent question of militant atheists ...

     "The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, a group that frequently targets the presence of faith and religion in the public square, is demanding that a nativity scene be removed from public property.
     "Does the Freedom from Religion Foundation ask women wearing burqas to remove them in the public square, or is it just Freedom from Christianity they seek?"

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I used to watch a lot of NASCAR racing. I've stopped. Because the coverage by ABC-ESPN (It's all one Disney-owned company) is doing such an awful job of coverage. The problem is hideously awful audio. They apparently have a 12-year-old child handling that job, because it's nearly impossible to hear the announcers above the roar of engines.
     NASCAR needs to have a two-word conversation with the network's producer: "STOP IT!"  Better yet, give ALL the coverage to Fox, which does a much better job.                                                                                                                                                      

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Also in sports ...

     While I shared the excitement of Tim Tebow's miracle season last year, I still believe he lacks the makings of an NFL quarterback. But he might be perfect at the hybrid, seldom-used "H"-back position, a combination of tight-end and back.

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It's happened again. Slavish devotion to the GPS in his car almost cost a fellow in Alaska his car -- and almost cost him his life. Strictly obeying directions from the device, he drove his car right into the harbor at Anchorage.  Fortunately a brave passer-by dived in, broke the window and rescued both the moron and his two dogs.

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...and your sickie for today comes from Brad ...
     A wife says to her husband, "You're always pushing me around and talking behind my back."
     He says, "What do you expect? You're in a wheel chair."

August 28 --


Who's kidding whom about Hurricane Isaac? Media reporting is replete with references to the storm "approaching Tampa" while those same reports show the actual track of the storm well past Tampa to the northwest and heading AWAY from the Republican convention city toward New Orleans. Is this wishful thinking in action?

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Is it premature, even unnecessary, to review national priorities? Two things are vital: national security and a healthy population.      Everything else, in varying degrees, is optional. Much of it wasteful pork-barrel spending.

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For the ignorant and the stupid, i.e., Democrats, Prof. Walter Williams reviews the basics about who pays what in taxes ...
     "Let's see whether the rich are paying their 'fair' share.
     "According to IRS 2007 data, the richest 1 percent of Americans earned 22 percent of national personal income but paid 40 percent of all personal income taxes. The top 5 percent earned 37 percent and paid 61 percent of personal income tax. The top 10 percent earned 48 percent and paid 71 percent of all personal income taxes. The bottom 50 percent earned 12 percent of personal income but paid just 3 percent of income tax revenues.
     "Some argue that these observations are misleading because there are other federal taxes the bottom 50 percenters pay such as Social Security and excise taxes. Data from the Tax Policy Center, run by the liberal Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution, takes into account payroll and income taxes paid by different income groups. Because of the earned income tax credit, most of America's poor pay little or nothing. What the Tax Policy Center calls working class pay 3 percent of all federal taxes, middle class 11 percent, upper middle class 19 percent and wealthy 67 percent.
     "President Obama and the Democratic Party harp about tax fairness. Here's my fairness question to you: What standard of fairness dictates that the top 10 percent of income earners pay 71 percent of the federal income tax burden while 47 percent of Americans pay absolutely nothing?"

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Oil-drilling platforms shut down temporarily because of seasonally-predictable hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico ... a refinery explosion shuts down much production of petroleum products in Venezuela (yes, their government hates us but still sells us much of our oil) ... another refinery fire cuts production in California.
     And thru all this, the Marxist in the White House stubbornly blocks more drilling in the U.S. and still delays the pipeline to bring oil from Canada. You decide: Is the man stupid ... or fulfilling an objective of deliberately undermining the U.S. economy?
     Think about it while you're waiting for the gasoline pump to fill your tank with go-juice that's already well above $4 a gallon in much of the country.

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Peter Friedman alertly points out that California Governor Jerry Brown's push for drivers' licenses for illegal aliens will have a byproduct beneficial to the crooks who run the Democrat Party. Those licenses well serve as identification for voter registration purposes.
     Only those who deliberately blind themselves to reality could fail to realize  that Democrats' opposition to efforts aimed at preventing vote fraud is based solely on the knowledge that they are the beneficiaries of illegal voting.

