Obama has clearly begun a politically-motivated attack on the Supreme Court, which may be taken as an indication that he already knows his socialized medicine plan is doomed.
     His reference to an "unelected" Supreme Court is especially demagogic, since he knows very well that is precisely the point of having the court. It was intended to be made up of judges nominated by a president and confirmed by the Senate so as to be better insulated from the shifting winds of voter opinion. He IS, beyond question, a power-mad demagogue.

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Furthermore ...
     Obama's assertion that the overturning of Obamacare legislation on constitutional grounds would be "unprecedented" is yet another outright lie. It's been done many times. That is a primary purpose for constitutional law; making sure that politicians cannot violate the fundamental principles upon which the nation was founded.

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Unless a fundamental law of economics has somehow vanished, supply and demand DO dictate prices. Therefore, for Obama to insist there is no relationship between the supply of oil and the price of gasoline proves one of two things: Either he is hopelessly stupid ... or he's convinced that the voters are.
     Considering that they elected this fraud to the White House, he has good reason to believe the latter is true.

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Some in the Big Media seem to be fearing a public backlash against their blatantly deceptive reporting. A cynic might even call it outright lying. This refers to the Trayvon Martin case, in which ABC News now seems to have found in its own video coverage what others spotted immediately. Now ABC says further examination of the video of George Zimmerman, the shooter, DOES reveal what appear to gashes on the back of his head. This would lend further credence to his claim that Martin attacked him.
     NBC News has an internal investigation going on over it's editing of audiotape of Zimmerman's conversation with a police dispatcher in which he was first reported to be saying of Trayvon Martin, whom he was watching, simply that "he's black," editing out the fact that the dispatcher had pointedly ASKED him if the suspicious prowler was white, Latino or black. To which is answered, "He's black."
     Then there was Sunday's blatant suck-up by old liberal mouthpiece Bob Schieffer on CBS, interviewing Joe Biden.
     Anyone who accepts at face value any "news" reported by the Old Media is a gullible fool.

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Van Jones, the ultra-leftist who was briefly one of Obama's "czars" until forced out, was doubtless correct when he told Obama propaganda outlet MSNBC that the President couldn't lose the black vote "even if he came out as gay."

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Burt Prelutsky identifies some issues in which Obama has shown no interest ...
     "Rep. Laura Richardson, a black congresswoman from California, who is already being investigated by the House Ethics Committee for various violations, has now been accused by a former aide of treating her and other staff members like chattel.
     "This comes after Sheila Jackson Lee was voted the most obnoxious member of Congress by congressional staffers; Charles Rangel was found guilty of 11 infractions by a House committee; Maxine Waters is under investigation for questionable financial dealings; and Rep. Hank Johnson made America cackle by worrying during a House hearing whether the island might tip over if too many sailors and their families were relocated to Guam.
     "It’s not white America that has set back race relations; it’s Obama, (Attorney General Eric) Holder and the corrupt and ignorant dingbat members of the Black Congressional Caucus. It’s they, along with race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who consistently ignore black crime and the black illegitimacy rate while berating whites for alleged grievances."

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Ahead of the Obamacare case before the Supreme Court, "Going into oral arguments, the White House believed that the case for Obamacare was a 'slam dunk' and that they would win 7-2, maybe even 9-0. It's just the latest example of Obama's arrogance crippling his effectiveness as president."
      That's Conn Carroll of the Washington Examiner, who further reminds us of the impenetrable arrogance of Obama ...
     "If you want to know why the Obama administration failed so spectacularly to defend Obamacare in the Supreme Court last week, look no further than a 2008 statement President Obama gave to author Richard Wolfe: 'You know, I believe my own bulls--t.'"

