June 7 --


Do the thundering hoofbeats of prominent Democrats publicly disagreeing with Obama's vow to raise taxes by opposing renewal of the Bush cuts at the end of the year ... somehow remind you of the scurrying of rats leaving a sinking ship?
     Count on it: Many Democrat members of both houses of Congress and Democrat governors facing the voters in November will be running away from Obama as though they were only faintly connected by party identification.

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In the wake of the government-employee unions' resounding defeat in Wisconsin, the question now is how many other governors and mayors of financially-strapped states and cities will have the backbone to emulate Governor Walker and take on the shakedowns that have been bleeding taxpayers for years.
     Perhaps governors like Walker, Daniels of Indiana and Christie of New Jersey should begin a consulting service.

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When we edit the story down to essentials, Gov. Walker of Wisconsin won because (A) he did what he said he was going to do when he originally ran for the office and (B) was successful in meeting his announced goals.
     Result: He got an even bigger share of the vote than that which  put him in office in the first place.

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    Twisting slowly in the wind while trying to spin the results of the Wisconsin election, we get this senseless piece of blather from the Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman
Schtupid ...
      "Despite the disappointing outcome of tonight’s election, there is no question that over the past year this recall effort sent a message to Scott Walker that his brand of divisive politics is offensive and wrong."

Suuuure it did. Now, go suck your thumb and go nappy-bye, dope.

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Did you see Ann Coulter's election summation in Human Events? Vintage
 Annie ...
     "I watched the Wisconsin returns on MSNBC Tuesday night, and it came right down to the wire between 'the Democrats were outspent 7-to-1?' and 'Republicans are stripping union rights!' President Obama wanted to go to Wisconsin, but he just didn’t have time. He’s been doing so many campaign fundraisers lately he barely has time to play golf.
     "The left’s 'outspent' argument is ridiculous. Unions take money by force from members, hire hundreds of political operatives and give them salaries to work on campaigns, then call them 'volunteers' so their work isn’t reported as a campaign contribution.
     "Luckily for them, government employees’ non-punishing work schedules leave them plenty of time to be in a constant state of grievance, demanding recalls after any election they lose, and mobilizing voters.
     "This election had nothing to do with people being paid a fair wage for the work they do. The question is: Do you want a society where the people whose salaries you pay make more than those who pay them?
     "The Democrats will do anything the government unions ask, because (1) It’s not their money they’re spending, it’s the taxpayers’; and (2) Government unions reciprocate by making sure the Democrats keep getting re-elected."

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Those liberal lefties don't take defeat too graciously. After it was obvious Gov. Walker had won in Wisconsin, one of the loonies actually slapped opposing candidate Tom Barrett for conceding defeat.
     It serves as a reminder that, if you go to bed with snakes, eventually you'll get bitten.

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Headline on the left-leaning Politico website ... "Bill Clinton Is out of Control," By Roger Simon.
     Does that not imply that he SHOULD be "controlled" by Obama?

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Obama's dilemma in a nutshell --
     "The punishment of a liar is that, even when he speaks the truth, none believe him." -- Talmud

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From Rasmussen polling ...
     "Fifty-one percent (51%) of Likely U.S. Voters think taxes will go up if Obama is returned to the White House and Democrats take over Congress, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 31% expect taxes to go up if Mitt Romney is elected and Republicans take control of the House and Senate."

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A CNN poll asked people, "What's the most important issue facing the country?"
      Result: 52% said the economy, 18% said the federal budget deficit, 14% said health care, 5% said terrorism, 4% said illegal immigration, 3% said Afghanistan, 1% said policies toward gays and lesbians.
     That last number might suggest that perhaps the Obamunists over-estimated the political value of endorsing gay marriage. It gets big play from a sympathetic, left-leaning media, but to many it's a "who cares?" issue, while others are actively opposed; indeed, outraged.

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"Taxing millionaires and billionaires is at the top of President Obama’s agenda. He plans to use money extracted from 'the rich' to pay for his big government - but not until he’s used their cash to fuel his campaign. Mr. Obama is also all too willing to break bread with the vilified hedge-fund owner or raise a glass with the awful private-equity investor as long as their wallets are open to his billion-dollar quest for re-election. The public should see through this hypocrisy." -- Emily Miller, Washington Times

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Between the fast-growing invasions of privacy by government and outfits like Google ... plus the knowledge that the government is using drones within the country ... plus knowing that Obama presumes the right to use drones to kill enemies ...
     ... a paranoid person might be afraid NOT to tell a pollster he plans to vote for Obama. (There's a movie plot somewhere in this.)

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The sentiments of millions are echoed in this quote from David Limbaugh ("The writing Limbaugh," as I've often introduced him on-air, contrasted with brother Rush) ...
     “Obama, if he wins, will take it as an indication he’s got a mandate to do even more. And you know he already doesn’t honor the rule of law. He doesn’t honor the Constitution. He does end-runs around it, with abuses of executive authority, administrative ruses — and there’s no telling what he would do. If he’s not kicked out of office after spending this kind of money, after running up what will have been 6 trillion dollars in four years, then we don’t deserve to keep our country.”

Mr. Limbaugh's new book is  ”The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama’s War on the Republic”

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Jim Eason reports ...
     My wife brought home a container of Pirouette cookies.  The label reads Made in Indonesia. I wonder, "is there a note inside reading 'actually from Hawaii, trust us'...?"

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    France's new Socialist President Hollande, elected with large Muslim support, has kept his promise to give his populace what he promised: more of the medicine that has led their economy into a slough of despond. While rational nations are doing the opposite, he's lowered the retirement age to 60.

    I am reminded of an observation made by a Vietnamese in conversation with me in a Saigon restaurant a few years ago. He said of the former colonial masters of Vietnam, "The only good thing the French brought with them was a recipe for bread."

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Argus Hamilton --
     "John Edwards was contrite after a jury acquitted him of laundering a wealthy widow's check to conceal a mistress's pregnancy from his dying wife. All three women are out of his life. It's the first time that an acquittal been saluted on Sports Center as the Play of the Day."

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    Wonder if Mika "Attila the Hen" Brzezinski of M(arxist)SNBC's little-watched morning show required medical attention for her shock over the Wisconsin election result ...

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    This week's "Get Over Yourself" award goes to little-known "starlet" Amanda Bynes who got a DUI ticket after hitting a police car in West Hollywood at 3AM. Her response was to send a Tweet message to President Obama asking him to fire "the cop that arrested me." -- (People magazine)

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Reader Wes poses this question ...
     "How 'bout the Justice Dept. telling Florida they have to stop purging their voting rolls of dead people because it is intimidating to minorities. Doesn't  Eric Holder know the dead far outnumber the living and are thus not minorities?"

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A working definition of the word "corrupt" in all too many cities: "Building inspector."

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With Oklahoma City now in the NBA finals, all will be perfect if the aging Celtics also make it before their "Use by" date.

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Cindy Adams, NY Post --
     "Prospective buyer asks the  real estate broker, “On what floor is the penthouse?”

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Dan Sorkin forwards a classic ...
     My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed.
     I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to have sex?'
     'No,' she answered. I then said, 'Is that your final answer?'
     She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, 'Yes..'
     So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."
And that's when the fight started...

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Jay Leno --
     "The No. 2 guy in al-Qaida has been killed. Who says Obama isn't creating job openings?"
     "Former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to life in prison. You know, it's too bad we couldn't get the John Edwards trial moved to Egypt."
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."