May 9 --


    Another sore loser. Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, who'd long ago forgotten that he was a Republican, lost his primary race after 36 years in the Senate, denigrated his winning opponent with a lecture on bipartisanship. He'd also taken to referring to himself with the royal "we." Good riddance to the very definition of a RINO who, like John McCain, was obsessed with "reaching across the aisle"; i.e., caving-in to liberal silliness.
     Lugar's loss likely brought a shiver to Utah's Senator Orrin Hatch, who entered the Senate at the same time and faces a June primary.

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Long-ago British actress Mrs. Pat Campbell said, "Does it really matter what these affectionate people do — so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses!"
     Obviously it does matter to voters in North Carolina, where a broadened ban on gay marriage passed overwhelmingly, illustrating that the liberal mindset is far from nationwide in its appeal.
     It also obviously explains why Obama is reluctant to give a straight (or gay) answer to questions about his own position on the issue. He won North Carolina narrowly in 2008. Yesterday's election was a warning shot.
     Also in North Carolina ...
     In the Democratic primary, "No Preference" ran up 21% of DEMOCRAT votes versus Obama.

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Did you feel even a twinge of sympathy for White House spokesparrot Jay Carney's fumbling, bungling attempt to explain where B.O. stands -- or doesn't stand -- on gay marriage?
     Okay, maybe not ...

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    Yet another sign of Obama's sinking popularity among Democrats: In the West Virginia primary,  Keith Judd got about 40 percent of the presidential vote. Mr. Judd is a convict in a Federal prison in Texas who managed to get on the West Virginia ballot. We may safely assume that, as the only other name on the ballot, Mr. Judd's votes were really an anti-Obama vote -- by Democrats.

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     "The intertwined strands of evil DNA - Obamanomics and Obamacare - will determine the outcome of the 2012 election, and Barack Obama knows it. That’s why he desperately wants to talk about something else. Anything else. A failed stimulus. Shovel-ready jobs that even President Obama later admitted don’t exist. Auto takeovers. Bank bailouts. Mythical green jobs. And a historic American credit downgrade.
     "Since Obamanomics was unleashed - increased taxes, increased regulations, wildly increased spending and weak-dollar monetary policy - a million fewer jobs exist in America, median household income has dropped nearly 10 percent, housing prices have hit an almost 10-year low, gas prices have doubled, a record number of Americans are on food stamps, and the federal debt races toward $16 trillion (around $140,000 per taxpayer)."
     -- Dr. Milton Wolf, Obama's cousin, in the Washington Times --

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That Reuters news service poll out yesterday ... the one that finds Obama leading Romney by seven points ...
Turns out their sample contained 9% more Democrats than Republicans. You think that might've influenced the outcome? You THINK?!

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Many Democrats, especially young ones, are learning -- much to their dismay -- that no matter how fervently a candidate may promise "hope and change," a president cannot achieve his goals single-handedly. Obama couldn't even do it when he had solid majorities in both houses of Congress during his first two years.
     Unless and until he achieves a dictator's powers (which Obama probably isn't the first to want) a president is subject to limits from one or both of the other two co-equal branches of government, the legislative and the judicial.
     This bitter realization is doubtless behind the very perceptible lessening of enthusiasm among Democrat voters, delusional lot though they are and inclined to believe Utopian promises.

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    Since Greece suffered greatly at the hands of Hitler's Nazis in World War 2, it comes as something of a shock when Greece's own Nazis received a significant vote in their latest election, as did various other minority extremist parties.  But rule-or-ruin tactics are not alien to our own electorate, as witness Ron Paul & Co.

    I had the good fortune several years ago to spend a week in the company of the Metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Church, second in that religion's hierarchy, on his annual tour of the small monasteries of the moutainous Peloponnese, the southern part of Greece. He was active in the Greek underground during the German occupation of his country in World War 2 and had chilling stories of their atrocities. It makes any level of Greek voter support for that ideology all the more difficult to understand.

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On the growing turmoil in Europe, Arthur Herman offers these observations in National Review Online ...
     "Europe is dying, right along with socialism and Obama-ism. The election results yesterday prove that Europe’s voters don’t know they’re committing suicide — or don’t care. The only pertinent question is what will take Europe’s place once its political union, and its worthless currency, both wind up on the ash heap of history.
     "Three times in the last century America had to step in to save Europe from itself — in World War One, World War Two, and the Cold War. Now we’ll have to do it again, as Europeans stumble dazed and broke from the rubble created by their EU bureaucrats, politicians, and unions. But this time it won’t be American soldiers, or arms, or even a nuclear umbrella that comes to Europe’s rescue. It’ll be American ideas and policies based on free markets, economic growth, and individual freedom.
     "In one sense, Europeans have no place left to go. They tried fascism and Communism; those proved deadly flops. That left state socialism’s “mixed economy.” The European Union was created in 1992 at the end of the Cold War — a victory, we note, of America’s making, not Europe’s — as a monument to socialism’s ideal of large centralized planned economies and societies. It’s the same ideal Obama and his liberal friends have worshiped for a generation — with only slightly less disastrous results here."

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    Half of all new college graduates either can't find jobs at all or have to accept low-paying jobs that are beneath their exalted status. It would be interesting to see further analysis of this unfortunate cohort. For example, how well are things going in the job field for those who hold degrees in such academic disciplines as "Black Studies" and "Womyns Studies."

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Bret Baier of Fox News seems to be bright and is certainly telegenic. Alas, he suffers from a serious problem as a news anchor. It's one of the basic, necessary skills for a broadcaster: you have to be able to read, and able to assemble coherent sentences. Mr. Baier obviously hasn't mastered that task. He constantly -- and annoyingly -- stumbles over the simplest words and sentences. It's a profound relief when Chris Wallace, Shannon Bream, or John Roberts fill in for him.

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Wisdom from the Sky-guy ...
     "I don't know if this ever has happened to you, I found out last week during my annual check-up. The colder the x-ray table, the more of my body is required to be on it."

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Reader Arthur offers invaluable advice ...
     "Arguing with Liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around likes it's victorious."
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."