May 1 --


It's May Day. The day all the communists -- by whatever name they choose to use -- come out to play. Don't let the media coverage of various demonstrations, which will mostly be admiring, deceive you; this is the worldwide holiday for the crazies who want universal submission to their mad fantasies.

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It's a very serious indication on a very serious matter that the Obama administration is far, far out of touch with mainstream America.
     Last week an Obama administration spokesman declared -- seriously -- that the war on terror is over. Rasmussen Survey says ... just 11% of likely U.S. Voters agree. Seventy-nine percent (79%) say that war, declared after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America, is NOT over.
     It'd better not be. A newly-discovered cache of Al Qaeda plans includes a plot to take over a cruise ship and execute passengers one-by-one until terrorist leaders held captive are released.  

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How Obama's stupidest political move yet looks from across the Atlantic. Tim Stanley of London's Telegraph newspaper ...
     "Barack Obama’s 'I Shot Bin Laden!' ad might be the worst political move he’s ever made. It tops the list because, unlike his many other foul-ups (50 percent structural youth unemployment, skyrocketing debt, supporting post-birth abortion), this is a rare example of him getting something completely right and then turning it into something horribly wrong. The man is so politically tone deaf he makes Joe Biden look like Machiavelli."

But what else could have been expected from a graduate of Chicago's School of Thug Politics?

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The "rule or ruin" mentality evident in all presidential elections is on more flagrant display than usual this time around, with the second option being the more likely outcome if the "hate Romney" mentality prevails among quasi-Republican voters. It is evident that some frustrated supporters of Santorum, Gingrich and Paul would rather see Obama re-elected than vote for Romney.
     They may get their way, but they may not like what follows. Some are so delusional that they really expect an Obama second term would inevitably lead to his ousting, followed by a triumph of one of their failed heroes. That's a good bet only if you like really, really long odds.
     It should be remembered that Ross Perot supporters unquestionably gave us Bill Clinton in the White House. And what happened to Mr. Perot? He sank from sight in the political world, and followers who thought their man had all the answers were left with their unrequited love.

Footnote: For three years I've heard regularly from silly souls who rally around the word "impeachment." Their ignorance is appalling.  Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives. That is the equivalent of an indictment. But not all indictments lead to conviction. In Clinton's case, the Senate, in the role of jury, did not convict and therefore did not remove him from office. Therefore, his impeachment did not yield the desired result.
     Are there really people so foolish as to believe the necessary two-thirds vote in a Democrat-majority Senate could be obtained in order to remove Obama from office? Apparently so. Two words for those so misguided: Grow ... up!  

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A reminder about polls during the frenzy of a presidential election year. Self-selecting polls, i.e., those in which readers/viewers/listeners are invited to respond, are totally meaningless. By their very nature they reflect the inherent biases of the medium conducting the survey. They are about as reliable as, say, a poll of their own members by a political party. They emphatically do not represent the legitimate views of a reasonable cross-section of the voting public.
     For example, a poll of Rush Limbaugh listeners and another taken among MSNBC's small coterie of leftist viewers will inevitably bring totally opposed results. Neither will be an accurate representation of the overall citizenry.

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At one of his endless string of fundraising events, Obama claimed that he's running "for Clinton's third and fourth terms." Funny, he didn't make such a claim four years ago when he was running against Hillary.

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Full credit to Obama for total accuracy in this statement: "There are going to be some Supreme Court appointments probably if you look actuarially for the next president. There's so much at stake here."
     There certainly is. Given those likely appointments over the next four years, an Obama re-election would result in a court resembling a Saul Alinsky fan club.

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Victor Davis Hanson (National Review Online) addresses that perennial political parasite, a whoring media ...
     "Romney’s great hurdle will be the media’s role as interpreter of the economy. A few examples: In 1992, GDP growth would end up averaging 3.4 percent under George H.W. Bush; however, Bill Clinton and the media were able to persuade Americans by November that such growth was tantamount to a near-depression, and we heard that “it’s the economy, stupid!,” and that we were in the worse economic shape than at any time since the Great Depression. Last year GDP growth averaged 1.7 percent. John Kerry ran on widely circulated media reports of a “jobless recovery”, although the unemployment rate for 2004 would end up at 5.4 percent (the most recent quarterly figure for 2012 is 8.2 percent.) In August 2008 Obama tagged George W. Bush as “unpatriotic” for running up the debt, apparently because in the prior year the U.S. ran a $162 billion annual deficit; in 2011, the last full year before this November’s election, Obama’s annual deficit was $1.3 trillion."

