Next Tuesday is yet another "one more chance" for Romney to open a significant gap in his lead over (primarily) Santorum and Gingrich. It's the Illinois primary, and unless tons of money spent on advertising between now and then does the job, it looks unlikely. But the Romney rollercoaster moves steadily forward.

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A Romney-Santorum ticket? Don't think so. In fact, I'd bet ... oh ... $1.35 it'll never happen. (That's why they call me a "high-roller" in Vegas.)

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Victor Davis Hanson looks at the Obama scoreboard in National Review Online ...
     "During the 2004 campaign, the Kerry camp derided 5.5 percent unemployment as proof of a “jobless recovery.” Today 8.3 percent is deemed a sign of a real rebound. In 2008, when George W. Bush had borrowed $4 trillion over eight years, the deficits were termed by candidate Obama as “unpatriotic”; trumping that total in just four years is now called much-needed “stimulus.”
     "The price of gasoline has more than doubled since January 2009, and the rise is not over yet. This summer might still see the price triple in less than four years.
     "If a president is to take time out from a bad economy and a soon-to-be-nuclear Iran to offer commentary on a radio-show host’s use of a slur against a female student, how can his campaign affiliates take a million dollars from a humorless comedian who so trumps Rush Limbaugh that his style of misogynist attack requires asterisks even to be quoted?"

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Dialogue at the gas pump ...
     "These prices are Obama's fault."
     "No they're not! It's because the dollar is worth less and less."
      "And whose fault is that?"

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James Robbins, senior editorial writer for the Washington Times, takes note of the left's intolerance, even as they preach "tolerance" ...
     "A new study confirms the general lack of tolerance for diversity on the left. A Pew Research Center survey of behavior on social media sites found that liberals are the most likely to have blocked, unfriended, hidden or otherwise muted a person on a social media site who posted political content they did not like. Apparently even in the relatively benign online universe, liberals simply cannot stand being exposed to ideas they don’t agree with and have to shut them out. If this type of blatant hypocrisy and general incivility upsets you, you might just be an American."

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Can anyone explain -- seriously -- just what it is we are (A) accomplishing or (B) even hope to accomplish in Afghanistan?

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Jimmy Fallon --
     "A new report found that Hawaii has the best quality of life of any state in the U.S. You know, just in case you thought it sucked living in Hawaii."

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Bert Prelutsky muses over odd behavior ...
     "It has been apparent for months that Obama, who ran as a man who would unite all of us, intends to drop the camouflage this time around and run a presidential campaign that divides Americans by race, religion and income. The question that comes to mind is why, with a Republican House and what is expected to be a Republican Senate, Obama even seeks a second term. Can it be that he and Michelle are so enamored of the presidential perks of free travel, paid vacations to exotic locales, galas with celebrities at the White House and never having to stand in line to shoot a round of golf, that nothing else counts?'

Yes, it is possible that is a major motivating factor.

It is also possible that millions of Americans by now viscerally realize that they voted for a viciously anti-American demagogue for president but can't bring themselves to acknowledge it, comforting themselves with the knowledge that "he can't be TOO awful, because millions of others did the same." Every idiot, failure and tyrant who ever achieved leadership throughout history has had followers who gave in to the same impulse. They can't admit to having made a horrible mistake, secure in the knowledge that they have abundant company in their stupidity.

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Jay Leno --
     "Not a good week for President Obama. His approval rating has dropped 9 percent in the last month to an all-time low of 41 percent. In fact, if this keeps up, the White House said they may have to fish out bin Laden and shoot him all over again."

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Reader Dennis offers a reconnection to logic ...
     "Our Dear Leader has lately been fond of saying that the US has merely 2 per cent of the world's oil, but consumes 20 per cent of the world's oil and that because of that we have no hope of producing enough oil to meet our demand, so why bother to produce more oil.  Putting aside the factual incorrectness of this statement, there is a bigger problem with this particular piece of Obama idiocy.  It is like saying that the US produces zero per cent of the world's bananas, but consumes a vastly greater amount of bananas annually, so we should all quit eating bananas."   

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Cindy Adams --
     “A good guy’s like coffee.  Best rich, warm and can keep you up all night.”

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One more for St. Patrick's Day ...
     Mick and Paddy are reading headstones at a nearby cemetery.
     Mick says, "This is amazing, this bloke was 152!"
     Paddy says, "What's his name?"
     Mike replies, "Miles from London!"
        (thanks, Mr. Hill!)

Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."