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Here we go again dep't. ...
     Rasmussen polling finds that only 8% of likely voters think Congress is doing a good job. Here's another example of the typical dung-brained American voter's "thinking."
      Why such a cynical observation? Because we know from every previous election that the overwhelming majority of congressional incumbents will be re-elected. Which tells us that nearly all these lame-brained dope voters, while decrying that awful Congress, will return the cretin from their own district without considering that he/she just might be part of the problem.
     And that's how we get people like Nancy Pelosi spending years in office despite obvious incompetence, corruption or both.

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In an effort to escape the mind-numbing crap that makes up most of TV's output, the other night my sleepy-time channel surfing led me to the History Channel and a series about a Las Vegas family that runs a pawnshop.      
     After a few minutes, it occurred to me that this "reality" show embodied a fundamental lesson in economics. People brought in items rescued from grandma's closet and had highly unrealistic expectations as to what they might be paid for these treasures. Even if the items were genuine, they were disappointed to learn they'd bring far less money than anticipated.
     It was apparent to me that here was a real-life lesson, the realization of which could have avoided much financial pain during the housing bust, the dot-com collapse all the way back to the tulip craze of the 1600s when investors paid huge prices for tulip bulbs and expected the market to grow endlessly.
     How was this accomplished by one cheap little TV show? Because the owners of the pawnshop had to repeatedly remind those expecting to enrich themselves with the sale of old pistols, autographs, etc.; an item -- family heirloom, share of stock or a house -- is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. And that, at some point, you run out of suckers.

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We are indebted to CNS News for finding that at the end of 2011 there was a then-record of 8,575,544 workers collecting federal disability benefits and among them were 1,304,851 doing so because they suffered from “mood disorders.” The most ridiculous example was in Puerto Rico, U.S. territory, where a third of all workers collecting disability benefits were getting your tax money because quacks had certified that they suffered from "mood disorders."
     Want to see the budget cut? This is one of thousands of examples where the axe is badly needed.

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An anonymous reader observes that, while Obama has taken to quoting Abraham Lincoln, there are some pertinent Lincoln quotes he fails to note. Like these ...
     You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
     You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
     You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
     You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
     You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
     You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

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From Dan Sorkin ...
     The real genius of democracy is that ultimately the voters are to blame.

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The Sky-guy recounts an unpleasant encounter ...
     There was a bit of confusion at the store today. When I was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "Strip down facing me."
     Making a mental note to complain to my congressman about Homeland Security running amok, I did as she had instructed me.
     When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to my credit card.

August 29 --


Last night I saw what I believe is a key to Mitt Romney's essential personality and character. It was a small, revealing moment during Chris Christie's speech and it was perceptible to me only because my wife, Susan, was for a time totally deaf in her childhood.

     As a deaf child, she had to learn lip-reading. Thus she was able to "hear" Mitt's remark to Ann Romney when Mr. Christie reached a high-point in his speech and the crowd rose to give him a standing ovation. Perhaps you'll recall it.
     Ann rose also, applauding. Mitt remained seated. Ann turned to him and suggested he stand. His response was, "No, this is Chris's moment."
     He knew that if he stood, all eyes -- and cameras -- would be on him. He didn't want to detract from the praise and attention being showered upon the keynote speaker.
     I believe that moment explains why Mitt Romney finds it difficult to reveal more of himself to the endlessly-prying media.
     He is a modest man, raised -- as many of us were -- not to boast or indulge in self-glorification.
     That is an admirable quality. It is also a handicap in politics, which is over-populated with egomaniacs who endlessly brag. Barack Obama being the outstanding example.

