July 25 --


When even liberal Senator Diane Feinstein of California, Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is alarmed that Obama and his flunkies are endangering national security with their endless blabbing, who's to doubt it?
     Of course, in typical Obama fashion, she was whipped back into line and forced to weasel-backtrack on her comments within hours. Way to stand up to him, Di-Fi! After all, we mustn't let the lives of Americans and real allies get in the way of re-electing the biggest fraud ever to disgrace the White House.

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We might wonder how this next piece of news will affect support for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie among Republicans who want him as their VP candidate. Last night he hosted a Ramadan dinner for prominent Muslims.

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What the hell is the Wall Street Journal (owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, proprietor of Fox News) doing co-sponsoring polls with the left-wing propagandists at NBC?!
     Their latest piece of rigged propaganda has Obama leading their jointly-sponsored poll by six points. Hidden in the fine print: they surveyed ELEVEN percent more Democrats than Republicans! In short, if they'd surveyed proportionately, Romney's well ahead.
     The steady shift in Fox News, noticeable to the truly attentive, is a clue that Murdoch figures he has the conservative audience locked-up and can slide toward the "moderates." You know; just like any sleazy politician.

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Dennis Prager (Townhall.com) views the mangling of the Aurora massacre by the liberal media, starting with ABC and so-called "reporter" Brian Ross ...
     "When Brian Ross linked the Aurora mass murdere"r to the Tea Party, in his mind, he was doing the right thing. Is there one person in America who believes that if Ross had discovered a James Holmes in Aurora active in the ACLU, he would have reported it?
     "There is an additional explanation.
     "In general, the left believes the right is evil. Not wrong, evil. And to Brian Ross and most of his colleagues at ABC News, the Tea Party is the current apotheosis of American evil."

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Winner, "Delusional Nutjob of the Week--media category" -- ABC News President Ben Sherwood, who held a conference call of staff members yesterday and told them that ABC's coverage of the Colorado massacre, which included identifying the wrong man as the killer, was just topnotch!

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Connect the dots on this ...
     The drought in the Midwest is expected to lead to the smallest corn harvest in years.
     That will raise the price of food; the animals that provide meat, plus the fuel to carry all food to the stores.
     Yet we continue the whole energy-inefficient process of turning corn into ethanol for cars and trucks (uses more energy than it creates) ...while Obama's EPA "czars" prohibit drilling for more oil that would render smog-producing ethanol unnecessary and simultaneously block the pipeline that would bring more oil from Canada.
     It is astonishing that there are Democrats so stupid as to believe this kind of nonsense is "leadership."

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Lying by Democrats is as common as mosquitoes in a swamp. It is disturbing, however, to see conservatives  participating in the current internet campaign to spread photos of an airplane with the Obama logo on the tail with accompanying copy shrieking about Obama using Air Force One as a campaign vehicle.
     It is totally bogus, and its distribution only serves to make Obama opponents look ignorant -- and ridiculous. I don't know if the picture is the result of using the photo-shop computer program or actually exists, perhaps from his 2008 campaign, in which case it would have been chartered by the candidate's fund.  But anyone who knows anything about airplanes knows it is NOT AF-1.,
     Air Force One is a huge Boeing 747 with FOUR engines, The aircraft in the photo is a much-smaller 757 with only TWO engines.
     There are plenty of reasons to detest Obama. There's no need to make up a patently bogus piece of nonsense like the one circulating on the internet. It only makes the distributors look like fools.

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Thoughtful people hoping for a president who can actually accomplish something in a leadership role should be considering the respective backgrounds of the candidates.
     Mitt Romney built, from the ground up, a hugely successful business enterprise that created thousands of jobs.
     What has Barack Obama ever actually DONE? Besides and before bedazzling those enchanted by either his complexion or white guilt ... what?   

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Liberals regularly lament the disparity in punishment between small-time criminals and white-collar types.
     I halfway agree. Their preferred solution is lesser punishment for the former. Mine is much harsher punishment for the latter, especially those who defraud the taxpayers and doubly-especially those in government employment.
     Instead of a short time in a country-club prison, I'd be much happier to see them subjected to lengthy and seriously painful punishment. Betraying the public trust should bring sure and agonizing retribution.
     I also advocate a sort of punishment for terrorists, both international and domestic, that involves a heaping helping of  HURT.  Real and repeated PAIN. Like, say, 12-hour days of turning big rocks into little rocks. Endlessly.
     I know; I lack ... er, what's that wimp-word? Oh, yes ... sensitivity.

