How much longer are we going to pretend that even one American in a hundred gives a damn about "saving" Afghanistan? We could get a much larger support for a resolution to get out of the way and let the crazy SOBs all kill each other.
     That ridiculous Obama apology really paid off, didn't it?

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One piece of common-sense advice to the current presidential office-holder re the endless applogies to murderous Islam: Shut the (bleep) up!

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I tried ... I really tried. But the first ten minutes of the Oscar telecast was all I could stand. Does anybody really watch this self-indulgent tripe any more?
     My age is showing; I even remember when Billy Crystal was funny.

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A summation of the whole Oscar fiasco from the NY Post's Page Six ...
     "Dustin Hoffman says being at the Academy Awards isn’t as glamorous as it looks. 'It’s boring,' says the star of HBO’s 'Luck' in Maxim’s March issue. 'It lasts forever. And don’t think you’re seeing spontaneous behavior. You see couples who are suddenly smooching, and, well, there’s a guy sitting on the ground with the camera at their knees' The Oscar-winner once mulled a plan to shock home viewers. 'There was one particular time I knew I wasn’t going to win,' he says, 'and when they’d train the camera on me as one of the losers, I wanted to be able to rip open my tuxedo shirt and just have stenciled on my chest, ‘Oh, [bleep]!’ But my wife wouldn’t let me do it.”

A personal "brush with greatness" story. Long ago, leaving a restaurant on New York's lower east-side after a dinner with friends ... walking back to my hotel ... I rounded a corner and bumped into a man carrying a bag of groceries, knocking it from his hands. As I stooped down to help him gather his purchases, HE apologized to ME, although the incident was clearly my fault. It was Dustin Hoffman.
     The street was dark; nobody else in sight. I guess he thought I was going to rob him.

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Perhaps our standards are so high as to invite wishful thinking, but even if we face this November's election with something less than exuberance, let us not forget: This election is first and foremost about ridding the nation of a president who is either totally incompetent or, worse yet, has sinister motives behind his actions that are a threat to the very future of this nation. One can hardly believe any alternative choice for the high office could possibly be worse.

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Andrew McCarthy of National Review Online summarizes the latest from the walking embarrassment in the White House ...
     "The New York Times reports that President Obama has sent a formal letter of apology to Afghanistan’s ingrate president, Hamid Karzai, for the burning of Korans at a U.S. military base. — 'I wish to express my deep regret for the reported incident. . . . I extend to you and the Afghani people my sincere apologies.'
      "The facts are that the Korans were seized at a jail because jihadists imprisoned there were using them not for prayer but to communicate incendiary messages."

This shameless butt-kissing of a mob of murderers was compounded by repeated further apologies from diplomats, military officers and others clearly having that agenda dictated from the White House. We have yet to hear an apology from any Afghan, from Karzia on down.
     Again: Just what are we trying to "save" in that godforsaken hell-hole? The world's leading supplier of heroin?

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Jay Leno --
     "If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates."

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Reader Bill points out a bit of presumably-unintended irony from Washington ...
     "The food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever.
     "Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to 'Please Do Not Feed the Animals' because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves."

You mean, just like PEOPLE who get stuff handed to them by the government?

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Robert Goldberg in The American Spectator evaluates Obama's professed "friendship" with Israel ...
     "The president really believes -- as a friend -- that Israel should do nothing with regard to Iran except boost its ability to defend against a nuclear attack and focus on reaching a peace treaty with the Palestinian authority. President Obama still believes that the key to neutralizing Iran and its alliance with Hamas and Hezbollah is for Israel to cut itself down to the size and shape of the Palestinians' liking.
     "What is Israel to make of the fact that as the Syrian regime continues to murder people with the help of Iranian technicians and military equipment, senior officials in the administration have said almost nothing about the killing? Instead, the administration is focusing all of its diplomatic and military acumen on discouraging Israel from doing anything to figure out ways to reduce the number of people that could be slaughtered by Iranian aggression.
     "There is one element of the effort to go after Iran that is certain: No one in Israel's chain of command believes the Obama administration will support pre-emptive military operations, whether they be against Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iran."

Again: If your personal survival and that of your country were at stake, who would you rather make decisions, Barack Hussein Obama or Benjamin Netanyahu?

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The estimable Professor Walter Williams reviews some numbers that may explain why America may have a non-competitive future ...
     "In the latest international tests administered by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, only 32 percent of U.S. students ranked proficient in math — coming in between Portugal and Italy but far behind South Korea, Finland, Canada and the Netherlands. U.S. students couldn’t hold a finger to the 75 percent of Shanghai students who tested proficient.
     "What about our brightest? It turns out that only 7 percent of U.S. students perform at the advanced level in math. Forty-five percent of the students in Shanghai are advanced in math, compared with 20 percent in South Korea and Switzerland and 15 percent of students in Japan, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Canada.
     "During my tenure as a member of Temple University’s faculty in the 1970s, I tutored black students in math. When they complained that math was too difficult, I told them that if they spent as much time practicing math as they did practicing jump shots, they’d be just as good at math as they were at basketball."
      -- Frontpage Magazine --

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Mad Mike conveys some thoughts on aging ...
          A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor's office.
"Is it true," she wanted to know, "that the medication you prescribed has to be taken  for the rest of my life?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so,"' the doctor told her.
There was a moment of silence before the lady replied, "I'm wondering, then, just how serious is my condition.
Because this prescription is marked 'NO REFILLS'."

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Jimmy Fallon --
     "A new study found that 16 percent of Americans under the age of 24 don’t have a job. There’s even a name for that group: Art History majors."
Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."