June 23 --


Reader Arlys suggests that, if you can think of no other reason to vote in November, consider this possibility ...

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It's obvious. A desperate, flailing and failed president either falling back upon his own childish faith in socialist economics or convinced that more American voters are stupid, talking the old leftist nonsense about the evils of "top down" prosperity.
     He obviously believes (correctly) that his followers are so ignorant, they don't know what high-income earners do with their money. Sane people know they invest it, either directly or indirectly, in stocks and bonds that (A) provide the financing to start and operate businesses that employ people or (B) in the case of government bonds, finance government projects that also employ people.
     In short, he's indulging in babble for boobs.
     And now, the sleazeball wants couples getting married to have their wedding gifts sent as cash to his campaign fund! He is ... beneath contempt.

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His media whores are, predictably, making much of a recent lowering of gasoline prices, minimizing the plain fact that the reduction is because the economy is in such wretched shape, there's less demand and simultaneously hoping that the stupid sheeple won't remember that they were paying half as much for gasoline when Obama took office.

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Habitual liar. What else could you call a man who, in his own "memoirs," has been caught flat-out lying no fewer than 38 times. That's the count of fabrications and falsehoods found in Obama's "Dreams From my Father" book by  Ben Smith of Buzzfeed, who has been an Obama fan.

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It is important not to lose sight of the basic fact behind the Obama/Holder scheme to deliver guns to Mexican drug gangs. The purpose was to find evidence that those weapons were used to commit crimes. Two of those crimes happened to be the murders of a U. S. Border Patrol agent and a U.S. ATF agent in Mexico.
     Evidence of the use of American-originated guns for criminal purposes in Mexico was to be used to support the argument made early in the Obama administration. The argument that Americans' gun ownership rights should be curtailed in order to suppress violence in Mexico -- ridiculous on the face of it because guns are available worldwide. In fact, many guns used by the drug cartels that largely govern Mexico come from Russia.
     Even if our increasingly-dictatorial government could effectively ban gun ownership in the U.S., there would quickly arise a black-market in weapons -- probably run by those same Mexican gangs.

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Peter Ferrara (Washington Times) reminds us just how deeply the blundering clown in the White House has buried our economy (assuming he isn't doing it purposefully) ...
     "Since the Great Depression 75 years ago, recessions in America have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously lasting 16 months, not counting this latest spooky downturn."

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Michelle encapsulates Obama's pitch to women in one concise statement: "Barack is YOUR husband, too."
     Right. It's the liberal message (to women) in a nutshell: "Get knocked up by some irresponsible dude who has no intention of paying the bills for his children, and I'll make sure the taxpayers fulfill the 'husband' role by supporting you and your offspring."

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Survey says ... Obama only attracts support from 35% of white voters, eight points below his 2008 vote in that cohort. (Rasmussen)

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How confident is Obama that he is much-loved by Latinos? This much.
     Before his speech to the National Association of Latino Elected Officials luncheon, their forks were taken away. Knives were entirely absent from table settings.

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His sycophants used to scoff at allegations that Obama was a socialist. Now that there's proof that he was a member of the socialist New Party, deep in their pea-sized brains they must wonder just how much more of the Obama myth is going to be ripped away.

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Did you see the video of Obama falling on his face as he bounded onstage at a Tampa appearance? Probably not. The media certainly didn't give it nearly as much attention as they'd devoted to President Ford's trip-up on an airplane stairway.

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David Goldman at PJ Media looks askance upon the fruits of the "Arab spring" ...
     "There are still democracy activists on (Cairo's)Tahrir Square wondering where their revolution went, calling for a million-man march against the military’s “coup.” But the punditeska that hailed the Arab Spring as the best thing since the American founding is thunderously silent. Where is the snow job of yesteryear? The punditeska’s infatuation with the Arab Spring ran across the whole political spectrum."

Only the delusional ever found reason to believe it would be otherwise.

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Now that the Central Intelligence Agency is blabbing about "covert" assistance to the rebels in Syria, a question occurs: Why not change the title and call that department by it's rightful name? The Central ADVERTISING Agency.

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Kyle-Anne Shiver poses the question, "Is This Republic Worth Saving?" ... and answers it on The American Thinker website. Recommended reading at AMERICANTHINKER.COM. Here's the opening line ...
     "There's been a great deal of talk lately on the likely demise of this Grand Republic of ours. Very wise and scholarly Americans have taken to opining publicly on the dire state of things, all asking the basic question, 'Can this Republic be saved?'

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One piece of constructive advice for the next presidential administration: High on the "to do" list should be ... fire everybody remotely associated with the Environmental Protection Agency and convert the headquarters into condominiums, the sale of which should be used to reduce our national debt.
     Other agencies to be abolished or drastically altered include, but are not limited to, Education, Energy, Housing & Urban Development.

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Thinking out-loud ...
     Now that Micky Arison, head of Carnival Cruise Lines, has collected the NBA trophy won by his high-priced Miami Heat basketball team, it wouldn't be a shock to have him announce "mission accomplished" and sell the team. Just a hunch ... don't bet your house on it.

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In the wake of the Sandusky conviction for sexual abuse of children, covered up for years by Joe Paterno and administrators, I don't think we'll be hearing quite so much from the sports media about Penn State's squeaky-clean reputation.

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Jay Leno --
     "President Obama has played his 100th round of golf since taking office. He's played more golf than Tiger Woods in the last four years. Actually, Obama's staff is a little concerned. They're concerned all this golf is cutting into his fund-raising."

And just how hot HAS it been along the East Coast? Jay provides the answer ...
          "It was so hot, Attorney General Eric Holder was selling water guns to Mexican drug gangs."

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Sheila contributes this little domestic vignette ...
     After examining her husband, the doctor calls the wife aside for a private chat.
     "Your husband is suffering from severe stress. It is likely to be fatal. However, if you subject him to no nagging, demand no chores from him, prepare three nourishing meals for him every day and make love to him four or five times a week, he will likely regain his health in about a year."
     Later, at home, the husband asks, "What did the doctor tell you?"
     "You're going to die."
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."