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It's said that an honest politician is one who, once he's bought, stays bought.
     Barack Obama fails even that standard. The liberal POLITICO website reports that the single largest recipient of campaign money from giant oil company British Petroleum (BP) over the past twenty years is the industry's major antagonist ... Barack Obama. More than $77,000.
     Jesse Unruh, once the most powerful politician in California, was quoted in 1961 as author of the politician's creed: "If you can’t take their money, drink their whiskey, screw their women, and vote against ‘em anyway, you don’t belong in the Legislature.” Ol' Jesse would doubtless applaud our Maximum Leader.

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Re the repeated references to Barack Obama as having been a "law professor": he ... was ... not.  He lectured, but did not have professor status.
     The fact that a man who is either ignorant or contemptuous of the basis for the Supreme Court even was allowed to lecture at the University of Chicago Law School reflects poorly upon that august institution.
     Being a lecturer is not such a big deal, anyway. I used to lecture at Kansas University and was even a guest lecturer at Notre Dame, which suggests it is an honor not held in high regard.  (I sobbed softly over the KU loss to Kentucky last night.)

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"Last week, Donald Verilli and George Zimmerman learned officially that they have become dispensable people.  Both men exhibit more than a qualifying level of characteristics that should place them solidly in the ranks of protected classes, but nevertheless, a confused and panicked Legacy Media has decided that they must be sacrificed.  The twin gods --Victory for Obama and All His Works and Socio/Cultural Orthodoxies That Sustain Progressive Policies -- are disturbed and demand propitiation." -- James Capua on The American Thinker website. Today's "must" reading.

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"Five years ago this coming Wednesday, House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi defied President Bush’s request and his strategy isolating Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad by going to Damascus. Pelosi would have none of that. She had known evil and to her, he resided in the White House. The Syrian dictator, however, was a reforming, Western educated eye doctor. Bilateral problems might be real, but they might be resolved through dialogue. 'We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace,' she told reporters." -- Michael Rubin, Commentary.
     "Still Crazy After all These Years" -- Paul Simon.

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I wouldn't subscribe to a blanket accusation that Argentinians are, as a group, stupid people. Nevertheless, their political history lends credence to the theory that most are. Now it's madwoman President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner who, perhaps feeling a slippage of power, is taking the demagogue route in trying to distract the citizens by making boasts about taking the Falkland Islands from the British who've lived there since the earliest settlements in the 1700's.
     Perhaps someone should remind this would-be Evita that her predecessors in office tried an invasion of the Falklands thirty years ago and got their asses thoroughly kicked by a small British military force dispatched by Margaret Thatcher.

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Those Las Vegas oddsmakers hit it pretty close again. Last I heard, they had Kentucky favored by 6 1/2 points. They beat Kansas by eight.
     Basketball point spreads are notoriously tough to calculate. A few hit-or-missed free throws by the leading team in the last minute can drastically alter the outcome.

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Who's surprised? Helen Thomas, the ancient anti-Semitic crone who for years got the front-row-center seat at presidential press conferences, has been given a "journalism" award by the PLO -- Palestine Liberation Organization.

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How far back does -- or can -- a person's memory go?
     Long ago I astonished my mother and father by remembering, in detail, the house in which we lived when I was born. Even described crawling outside to meet my father, coming home from work across a little foot-bridge. We moved out of that small house when I was six months old and I never saw it again. Is that unusual?

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Just for fun, some quaint names of actual towns, compiled by Smarter Travel ...
    Tightwad, Missouri
    No Name, Colorado
    Hell, Cayman Islands (been there!)  
    Chicken, Alaska
    Rabbit Hash, Kentucky
    Middelfart, Denmark
... and everybody's favorite ...
    Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales

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From Sharon, this heartwarming story ...
     Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he would inherit a fortune upon the death of his aging father, he decided he needed to find a wife with whom to share his fortune.
      One evening, at an investment meeting, he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her beauty took his breath away.
     "I may look like just an ordinary guy," he said to her, "But in just a few years my father will die and I will inherit $200 million".
     Impressed, the woman asked for his business card.
     Three days later, she became his stepmother.

Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."