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Big Media, ever pandering to Obama, praises his oratorical skills. But take away his teleprompter, let him get off-script and you get -- ta-TA! -- the theme for a Republican convention, totally derived from Obama's ridiculous "you didn't build that" remark. He uttered those impromptu self-condemnatory words in one of the rare moments when he deviated from his script. We heard the REAL Obama.
     If he wants to see a real orator in action, I'd suggest he watch Ted Cruz, the Texas Senate nominee, who was magnificent last night -- sans teleprompter.
     Mia Love, the brilliant daughter of Haitian immigrants, gave a rousing opening speech. Artur Davis, the converted Democrat, perfectly illustrated why some black Americans are tired of being taken for granted on the Democratic plantation. And the parade of successful Republican governors was very impressive.
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Ann Romney, I thought, got off to a shaky start with her speech. Probably nerves. But she finished strongly and achieved the goal of "humanizing" her husband. I'm sure it came as a surprise to many that she has overcome both multiple sclerosis and cancer. She is a real asset to a basically shy man working in a political world that's always easier for extroverts.

     PS to Juan Williams for his disdainful post-speech remarks: Shove it, Obama shill!

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MSNBC, whoring for the left as always, cut away from every speech by a black or latino appearing at the convention, the better to support the false thesis in their (small) mentally-deficient herd that no minorities would dare associate with Republicans.

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I mostly watched C-Span, to get coverage undiluted by spinmeisters. Sampled the other networks, most of which had the standard Obama slant, emphasizing talking-points that clearly originated in the White House press office.

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Four words for Jeb Bush: Shut the (bleep) up! After the betrayal of "Read my lips..." and the foolish nonsense of "compassionate conservatism," there's not a snowball's chance in hell that a third Bush will ever get nominated, much less elected.

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It is an ongoing demonstration of the small-mindedness of so many Democrats that they focus on envy and resentment of Mitt Romney's success. Would they prefer a
failure leading the country?
     A message to such folk: You want a guy "just like you" in the White House? I don't want a guy just like you -- or me. I want somebody smarter -- and better -- than either of us.

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The redoubtable Thomas Sowell has a reality-check for those susceptible to Obama's panic-peddling re Medicare ...

     " For those of us who like to believe that human beings are rational, trying to explain what happens in politics can be a real challenge.
     "For example, that segment of the population that has the least to fear from a reform of Medicare or Social Security is the most fearful — namely, those already receiving Medicare or Social Security benefits.
     "It is understandable that people heavily dependent on these programs would fear losing their benefits, especially after a lifetime of paying into these programs. But nobody in his right mind has even proposed taking away the benefits of those who are already receiving them.
     "Yet opponents of reforming these programs have managed repeatedly to scare the daylights out of seniors with wild claims and television ads such as one showing someone — who looks somewhat like Paul Ryan — pushing an elderly lady in a wheelchair toward a cliff and then dumping her over.
     "There are people who take seriously such statements as those by President Barack Obama that Republicans want to 'end Medicare as we know it.'
     "Let's stop and think, if only for the novelty of it. If you make any change in anything, you are ending it 'as we know it.' Does that mean that everything in the status quo should be considered to be set in concrete forever?
    "If there were not a single Republican, or none who got elected to any office, arithmetic would still end 'Medicare as we know it,' for the simple reason that the money in the till is not enough to keep paying for it. The same is true of Social Security."

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We have seen in our lifetime the evolution of the Democratic Party into a coalition of (A) freeloaders and (B) the political parasites who buy their votes with money expropriated from productive people. This party carries the germ of national suicide.

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Everybody seems to have a guess as to the identity of tomorrow night's "mystery speaker" at the Republican convention. Okay. A hint. Just in case you're still wondering what ever happened to Jimmy Hoffa ...

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Consider the irony: Bill Clinton, the ol' hillbilly whore-hopper and accused rapist, featured speaker at a Democrat convention largely dedicated to the premise that women must be  ... RESPECTED!

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There's long been a gentlemen's agreement that presidential candidates don't campaign during the opponent's convention, whether the contestants are incumbents or challengers.
     Republicans, however, have had to learn -- again -- that gentlemen's agreements only work with gentlemen. Thus it is that Barack Obama, product of the gutter-politics of Chicago, is campaigning this week in another sleazy attempt to steal some spotlight time.
     And then there's that unbelievably tasteless photo circulated by the White House showing Obama's tribute to Neil Armstrong featuring -- what else? -- a photo of ... Obama.
     And his wife, the woman who held America in contempt until the voters started financing her endless worldwide vacations, is on every suck-up TV show she can find this week.
     Low-class, no-class scum.