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A political observation in the Washington Post re Romney's wealth:
"... releasing tax returns might confirm for some he's just not like them."
     That may be a correct evaluation of the thinking of some (many?) voters, who should ask themselves, "Do I really WANT a president who's just like me?"
     Most of us who would subject ourselves to a strong dose of personal insight might well decide, "No, I don't. I want someone better and wiser."
     Of course, the briefest look at history might lead us to conclude that we seldom GET such a person. Case in point -- the present occupant, probably the most patently unqualified president in history. Somewhere, Jimmy Carter is smiling at the very thought.

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Victor Davis Hanson responds to the Obama nagging about Romney tax returns ...
     "We are in a transparency mania, but a rather selective sort of one. Bill Clinton, who chose not to tell the truth while under oath and as president, says he is “perplexed” that Mitt Romney did not offer more candor by providing more than a single year’s tax returns. Yet neither Jimmy Carter nor Ronald Reagan released more than one year’s returns. The reformist John McCain released just two.
     "True, the 2004 Democratic candidate, John Kerry, offered some 20 years of returns; but that gesture meant almost nothing because his billionaire wife, Teresa, supplied the vast majority of the funds that fueled Kerry’s opulent recreational lifestyle — and she kept largely quiet about where her money was banked and invested. Few in the press praised George W. Bush for releasing nine years of tax returns."

As if we needed more evidence that the Big Media are populated by lying demagogues prostituting themselves for leftist politics.

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Are we clear on this? When Barack the Magnificent talks about "investments" in this-or-that government program, what he really means is, "I want more of your money to buy votes for ME."
     It's a total suck-up to the teachers' unions and other government employee unions. Everything else he babbles about is pure bull ... feathers.

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Has there ever been, anytime, anywhere, a big-city mayor as stupidly irresponsible as Bloomberg of NYC? This pompous buffoon actually suggests the city's police go on strike until all the guns have been taken from civilians.
     Just how this idiot proposes to accomplish that remains unstated. Hint, dope -- YOU CAN'T DO IT!
     What is the definition of a criminal? SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT OBEY LAWS!
     My long-held low opinion of New Yorkers as a group grows with every day they allow this fool to remain in office. Perhaps they have a masochistic streak that enjoys having this walking rectal orifice even tell them what to eat and drink.

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 "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." -- Barack Obama.
     Why did he say it? Columnist Arnold Ahlert has an explanation ...
     "Understand one thing above all else: despite all the analysis from both sides, it was no mistake. Barack Obama meant every word of it, and more importantly, he meant every word of it in the context of trying to get himself re-elected. Thus, there is only one logical conclusion: Mr. Obama believes that more than half the electorate is now on board with his promise to fundamentally transform this nation from the greatest wealth-producing engine in the world, to a government-centric society where bureaucrats pick winners and losers.
     "Barack Obama, in all his narcissistic arrogance, has pulled down his mask. There will be no moving to the middle, no embracing Americans as a whole, no back-tracking. He's all in, betting the takers outnumber the makers. That's why he said what he said. And the reason so many otherwise intelligent people have failed to see it, is because they can't believe any president would openly espouse a Marxist future for our nation unless, it was a mistake.
     "It wasn't."

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How to summarize ... so many lies.  Jack Kelly makes a dent in a few in Jewish World Review ...
     " Mr. Obama attacks Mitt Romney for outsourcing jobs. Mr. Obama invests through mutual funds in firms that outsource jobs; accepts contributions from outsourcers and hired an executive who had worked for Mr. Romney's firm as his budget director. An Obama supporter was in charge at that firm when the layoffs the president decries took place, according to Gateway Pundit. Even The Washington Post has criticized Mr. Obama's Bain attacks on Mr. Romney.
     "When he was marketing Obamacare, Mr. Obama suggested frequently and falsely that his mother died because her insurance company wouldn't pay for a cancer treatment. Hers isn't the only health care horror story he made up to promote Obamacare. Among them:
     "Obamacare will "bring down (health insurance) premiums by $2,500 for the typical family," the president said. MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who helped draft the law, says now Obamacare will increase premiums by 19 percent to 30 percent.
     "... perhaps he'll be pleased to be remembered for more than being the president who attended the most fund-raisers and played the most golf. He may be the biggest liar ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."

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A test worth repeating. If you wonder whether your wife or your dog loves you more, try this: Lock each -- separately -- in the trunk of your car for an hour. Then see which greets your more joyfully when released.
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."