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Condoleezza Rice as a VP candidate alongside Romney? No. While she has many admirable traits and Washington experience, I suspect that Romney and his campaign advisors would take a dim view of offering swing voters anyone linked to President George W. Bush.

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Arnold Ahlert (Frontpagemag.com) casts a skeptical eye on the Obamas' freeloading lifestyle ...
     "A series of upscale vacations, substantial portions of which are underwritten by taxpayers, continue to be an integral part of the Obamas’ lifestyle.
     "Few reasonable Americans begrudge 'down time' for the president or his family. Yet at a time when the word “staycation” has become an increasingly familiar part of the American lexicon, one might think a president who both vilifies the rich and reminds Americans that he wasn’t born ”with a silver spoon in my mouth” might be a bit more sensitive to the kind of vacations taken by the president and his family.
     "In a rather odd way, he is. When the president’s 13-year-old daughter, Malia, took a Spring Break trip to Mexico with 12 of her friends and 25 Secret Service agents–one that reportedly cost taxpayers $2.5 million–it was covered by the mainstream media. AFP filed the initial report, and the story was subsequently picked up by Yahoo, the Huffington Post, and the International Business Times, as well as foreign publications, such as Daily Mail, the Telegraph and The Australian.
      "Yet by the same evening, all of the stories had been removed from each of those sites. The updated links either directed one to a site’s home page or 404 error pages, reading 'page not found.' What happened? The White House got a compliant media to scrub the story."

The Obama appointee who planned that big GSA party in Las Vegas may have spoken for the whole Obama team, starting with the family, when he said, "Let's enjoy it while we can."

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Nobody should be surprised to learn that former presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton had one thing in common. They both detested Jimmy Carter.
     Reviewing the new book, “The Presidents Club: Inside the World’s Most Exclusive Fraternity,” the NY Post finds former White House staff personnel even use the word “treason” to describe Carter’s actions.
     Surprisingly, the book was written by Time magazine’s Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy, from a publication that can rarely print an unkind word about any Democrat.

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If Muslim crazies can't find anyone else to fight, they fight among themselves. Saudi Arabia has broken relations with Egypt, closed its Cairo embassy and recalled its ambassador.

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The behavior of certain Secret Service agents in Colombia inspires the excavation of a piece of history involving other government employees, as Wesley Pruden (Washington Times) recalls ...
     "The Army, in one little-known asterisk to war,  once operated a brothel. Sydney Hyman, the distinguished historian and a speechwriter for JFK, landed in Tunisia with the U.S. 1st Armored Division in 1942 and when the division overran one town it inherited several bordellos that townspeople regarded as public utilities, like water and electricity. The Army was stumped until Mr. Hyman was assigned to find a solution, 'one that would keep the women employed until we moved on but not bring down on us the wrath of the mothers of America.' He came up with the device of issuing admission cards, suitable for punching, to every GI, entitling him to 'Target Practice on the Range.' Who could object to careful aim? Problem solved. The Army soldiered on. The rest is history."

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Katherine and her husband saw this bumpersticker on a logging truck in
Oregon ...
      "Earth First - then we'll log the other planets".

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As his official spokesperson, I'm pleased to announce that my dog Calvin appreciates the good wishes for the leg surgery he faces tomorrow. His ACL will be repaired using 250-pound-test fishing line, which the vet says has been found to be the best replacement. In about eight weeks he'll return to his career as an aspiring politician, racing to shake hands with everyone he encounters. Kissing babies, human and canine, is also high on his priority list.

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Jimmy Fallon's birthday greeting to a competitor ...
     "Happy Birthday to Jay Leno, who turns 62 years old.  I don’t want to say he’s getting old, but when I visited his garage, 30 cars still had their left blinker on."

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John forwards tales from the real lives of police officers ...
     #1 -- While taking a routine vandalism report at an elementary school, I was interrupted by a little girl about 6 years old. Looking up and down at my uniform, she asked, 'Are you a cop? Yes,' I answered and continued writing the report. My mother said if I ever needed help I should ask the police. Is that right?' 'Yes, that's right,' I told her. 'Well, then,' she said as she extended her foot toward me, 'would you please tie my shoe?'
     #2 -- It was the end of the day when I parked my police van in front of the station. As I gathered my equipment, my K-9 partner, Jake, was barking, and I saw a little boy staring in at me. 'Is that a dog you got back there?' he asked. 'It sure is,' I replied. Puzzled, the boy looked at me and then towards the back of the van. Finally he said, 'What'd he do?
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."