April 16 --


One of the distinctive characteristics of the Tea Party movement has been its lack of centralized leadership or "establishment."
     Now, one self-proclaimed "leader" of the Tea Party presumes to speak for the movement with an announcement that Mitt Romney can expect no support from that element of the Republican Party.
     Let us be clear: Any professed Republican, Tea Party adherent or not, who contributes to the re-election of the disaster that IS Barack Obama deserves excoriation and exclusion from the company of fellow supporters of that valuable movement.
     One does not have to be an admirer of Romney -- and I'm not -- to see that the alternative is far, far worse. Vengeful supporters of Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, et al, need to consider the consequences of election-year sulking.

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Reader Herb forwards this observation about Democrat attacks on Romney's wealth ...
     "I don't recall such bluster and hand-wringing over the Kennedy fortune. Or, for that matter, John Kerry. Or the fact that John Kerry gave virtually nothing to charity while Romney gave something on the order of $4 million... in addition to giving away his entire inheritance from his father. Romney worked for his money. Kennedy inherited his."

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And ...
Is it not odd that so many deranged liberals who expressed no interest or concern about Barack Obama's religious affiliations, including his long association with a crazed racist, are now obsessed with Mitt Romney's Mormonism?

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Consider this possible scenario.
     It is well and widely known that China owns the largest portion of our enormous foreign debt.
     China has for some time been slowly but steadily unloading some of that debt, selling U. S. government bonds to other foreign investors willing to buy.
     The U. S. dollar has been continually declining in value. A sudden massive sale of U. S. indebtedness would trash the value of our currency and wreck our economy, so we are fortunate China has not taken that drastic action. Besides, they need customers for their products.
     Nevertheless, interest-income denominated in the shrinking dollar is obviously less and less attractive. An alternative form of repayment with something of greater value would be desirable for China.
     So ... take a moment to speculate upon this prospect ...
     A phone call from Beijing to Washington delivers this message: "We don't want more of your pitifully weak dollars. So, rather than wreck your economy with a sudden massive sale of your debt instruments, we have an alternative request/demand. Our oil needs are rapidly growing. We have no oil resources of our own. So we want Canada's abundant exports to come to us, not to you.
     "Therefore ... do NOT build the pipeline to bring that Canadian oil to the U.S."
     Sound impossible?

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Does anybody seriously believe that Barack Obama will do anything substantive if North Korea proceeds with another provocation in the form of a nuclear weapons test?

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Didn't anybody tell those Secret Service agents imbroiled in a bimbo scandal in Colombia that they're supposed to be guard-dogs, not horndogs?
     So the Cartagena hooker wanted only $47 for her services? Obviously, a community organizer is needed down there to raise prices to the "living wage" level.

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Coincidentally ...
Some folk seem surprised to learn that VP Joltin' Joe Biden made over twenty grand in rental income from the Secret Service agents whose duty it is to protect his precious butt.  Were those angry and astonished folk not paying attention when some of us who inhabit the blogosphere wrote of this at the very beginning of the Obama Insanity?

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The Washington Times makes this point editorially ...
     "Vice President Joe Biden says paying higher taxes is patriotic. He must have forgotten that America was founded on a tax revolt."

Wonder what Joe will have to say if/when, as many insiders predict, Obama dumps him for Hillary to try to grab a larger women's vote ...

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Perhaps some blunt candor is in order regarding the Democrats' allegations of a Republican "war on women."
     This is not a blanket indictment of single mothers. However, it is both well-known and seldom discussed that a substantial portion of the support for free-spending liberals on the part of single mothers is based on a simple fact; the fact that Democrats are inclined to be generous with taxpayer money in the form of government subsidies for women whose choices of irresponsible men to father their children has also been irresponsible. Therefore, they depend upon the government -- i.e., the rest of us -- to assume the role of a financially supportive daddy.
     The demand that taxpayers pay for contraception is a linear descendant of this philosophy.

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Nominee for "Father of the Year": Cornerback Antonio Cromartie of the New York Jets. Ten children by eight different women. Perhaps he invented the "bump-and-run" defense.

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Democrat Congressman Patrick Kennedy, son of Ted, now goes public with information that the Obama White House distributes favors (and taxpayer largesse) based upon political contributions. To borrow from Claude Rains in "Casablanca," I'm SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell you!

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A subject for conjecture by eggheads: Just how stupid do you have to be in order to believe in the fantasy of solar power as a solution to our energy needs? Given the steady occurrence of bankruptcies among government-subsidized solar "companies" ("fantasies" would be a more apt description) around the world, the wonder is that there are still ANY people dumb enough to believe in this fraud.
     Also, when do we stop speaking sympathetically of the motives of the global-warming promoters and call them what they are -- liars?

