J. D. Hayworth, John McCain's defeated opponent in the Arizona Republican primary, is a very likable guy. How he managed to convince himself that his videotaped infomercial pitching a scam to get "free money" from the government would escape notice in a bitter campaign eludes me. THIS is a conservative Republican?! Naturally, McCain-the-RINO, with virtually unlimited campaign money, lambasted him for that major indiscretion--and won. Easily. So the Republicans are saddled for another six years with the two-faced McCain playing his beloved "maverick" role, even after doing a total flip-flop in the campaign to appear--emphasis on "appear"-- to be more conservative.

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The Muslim preacher we're paying to make a trip around the middle-east for vague purposes, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, has been found to have said, on tape, "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non Muslims." This is our payback for losing American lives to save Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina...in Kuwait when mass-murderer Saddam Hussein invaded...in Iraq itself, where the same Saddam and his sadistic sons amused themselves by feeding their victims into a giant woodchipper. To say nothing of all the aid delivered to Muslim nations struck by natural disasters--including Pakistan right now. It's one of the eternal verities: "No good deed goes unpunished." But we don't expect B. Hussein Obama/Soetoro to cut off the gravy train to the America-hating Imam, do we?

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Full credit to the Washington Times for pointing out some revealing numbers calculated by the Congressional Budget Office. Here's the essential fact: Obama spent more on his failed stimulus program than the cost of the entire Iraq war.

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How big a drag on Democrats is Obama? John Fund of the Wall St. Journal reports Illinois polling (by a liberal polling organization) showing that, by 40% to 26% voters there are inclined to vote AGAINST anyone Obama supports. In his home state! Democrat candidates almost everywhere are running away from the Dear Leader and doubtless realizing that putting him in the White House is the stupidest thing they've ever done.

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Memo to all political persons named Bush: stop cuddling-up with your adversaries. It's disgusting enough when George W. appears alongside the ol' Hillbilly Whorehopper in that TV "public service" spot. Now Laura plans to do a side-by-side with Michelle Obama at a 9/11 observance. Mrs. Bush, do you, like your husband, not know when you're being used? Just...stop it!! Of course, if the conversation lags, perhaps Michelle could tell Laura about her visit to the mosque in Spain that was somehow overlooked by the big U.S. media.

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It is one of the annoying vanities of liberals. Their love for the term, "Speaking truth to power." Wonder how many of them would actually do it if they knew that "Power" was likely to slap them into the middle of next week?

Lee Rodgers"...and now, if you'll excuse me..."