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Robert Stacy McCain (The American Spectator) views the view of the left-wing media mush-heads ...
     "If you've been following major media coverage of the Republican National Convention, you know that the party's presidential candidate is Todd Akin, who will campaign this fall on a platform of undiluted hatred and evil, with the able assistance of his running mate, Martin Bormann Jr. The Akin-Bormann ticket was personally selected by RNC Chairman Rush Limbaugh and endorsed by Karl Rove after consultation with a secretive cabal of right-wing Mormon billionaires.
     "Most journalists never notice liberal bias for the same reason that fish don't notice water -- it is all around them, it is all they've ever known, and they take it for granted."

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Take it as satire or serious prognostication, but here are a few high (or low)-lights from John Hawkins'  "25 Examples of What America Would Be Like if Everyone Was a Liberal." The entire list is at Townhall.com ...
     Gas would cost $9 a gallon. Liberals would consider this a plus because it would cause more people to get tax credits to buy government subsidized $40,000 electric cars.
     There would be price controls on electricity, gasoline, and most household goods. Of course, there would also be regular shortages of electricity, gasoline, and most household goods.
     Children would be taught to be androgynous, gender-confused weirdos in school rather than risk exposing them to "gender stereotypes."
     Conservatism would be considered hate speech that could draw a massive fine or even jail time for repeat offenders.
     The good news is that housing would be free. The bad news is that it would mostly be in ugly cement buildings with drug addicts, former homeless people, the severely mentally ill, and career criminals peppered all through the complex for the sake of "diversity."
     America's military would be so weak we'd have to rely on Mexico and Canada to defend us from potential threats.
     Not only would partial birth abortions be legal, but a mother would be allowed to kill her child for three months after he’s  born without penalty.
     Only government employees would be able to legally own guns.
     ... just for starters.

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 Dan sends a quick, easy and tasteless joke -- the kind we like ...
     Two guys were discussing popular family trends on sex, marriage and family values.
     Bill said, "I didn't sleep with my wife before we got married, did you?"
     Larry replied, "I'm not sure. What was her maiden name?" (RIMSHOT..."Thank you and goodnight.")

August 30 --


A few observations about last night's festivities in Tampa ...
Paul Ryan was impressive; youthful-sounding but serious and on-point, turning the Medicare debate totally around in favor of the Romney-Ryan ticket ... Never before has Condi Rice been so publicly impassioned and she worked without a teleprompter (B.O., take note) ... Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico was sensational.
     Even though his message was serious and deserving of attention, the John McCain drone-a-thon was a reminder that he was one of the sorriest presidential candidates ever put forth by a major party. He was what he has always been: a cure for insomnia.
     And the hats were no sillier than the usual convention display. I trust we won't see Mitt in the elephant hat tonight.

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The White House propaganda mill says Paul Ryan is "out of step." Out of step with them? Let's hope so!

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The hurricane scare that didn't materialize (it's a glorified rainstorm) may have done the Republicans a favor. By compressing events by one day, it forced the shortening of the speeches.
     By the way, notice how the networks have tried to emphasize coverage of the storm that barely -- and briefly -- became a Category One hurricane? Think they've tried to use it to draw attention away from the convention, hmmm? Rain-soaked reporters pretending to be excited about 45 MPH winds? Puh-leeze ...
     By the way, it's DAUPHIN Island, a term for French royalty, not DOLPHIN Island, as more than a few reporters have bungled it.

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The Yahoo! News chief who got fired for his remark heard on-air about how Mitt Romney would cheerfully party while black folks were drowning in New Orleans said nothing that would surprise anyone who's ever worked with or around media folk.  Such contempt is a staple in newsrooms, where anyone who isn't a liberal is regarded as a target deserving of whatever opprobrium that can be heaped upon them.
     A dumber or more intolerant group than newsroom habitues would be hard to find.

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So Clint Eastwood is the "mystery speaker" tonight at the Republican convention. BFD. Maybe he's trying to atone for that silly commercial-or-whatever-it-was on the Super Bowl telecast that was a blatantly pro-Obama sales pitch.