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Take heart as you face gas pumps with numbers running up to and beyond $4.00 per gallon. Obama's idiot Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner says not to worry; we can handle even higher prices. A portent of what to expect if the nation blunders into granting Obama a second term.

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My friend Sheila calls to my attention one facet of the Japanese tsunami and the aftermath of that enormous catastrophe that has gone unnoticed by the American Big Media.
     Actually, it was an absent factor.
     There was no looting. None.
      Contrast that with, say, public behavior after Hurricane Katrina and similar disasters in the U.S., when mobs seized the opportunity to steal anything they could grab.

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Dick Green has expanded my vocabulary with this one-word description of the jewelry overload worn by excessively decorated women; turbo-bling.

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I have lived most of my life in big cities (Seattle, Miami, San Francisco, Chicago, et al) after a childhood in rural America. Therefore, I am not unaccustomed to the vicissitudes of urban living. After a couple of days dealing with the Los Angeles traffic trauma, however, I am greatly relieved to return to my small town (about 23,000 souls -- and a few heels) in Arizona.
     With all its plusses, California must have the worst roads in America, a logical heritage of a ridiculous state government.
     I understand my California friends whose family or business attachments impel them to stay, but absent such ties ... for me -- never again!

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Dr. Herb forwards this bumper-sticker:

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While I was on a fact-finding mission, a woman "political advisor" to the Marxist-in-charge allowed as how women who stay home to raise children don't work, which Obama's ridiculous stooge, Jay Carney, tried to turn into an anti-Republican political speech.
     By the way ... does a role as a "political advisor" actually qualify as a ... job??

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May I join the chorus that denounces Miami Marlins' manager Ozzie Guillen as an idiot? After getting a taxpayer-subsidized new stadium and hiring this clown with the goal of increasing interest and attendance by Miami's huge Latino community, largely of Cuban descent, this fool goes out of his way to infuriate that audience with remarks applauding the man they hate, Fidel Castro.
     Miami Marlin ownership should fire him; surely a "for cause" argument could be made, since he went out of his way to alienate their customers.
     Severance pay should be limited to a one-way ticket to Cuba, preferably by rowboat, just as many of those who detest him came in the other direction.

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Another star athlete has made a mess handling his money. Warren Sapp, who made around $60 million as a pro football player, has declared bankruptcy with almost $7 million in debts. Will they never learn ...

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USA Today reports a continuing decline in black Americans' presence in major league baseball. The number is now down to just over 8% of team rosters, whereas foreign-born (mostly Latin American, some Japanese) players make up more than 28% of player personnel. Percentage-wise, the number of blacks in the big leagues is the lowest since the Eisenhower administration.

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Reader Arthur provides a few timeless quotes ...
         If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these acceptance speeches there wouldn't be any inducement to go to heaven.   ~Will Rogers
        Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.     ~Nikita Khrushchev
       Why pay money to have your family tree traced? Go into politics and your opponents will do it for you.    ~Author Unknown
       Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel.
~John Quinton
       Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. ~Oscar Ameringer
      A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.     ~Texas Guinan, legendary saloonkeeper
      Politics: [Poly "many" + tics  = "blood-sucking parasites"] ~Larry Hardiman

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A haiku from the estimable Mr. Sorkin ...
     On Passover we
     opened the door for Elijah.
     Now our cat is gone.

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More mangled media language ...
       To DEFUSE literally means to remove the fuse that could ignite an explosive. In common political terminology, it means to eliminate or reduce a cause for conflict.
       DIFFUSE means to scatter or disseminate.
       Journalism schools continue to turn out lunkheads who don't know the difference.

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Distressing news from Berlin, Germany, where a man picked up a woman in a bar and took her to his apartment for an evening of unbridled lust ... and got more than he'd anticipated. More to the extent that he called the police to complain that the wench was demanding too much sex and he'd been forced to lock himself out on his balcony to gain relief from her unbridled appetites.
     New possible advertising claim for Viagra: "If erection lasts more than four hours, in Berlin call 555-HORNY."

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From Mad Mike ... the grandmother of all Blonde Jokes ...   
This blonde decides that she is sick and tired of how all blondes are perceived as stupid . She decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart.
     While her husband is at work, she decides to paint a couple of rooms in the house.
     Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint.
     He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat.
     He notices that she is wearing both a heavy parka and a leather jacket.
     He goes over and asks her if she if OK, asks what she is doing and she replies that she wanted to prove
to him that not all blond women are dumb, and she wanted to do it by painting in the house.
     He then asks her why she has a parka over her leather jacket.
     She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and it said ... “FOR BEST RESULTS, PUT ON TWO COATS.”

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Jay Leno --
     "It looks like Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are dating, and apparently they're getting serious. Friends say Kanye is the man Kim wants to spend the rest of her month with."
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."