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One of the sorriest examples of pseudo-journalism in the convention coverage is Fox News' ridiculous hyping of the Twitter message-count. This kind of nonsense, like all polls in which the participants are self-selecting, is beneath any news organization with pretensions of seriousness. It's the sort of thing one might expect of MSNBC.

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Ancient joke: "Yes, I'm taking my girlfriend to Florida. I'm going to Tampa with her."
(Rimshot, cymbal crash, limited chuckles overwhelmed by audience groans.)

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Yesterday we had a minor plumbing problem at our house. Completing his work in a few minutes, the plumber said, "What I'm about to say may cause me to lose a customer, but PLEASE don't vote for Obama. What he's doing to small businesses like mine is ruining us."

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“Ninety-nine percent of my colleagues are decent, honest people trying to do the right thing for the country.” -- John Boehner, Speaker of the House, Republican -- and either stupid or a liar.
     Mr. Boehner, meet Ms. Pelosi. Then reconsider your observation.

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How it must pain the liberal Washington Post to print these words in its "The Fix" political column ...
     "Say what you want about Paul Ryan’s politics; even Democrats in Congress struggle to find a negative word to say about him.
     "And when it comes to the American public, it appears to be true.
     "A new Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll asked Americans to say what one word comes to mind when they think about the GOP vice presidential nominee. And people have a hard time finding negative things to say about him.
     "None of the top nine words people use to describe Ryan are are negative, and six of the nine are positive ('intelligent,' 'good,' 'energetic,' 'honest,' etc.)."

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"[A] wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." -- Thomas Jefferson, a founder of the Democratic Party whose good sense has obviously been abandoned by today's Democrats.

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Jay Leno --
     "Hurricane Isaac is officially a Category 1 hurricane. It was so windy that gas stations needed three guys working outside — two to hold the ladder while the other guy climbed up to raise the prices."

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If you're going to be too busy to watch next week's Democrat convention, I can summarize the theme of the event:
     "We want females to have all the irresponsible sex they want, secure in the knowledge that if they get pregnant the government will force taxpayers to buy an abortion for them. And by the way ... how dare that evil Mitt Romney get rich and not give credit for his success to the government?!"

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Red State Morning Briefing believes you should know more about that paragon of union thuggery, the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU ...
     "Take, for example, the story of the Connecticut nursing home patients who were recently put in harm’s way when the SEIU abandoned them for picket lines. Were it not for the internet (and a long memory), finding the story about the SEIU’s 2001 nursing home strike where 'equipment and sterile medical supplies had been tampered with, patient identification bracelets were removed, drugs were missing and a door to a supply room containing oxygen had been glued shut' would have laborious, if not impossible."

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Help wanted: Hangmen (2). Apply government of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon). At present 367 convicted persons on Death Row. However, nation has not actually hanged anyone since 1976. Low pay but good hours.

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Archie contributes this chapter to the continuing adventures of Cletus and Billy Bob ...
     Cletus is passing Billy Bob's barn when, through a gap in the door, he sees Billy Bob doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old John Deere tractor.
     He performs a slow pirouette, and gently slides off first the right strap of his overalls, followed by the left.Then, in a classic striptease move, he lets his overalls fall down to his hips, revealing a torn and frayed plaid shirt.
     Grabbing both sides of his shirt, he rips it apart to reveal his stained T-shirt underneath. With a final flourish, he tears the T-shirt from his body  and hurls his baseball cap onto a pile of hay.
     Having seen enough, Cletus rushes in and says, "What the hell are you doing, Billy Bob "
     "Good grief, Cletus, you scared the bejeebers out of me," says an obviously embarrassed Billy Bob.
     "Me 'n the wife been havin' trouble lately in the bedroom department, and the therapist suggested I do something sexy to a tractor."

August 31 --


Last night in brief ...
     Mitt Romney needed to make a great speech. He did.
     Marco Rubio ... future unlimited!
     Eastwood? I suppose it worked ... odd, but amusing.

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To the surprise of exactly no one, NBC failed to carry part of Rubio's brilliant speech in order to give more air-time to the ancient left-wing hag, Andrea Mitchell, doing another Obama brown-nosing job.

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In a bit of unintentional comedy, Barack Obama says -- and probably even believes -- that his biggest failure was not doing a good enough job of selling his disastrous stimulus plan to the public. Riiiight!

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Where's that doctor who's going to take care of you under Obamacare? If Britain's National Health Service, upon which Obama's plan is based, serves as an example, the answer may well be ... gone. From Investors Business Daily ...
     "Britain is suffering from an exodus of doctors. If America doesn't want physician flight in its future, voters will have to turn President Obama out of office this fall so that repeal of ObamaCare can be possible.
     "Last week, the Financial Times reported that its own research revealed that the British National Health Service is suffering a 'brain drain' of doctors as more medics trained at taxpayers' expense choose to pursue their careers overseas.
     "More than 8,000 doctors have left since 2008, said the Financial Times. And it's not Britain's problem alone. Nearly 10% of Canadian-trained doctors end up in the U.S."

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I was delighted to see that Susan had "Casablanca" on the video recording schedule. I've seen it a hundred times ... never get tired of it. It's the little things. Sydney Greenstreet casually swatting a fly ... Claude Rains collecting his winnings at Rick's ... even the toy airplane climbing into the clouds.
     By the way, the movie has never been shown in Morocco. I once asked a cabdriver in Casablanca if there was a "Rick's Cafe" around, figuring some local entrepreneur would have used the name for a tourist-trap. No such. Finally, he thought of one possibility, and drove us to a tiny diner called ... "Rix."

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In a crushing blow to American culture, MTV has announced that "Jersey Shore" will be cancelled at the end of the coming season. Ratings down,  cast salary demands up ... so MTV's pulling the plug.

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There IS light at the end of the tunnel. Football season begins!
Violent people doing potential bodily harm to each other! -- but enough about those company staff meetings; let's talk FOOTBALL!

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Jay Leno --
     "According to The New York Times, more than half of President Obama's Twitter followers are fake. They don't even exist.
Which is actually a good thing because if they did exist there wouldn't be any jobs for them."

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Now that the big Republican show is over, here's a preview of what to expect at next week's Democrat get-together ...

4:00 PM - Opening Flag Burning Ceremony - sponsored by CNN
4:05 PM - Singing of "God Damn America " led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright
4:10 PM - Pledge of Allegiance to Obama

4:15 PM - Ceremonial 'I hate America' led by Michelle Obama
4:30 PM - Tips on "How to keep your man trustworthy & true to you while you travel the world" - Hillary Clinton
4:45 PM -Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson seminar "How to have a successful career without having a job."

5:00 PM - "Great Vacations I've Taken on the Taxpayer's Dime Travel Log" - Michelle Obama
5:30 PM - Eliot Spitzer Speaks on "Family Values" via Satellite
5:45 PM - Tribute to All 57 States - Barack Hussein Obama

6:00 PM - Sen. Harry Reid - 90-minute speech expressing the Democrat's appreciation of the Occupy Wall Street movement and George Soros for all  they have accomplished to unify the country, improve employment and to boost the economy.

8:30 PM - Airing of Grievances by the Clintons
9:00 PM - "Bias in Media - How we can make it work for you" Tutorial - sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times

9:15 PM - Tribute Film to Brave Freedom Fighters incarcerated at GITMO- Michael Moore
9:45 PM - Personal Finance Seminar - Charlie Rangel
10:00 PM - Denunciation of Bitter Gun Owners and Bible readers ,
10:30 PM - Ceremonial Waving of White Flag for Iraq & Afghanistan
11:00 PM - Obama Energy Plan Symposium / Tire Gauge Demonstration / You too can get rich with Green Investment bankruptcies - Al Gore
11:15 PM - Free Gov. Blagovich rally

11:30 PM - Obama Accepts Oscar, Tony and Latin Grammy Awards
11:45 PM - Feeding of the Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish - Obama Presiding
12:00 AM - Official Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher and Chris "He sends a thrill up my leg" Matthews

12:01 AM - Obama Accepts Nomination as Lord and Savior
12:05 AM - Celestial Choirs Sing
3:00 AM - Biden Delivers Acceptance Speech   

Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."